Stay With Me

Chapter Ten - The Finale Flashback

"Katia look out!" I heard Finn scream.
But it was too late. I heard the impact of the metal against the wood.. and an instant later I felt the worst pain imaginable. I tried to move. I tried to open my eyes.. but I couldn't. I couldn't see. I couldn't see.
It felt like eternity before life wiggled back into my arms and hands, but it was just a few seconds.
I reached to wipe my face, to clear my eyes so I could see. I looked at my hand. It was blood. It was running from my chest to my face. That's when I realized the car was upside down. We had flipped over after we hit the.. the..
"Finn!" I screamed. "Finn! Finn are you okay? Answer me! Please Answer me!"
She was still in the truck, hanging upside down just like me. I saw her move her head as if she were trying to look at me.
"Katia.. I.." the whisper was barely a sound. Had I not seen her lips move I might have questioned if she ever spoke at all.
"Finn, please Finn," I cried. "Please don't leave me. Please. Please!"

She was silent still.

"Please Finn," I sobbed, "I need you. I love you."

I had reached my hand out to her, I needed her to know I was there. I needed to feel the warmth of her skin. My fingers clenched at her sweatshirt, my favorite one she wore.. but the fabric was stained red now, covered in her blood.

I felt the edges of my vision get hazy. It was done.. it was all over.
But then a hand grabbed my own. I knew it's hold, it was her, my darling Finn.

"Please," I begged, "Please stay with me."

I turned to face her once more, and I could see a faint smile on the edge of her lips.


And then her hand went limp.