‹ Prequel: Weightless
Sequel: Situation Overload
Status: in progress


Boys Do What They Can

"Okay, yep that's fantastic, thank you, see you tomorrow. Thanks again, bye!" Jack hung up as Alex walked through the door, holding the much needed grocery shopping. Normally they would have gone together, but Jack was too lazy to get the fuck out of bed.
"Who w-were you on t-the phone to?" inquired Alex.
"Speech Therapy Clinic, down on 5th. You've got an appointment tomorrow." Jack informed, and Alex's face lit up. He wanted rid of this stutter, for good, and he wanted to get started on it's removal as soon as possible.
"But how c-can we afford it?"
"I got a job."
"as what?" Alex asked, confused.
"Your teaching assistant. You teach me, I teach the kids, until your stutter is a lot less. You sit in the front of the class still, you still do the marking, and the lesson planning, but we say you're still recovering, which is why I'm doing most of the physical teaching. Dr Geller thought it was a fantastic idea." Jack explained, proud of himself.
"B-but you have n-no qualifications l-like t-that?.."
"A couple of fake documents, some forged signatures.." Jack trailed off, grinning as he saw how happy this made Alex. Alex pretty much dropped all the groceries, and ran over to where Jack was sat, and climbed onto his lap, straddling him.

Alex broke away from the kiss-
"Let's d-do it now."he proposed, Jack, of course, agreed, and carried Alex into their bedroom, bridal style.

Clothes were removed slowly, this wasn't going to be rough, hard, dirty sex, it was going to be making love.

Jack pretty much led the way, you know, with Alex having a much greater lack of knowledge in this area, it kind of made sense.

When it reached the point where both men were fully naked, Jack was hard, and Alex was hardly half. Jack took it upon himself to try and get Alex started by giving him a handjob. It took a few minutes, and Alex really had to concentrate on how attractive the man touching him truly was, and eventually, they were both hard, and, due to the natural sciences of the male body, they needed a release. Alex mimicked what Jack had been doing to him on himself, slowly, as Jack leant backwards and took something out of the draw. Then Jack pulled Alex onto him, and kissed him hard, and slipped a lubricated finger inside Alex. Alex scrunched his face up, it was uncomfortable. It didn't hurt, but it didn't feel good. Not one bit. Jack moved his finger around briefly before adding a second. This felt better to Alex, but it was still uncomfortable. Jack thought Alex was stretched enough, and so he removed his fingers. The sudden loss of Jack's fingers was somewhat disappointing to Alex. A part of him really needed Jack inside of him. Jack took a moment to cover his dick in lube, and then, with his dry hand, held Alex's hand. Jack kissed him softly, and slowly pushed in. Alex cried out in pain at the sudden intrusion.
"Shh baby it's gonna be okay, do you want me to stop?" Jack comforted.
"N-no. I n-need to do th-this." Alex confirmed, and Jack began to move, knowing from experience that it's much less painful if only he could find that spot-
"Ahh ahh ah oh my f-fuck." Alex closed his eyes as he finally got some relief from the pain. He didn't know what Jack had done, but it felt much much more okay than before. Jack pulled out slightly, and pushed in again, hitting that bundle of nerves band on. Alex was just so tight, and it was really fucking hot.
Alex started shaking a bit, and he bit his lip, and then came as Jack touched him, and as his orgasm shuddered through him, he bit his lip harder, so hard it bled. Watching Alex come, was incredibly attractive, as you can all imagine, and so shortly after, Jack came inside Alex. They both collapsed back onto the bed, breathing heavily.

"Was that.. okay?" Jack asked. Obviously he had enjoyed it, it was the best orgasm he had had in, well, probably forever, but he would still feel guilty if he got pleasure Alex completely detested.
"Uhm. It h-hurt a bit, b-but then something happened a-and it didn't hurt, it felt o-okay, and you kept doing it a-and it got better. I, I didn't m-mind it, a-and I think I can g-get used to doing f-for you. Like it wasn't t-terrible." Alex explained, to the best of his ability.

In all honesty, Jack was kind of hoping for some sort of miracle, where it turns out Alex actually loves sex, but he didn't, and Jack would accept him for that, of course, and had absolutely no intention of using him for sex in the future, because although Alex said he'd get used to doing it for Jack, Jack didn't want to have that on his head.

The next day, at one o clock, Jack and Alex headed out of the apartment and made their way to 5th avenue, for Alex's appointment, and once they got there, Alex practically skipped through the door.
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i'm sorry it's short gahh