‹ Prequel: Weightless
Sequel: Situation Overload
Status: in progress


Girls Do What They Want

A few days had passed, Alex and Jack were fine, but that was the problem. Fine isn't what Jack and Alex are meant to be. They're meant to be this weird kind of perfect, and fine just wasn't that. Nevertheless, Alex had successfully moved into Jack and Valerie's apartment.

"Guys, Beau is coming over tonight for a Homestuck marathon, it's gonna be immense, we're making fanart, and cosplaying, and obviously reading it, but yeah so we'll probably be in the lounge all night, so I'd appreciate it if you guys could kind of stay in your room?" Valerie explained, also silently hoping that they got the jist that she didn't want them to be having another full blown argument.
"Yeah yeah yeah that's fi- wait. Who?" questioned Jack.
"Beau Bokan.. My boyfriend? You've not really met him yet though." answered Valerie, it was true, she and Beau had been dating since before Alex was in Chicago, but the two had kept to themselves pretty well.
"Beau.." recognition settled in Jack's head. Beau Bokan, the online friendship, that both thought had the potential to go further, and then the date was so incredibly dull and difficult, Jack had had to get Alex to rescue him.
"W-wait is he the one-"
"He's the one." Jack confirmed.
"What? The one? What are you on about?" questioned Valerie.
"Jack and Beau went on a d-date in year 10, they met o-online, and then the date was really awkward, so I had to get J-Jack out of there." Alex recalled. That night was his and Jack's first kiss, of course he remembered it.
"Oh. Are you sure it's the same bloke?"
"I don't know, but how many Beau Bokan's can there be? And he did look familiar when I saw him a while back.." Jack reflected.

Alex and Jack were sat on the kitchen floor, eating nutella, when the doorbell rang. Jack stood up to go and answer it.
"Hey, is Va- shit, Jack is that you?"
"Beau.. Nice to see you again.." Jack replied awkwardly.

"Hey Beau." Valerie came out of her bedroom, dressed in a tight, low cut, black and green dress, a shit tonne of incredibly detailed eye make up on, what looked like orange horns, and some thigh-high black leather boots. Jack nearly dropped his fucking nutella. Beau put his bag on the floor in the doorway, and walked over to Valerie, and whispered in her ear, Valerie giggled and then she looked at Jack and Alex, as if to say, get the fuck out of here now or I'll skin you alive, and so Jack and Alex decided to go for a walk, not really wanting to hear the Homestuck themed sex (is that even a thing? It's a thing) they were about to have.. Valerie was a weird chick, but hey, girls do what they want.

Jack and Alex held hands as they walked through the Chicago city streets, talking a lot about not really anything.
"Jack." Alex interrupted Jack's sentence, in which he was nattering on about this post he'd seen on tumblr earlier that day; when you don't have a job, you have time for things like this.
"Yeah?" Jack looked sideways at Alex, concerned about the sudden seriousness that was present on Alex's face.
"You k-know when I.. f-forgot..?" Jack nodded. "Well, I, I o-obviously m-must have enjoyed i-it, b-because I d-didn't stop y-you. I, I still don't k-know how I forgot, b-but I was thinking m-maybe we should t-try it a-again sometime. L-like 'you don't know if you hate it until you've tried' b-but like, I-I wasn't t-thinking straight when we first t-tried it.." Alex put forward his idea, mainly because he felt a bit shit, that just because he was a bit scared, Jack couldn't have what he wanted. He didn't want to be a total pushover though; if he really hated it, he wasn't just going to knuckle under whilst Jack pounded him into the mattress every night, and Jack would understand that (he hoped), but who knows, maybe it won't be too bad, and he'll be able to give Jack some pleasure, or maybe he just might enjoy it. Afterall, he did when he didn't remember his asexuality. Jack was thoroughly surprised, the men hadn't spoken about it since the night it happened, and knew they'd have to have a conversation at some point, but he really didn't expect that to be the outcome.
"..Alex I'll only do this, if you're totally one hundred percent okay with it. And if you say you are, and then want to back out, I won't get angry, you know that right? Sometimes yeah, I have outbursts, and I shout at you, and I know I shouldn't, and I always regret it, I just don't know if you know that babe. I love you so much, and I appreciate your company more than anyone's."
"I've a-always hated h-how you can create a s-speech that m-makes my h-heart melt completely on the s-spot." Alex grinned cheekily, confirming that yes, he did want to do this. For Jack, for Jalex.

That night, Jack and Alex stayed out late, walking and talking, and now they were a fuckload better than "fine". They found a bench, at around midnight, and sat, cross legged, facing each other, as deja vu from 10 years ago washed over them.
"Sing me a song, Lex. One you wrote recently."
"'If these sheets were the states and you were miles away, I'd fold them end over end, to keep you closer to me, you know I don't sleep at all, without you pressed up against me.' And l-like yeah." Alex sung the song he'd written about Jack, when they'd fallen out, just before the crash that comatosed Alex. The song detailed how no matter what, Alex wanted to be with Jack, he wanted to work things out.
"What's that about?" and Alex explained, and Jack was purely flattered that Alex cared so much about him, that he would do whatever he could to keep them together.
"I can't believe you wrote a song about me, Lex." Jack was elated- somebody cared enough to write about him.
"I've written l-loads about you m-man! I'm not g-gonna tell you all of them because s-some are not the most flattering.. But who e-else did I have to write a-about?" Alex made a fair point.

"J-jack. H-have y-you noticed t-that m-my stutter is back, since the coma? A-and it's w-worse." Alex looked really upset about it, he'd worked so hard to get rid of it, forcing himself not to, gaining confidence. Hell, he was meant to be back at work in 2 weeks. Work as in the place where he pretty much had to talk to earn money, and he couldn't even talk to his boyfriend without stuttering, nevermind a group of overly critical teens and early adults, that he already struggled to get to work hard. No-one would take him seriously if he showed up with a stutter. He was fucked. He'd get fired, and it'd be a waste of his education, which, to afford, he'd had to manage 3 part time jobs.
"Yeah, I noticed, Lex. Are you okay about it?" Jack didn't quite know how to phrase what he wanted to ask. Alex replied, staggering through his explanation about how having a stutter just wouldn't work for him, a lecturer. Jack was sympathetic, and didn't know what to advise.
"What about therapy? Like, uh, what's it called, speech pathology? Yeah. We could find a place, and you could take sessions." It was a good idea, Alex thought. Jack was smart, always had been, but not smart as in common sense, Alex couldnt understand how he risked his job, his only source of income, just so he could be with Alex as he woke.
"But i-in the meant-time. I-it d-doesn't work o-over night." Alex pointed out, growing rather upset with himself.
"We'll work it out Lexy. I promise." Jack leant down and kissed Alex. It was 1am, they were stood in the middle of a Chicago city street, the occasional car passing by, and it was fucking beautiful. The kind of beautiful you only hear of in John Green or Stephen Chbosky books, maybe the occasional romantic movie, but this was real, and it was happening to Jack and Alex, and neither of them could quite believe it. They'd both grown up thinking that yeah, one day they'd be a prince to their princess, but then high school hit them, and bang, in year seven, straight away, it was confirmed that both boys, although at different schools, were the social outcasts, the band nerds- more specifically. They would never pull anyone. Then they met each other, but then drifted, and then ten years later, in this incredible city, they met again. They'd been given a second chance, and fuck were they both glad they had it. Call it luck, call it whatever you want, but Jack and Alex stood firm at calling it love.
"I love you."
"I love you too."