‹ Prequel: Weightless
Sequel: Situation Overload
Status: in progress


With Me

"Ja-ack." Alex croaked, weakly.
"Oh my fuck, Alex baby!" Jack leaned over and held Alex in a tight embrace, Alex hugged back to the best of his ability, and Jack was all sniffling and red nosed and it was the sweetest thing Alex had ever seen. Jack was, to say the least, gorgeous, little did he know Jack was thinking the exact same thing about Alex, despite how Alex had been unconscious and unable to do his hair for God knows how long, he was still unbelievably beautiful.

"I-I m-missed you." Alex stuttered.
"Oh Lexy I missed you too. Oh I'm so happy you're back." Jack was smiling so much, he couldn't hold it back.
"S-so t-tired" Alex sighed.
"Go to sleep then, darling. I don't mind, don't worry."
"D-don't go." mumbled Alex as he slipped into a peaceful sleep.

Jack watched as his love slept. He watched the way Alex moved, the changes in his facial expressions, and he couldn't find a single flaw.

"When can he come home?" Jack asked a nurse that came in to check some recovery chart.
"Probably the end of this week, if he keeps improving the way he is. We've been gradually decreasing his morphine input. and he seems to be coping with the pains just fine. He's a real fighter." she smiled at Jack, and then left as quickly as she had come.

When Alex next woke up, he asked Jack to call his mum, they had already alerted her of Alex's recovery, but Alex just didn't have the energy for a conversation at that point, especially not one with his mother, but he figured he really did owe her a call. They spoke for around 5 minutes, but then Alex got tired again.

Not to be negative, but Alex had only managed standing up, not even walking, and Jack was doubtful about being able to bring Alex home at the end of the week. It just didn't seem plausible, surely he should not be this tired, especially after being asleep for two and a half weeks anyway.

Jack, who had still, not once, left the hospital premises, was finally dozing off when he thought Alex was asleep.
"Have you been home? Since I went into the coma?" Alex asked, making eye contact with the ceiling lights as opposed to the man sitting across the room.
"..no.. I couldn't leave you, Lex. What if you'd woken up, and I wasn't here? You are the most important thing I've got going on in my life, and I wasn't just going to leave you here."

By the end of the week, to Jack's amazement, Alex had a lot more energy, and could walk wherever he needed to with little to no help, and although he went to sleep at around 8 in the evening, he usually managed to stay awake all day.

On the tuesday of the next week, Alex was allowed out, and Jack took him back to his apartment.
"Lex, so, uh, I was thinking, when you were unconscious, I said a lot of stuff, that I think you really needed to hear, and I don't know if you heard them, but they got me thinking, and I wanted to ask you something.. I know we've not been back together that long, and we argue, and we have disagreements, but I, I was thinking how great it would be, if, if you moved in with me." Jack rambled nervously, fiddling with the end of his jumper. The few moments Alex took to respond seemed like forever to Jack, doubt flooded his mind, until he heard the simple word 'yes' escape Alex's lips. And Alex pulled Jack on top of him, kissing him passionately. After a few minutes, Alex took his hand out of Jack's hair and began trying to unfasten Jack's jeans. What's going on? thought Jack, but he pushed the idea to the back of his mind, if Alex wanted it, he was going to give it. Alex eventually managed to pull Jacks trousers off, and then the same with his own. Jack took off his own t-shirt, he was straddling Alex at this point. Alex tore his own shirt off too, leaving them both panting and in their boxers, both hard. Jack didn't know what Alex wanted to do, and didn't want to push him, and so waited for Alex to initiate what was going to happen next. Alex changed their position, and took Jack's dick into his mouth, swirling his tongue around the head, and then taking him in further. Jack moaned, how Alex knew how to do this so well was a mystery, but he wasn't about to cross question him.

Jack came pretty quickly, he had, after all, been waiting for this to happen with Alex for a long time. Jack jerked Alex off, and when they were both done, they lay on Jack's bed, catching their breath.

All of a sudden, Alex got this unbearable pain in his head and passed out.

Asexual. Not interested in sex. Virgin. Bi-romantic. Repulsed asexual. No sex. Gross. Virgin forever. Asexual. No STDs when there's no sex. Completely, utterly a fucking sexual.The words flashed around in his head.

Alex woke up, sweatier than he had gone to sleep, and then he realised what had happened before he blacked out.
"Fuck. Fuck how did that happen? Shit that's disgusting." Alex muttered to himself.
"Lex? Lex what happened? What's going on? Are you alright?" Jack questioned, concerned. Was Alex having doubts about what they did?

"..You knew. You knew I was asexual. YOU KNEW AND YOU STILL LET ME DO THOSE THINGS. HOW COULD YOU??" Alex steamed, jumping to his feet and backing away from Jack.
"I thought you were over it! I thought you wanted to!" Jack defended, not really thinking about what he had said.
"I don't know how I forgot it." Alex collapsed into tears on the floor.
♠ ♠ ♠
just fyi, I am not a doctor or anything and have no idea whether people forget major stuff like that after comas or whether they remember them again later or not, it's a work of fiction and I don't mean to offend or upset anyone in any way, but yeah, thanks for reading I love you all forever<3