Stay With Me

Chapter Three - Present Day

I woke up to a lady in white taking my vitals.
"Goodmorning sleeping beauty." She said in a too cheerful voice. "How did you sleep?"
She removed the cuff from my arm and I sat up. "Shitty."
She gave me a disapproving look. "Sorry," I mumbled. "Not too good."
"Nightmares?" she asked.
"Any thoughts of harming yourself or others?"
She checked both my arms one more time before heading out of the room.
I looked down at my arms once she left.
The scars from the accident were the prominent detail, but if one could look further, past the jagged purple lines, beneath you could see hundreds and hundres of perfectly parallel scars.
They crossed both of my arms, intersecting at some points, lining up at others. I shook my head.
More of the past I want to forget. The reason I'm here, locked up like an animal.
No. That wasn't true.
I was here because I was a coward.
I was here because I wanted to give up.
I was here because after the car accident I was too afraid to live.