Stay With Me

Chapter Two - Last Fall

The cool fall air was comfortable, to say the most. Not too cold that I was shivering, but cold enough that I needed to wear a sweatshirt.
Finn was tucked under my arm, leaning against me for support. The smell of the burning wood filled the whole clearing, and conversations and laughter filled the air. Beside me, Sadie plucked away at a song on an out-of-tune guitar.
"Damn it," she cursed under her breath, playing yet another wrong chord.
"Try the E chord." I corrected her.
"Try the E chord. Meh meh meh.." She mimicked back, but did it anyways.
I smiled, just a bit.
Finn shifted, and I looked down at her. Her beautiful hazel eyes stared back.. oh those eyes, they were never far from my mind.
I leaned my head down and kissed her lightly on her forehead.
"Damn it all to hell!" Sadie griped. "Here," she said, shoving the guitar in my direction, "You play."
I shook my head, trying to pass but Finn interveened.
"Please?" She begged. "Please for me?"
I sighed loudly, maybe a little bit too dramaticly. "Fine." I took the guitar from Sadie and began to play.
I noticed then that the noise had stopped. Everyone turned to watch, everyone was silent to hear.
A few chords in, I began to sing.
"Wrap your hands around my fingers.. love, hold me closely tonight."
I turned to Finn. A smile played at the edge of her lips, and I couldn't help but stare in utter awe at her.
"Don't let go," I continued, "Please don't let go. If you stay I'll make everything alright."
I finished the song, and everyone clapped.
"There's always that one douchebag who brings there guitar to a bonfi-"
"Hey!" Sadie interupted, "That's MY guitar."
"So as I was saying-" everyone started laughing.
I set the guitar down and leaned it against the log I was sitting on. I turned back to Finn, and wrapped both of my arms around her.
"I love you," I said. "Have I told you yet today?"
She smiled. "I think it's been mentioned once or twice, yeah."
I leaned in and kissed her lips gently. "Never hurts to be thorough."