‹ Prequel: Weightless
Sequel: Situation Overload
Status: in progress


I'm Afraid of Losing You

Two and a half weeks had gone by, Jack only left the room to piss, and he'd taken one shower, when the doctors needed to take another look at Alex, and he wasnt allowed to stay in the room anyway. Jack's office, although sympathetic, had had to fire him. A few people had visited, only people from Alex's work, it's not like Alex had really had the chance to make many friends in Chicago.

"Alex baby come on. I'm so scared. I can't live without you. I know I did when we went to different colleges, when you finished University and I'd already moved out here, but Lex, I never stopped loving you. I didn't show it, because I thought it's what you wanted, to be separate. And yeah, I "moved on". I didn't move on. They were all nothing more than a casual fuck. I slept around to try and get rid of the aching pain in my chest, oh but I didn't know what pain was until this. I slept around, to try and get the sound of Running From Lions out of my goddamn head, and to replace it with some pathetic whore's moans. It didn't work, because I knew that what I was doing, wouldn't be what I'd be doing with you, and so it wasn't even enjoyable. I slept around to try and be the exact opposite of you, but now I have realised that opposites distract, we fall between the cracks, forget about each other til we get each other back. I don't know if you missed me, when we were apart, or now even. Maybe you'll wake up, and not want to see me. Maybe me calling after you that day I saw you come out from your interview was the worst thing that couldve happened to you. Maybe I ruined your life, twice. But I knew if I didn't go after you, I'd have regretted it. What were the chances, that something would actually go my way, and I'd run into you, in my favourite city, after just under ten years? Miniscule. I don't know if you believe in fate, but I don't, I believe in us. I'm sorry if I fucked up your fresh start, but I saw you, my one true love, and I leapt at the chance to make you mine again. That's probably my problem, I leap, when maybe the scenic route on a warm Sunday morning wouldve been best. I can't go any longer without you, I should've never let you go after high school, and I certainly should have never let you leave my apartment in such a state. It's my fault, and I know it is, just come back, love. If you come back, I'll be more honest about my feelings towards you, I'm so sick of these little games, Lex, and I'm afraid of losing you." Jack poured his heart out to his unconscious boyfriend. A week had seemed like an eternity for Jack. He wanted some cheesy miracle, he wanted Alex to burst into life, or at least to respond in some way, perhaps a single tear to roll down his cheek. Nothing, Alex didn't hear it. He was too busy trying to make sense of making sense of whyever the fuck random memories he didn't even know he'd remembered were floating around, blocking out what Jack was saying. Alex didn't even have control over his own mind, and by the sounds of it, neither did Jack.

When Jack came to terms with the fact that Alex wasn't going to respond, he screamed, and pounded his hand against the wall. His hand wasn't particularly improving, probably due to the fact that he kept hitting things with it, and also his abstinence and refusal to go to any check ups, as that would mean leaving Alex.

"I don't want to be in this world, if you're not in it with me." Jack whimpered.

Alex's phone rang, and Jack answered it.
"Hey, is that Jack? It's Vic, Alex's brother."
"Yeah, Alex is in a coma so.."
"Yeah I know, but I wanted to try something, I wanted to sing to him over the phone, because I did what he said to do, and my band really liked the songs I'd written and I wanted him to be the first one to hear us play, and I know he's unconscious, but like, yeah." Vic explained. Jack couldn't see a problem with it, and so he put the phone on speaker, and gave Vic the go-ahead.
"He kissed the scars on your skin
He still thinks you're beautiful
And he don't ever wanna lose his best friend.
He screamed out, "God, you vulture you vulture
Bring him back or take me with him."

Tear it down, break the barricade
He wants to see what sound it makes
He hates this flavor with a passion and he fucking hates the aftertaste!!

How does it feel? How does it feel?
How does it feel?
Well it feels like I'm on fire!
'Wake up, I know you can hear me'

Make him a promise here tonight, love like a tidal wave
Dreamless in early graves, he never wanted it to be this way
The chemicals will bring you home again
This is it, when it's done, we can say that,
When it's sudden death we fight back
(Oh, yeah)

'Pretend like I don't entice you
I've seen you circling the sky above my head
You traitor'

You will never be taken for granted again
Keep digging holes in the desert
Say a prayer for you

He knows that you're in pain
'But if we die at the same time does it still scare you?'

Make him a promise here tonight. Let's go!
Dreamless in early graves, he never wanted it to be this way
The chemicals will bring you home again
This is it, when it's done, we can say that,
'Oh my God we're not gonna make it'

We will bring the tidal wave
We will bring the tidal wave
We will bring the tidal wave
We will bring the tidal wave!

We will bring the tidal wave
We will bring the tidal wave
We will bring the tidal wave
And nothing will remain

'He's mine
You stay away from him
It's not his time.'
'Cause, baby, you're the one
Who haunts his dreams at night,
Until he's satisfied.

Make him a promise here tonight, love like a tidal wave
Dreamless in early graves, he never wanted it to be this way
The chemicals will bring you home again
This is it, when it's done, we can say that,
When it's sudden death we fight back!


Fuck it!"

And Alex's finger twitched. And again. His brain activity chart was going mental, and two doctors and three nurses rushed in.
"He's coming back."
"Almost surfacing."
"Mr Barakat? Get over here."

Jack stumbled to his feet, unable to believe what he was hearing. He knelt down beside Alex. Alex's hand jerked, and then his leg, and then his mouth spasmed momentarily, and ever so slowly, his eyes eased open, wincing at the sudden light and reclosing them.

"CLOSE THE FUCKING BLINDS" Jack ordered, a nurse obeyed, and the room was plunged into a darkness, with only the lights from machines giving out colour.

Alex tried to open his eyes once more, this time finding it easier. The first thing he saw was a tired, exhausted looking man, with big, blood shot eyes, and messy, blond and jet black hair, staring at him intently, and that man was beautiful, and that man was Jack.
♠ ♠ ♠
so that song bit was meant to be adapted to fit Jack and Alex's situation, like, Jack heard it different to how it was, because all Jack can think about is Alex. I don't know if you got that from how I changed it, but hopefully now you do. I got the lyrics from AZ lyrics, and they are of course to the song A Match Into Water by the incredible PTV