Stay With Me

Chapter Five - Present Day

My eyes flew open, and I pulled myself from the flash back.
Finn stood in the doorway, hands on her hips looking at me as if I had two heads.
"What?" I asked, suddenly self conscious.. was my hair a mess? Did I have something on my face?
"I've been standing here, for TWO WHOLE MINUTES talking about the traffic jam on the highway and you heard NOTHING?" Her face melted into a smile that told me she was kididng.
I sighed. "I'm sorry. I was just thinking."
Finn didn't ask what about, my best guess is that she already knew anyways.
The horror and sadness on my face must have given it all away.
She sat down on the floor this time.
"The staff won't let me bring you any food." She said, scowling. "They act as if I'm going to sneak you in a razor." Her eyes widened. "Or maybe.. weed.. because.. you know I'm into that."
I laughed at this, I laughed hard.
Months before.. before Valley Line, before the accident, she and I had been laying together in her room when her dad flew up the stairs, hollering about the 'pot' that he had found in her suitcase.
With a straight face she looked at him, and he glared back.
"Dad," she had said, "That's catnip."
No sooner had she said that her cat Nala jumped down from her perch on the shelf, and sat expectantly in front of Finns dad.
I laughed at the memory. Finn must have been thinking it too, because she shook her head and said "I still don't know if he believed me. But he must have, because he never kicked me out."
I looked at her and smiled.
"What?" she asked. "IT WAS THE TRUTH!"
"I know," I said, still laughing.
We were quiet for a moment.
"One time a somebodies parents snuck them in a needle and syringe."
Finns eyes widened. "As in like..?"
"Yeah, heroin."
She was quiet again.
"They found the girl in the bathroom on the floor. They carried her right past this door in a body bag.." I knew I shouldn't have, but I said it anyways, "Sometimes I wish it would've been me."
Finn sighed. I turned to her and her hazel eyes looked sad. They looked heartbroken.
"Don't say that," she whispered. "I can't imagine what I'd do if you died. I know that it sounds selfish but if all else fails stay alive for me."
I closed my eyes for a moment, and took a deep breath.
This wasn't the first time I had said something like this to Finn. She always countered it with that. Nothing but that. And it always worked. Selfish or not, she made me want to stay.
When I opened my eyes again Finn had crossed the room to the picture window.
"It's raining." She said.
I looked past her out the window, too. Yes, in fact, it was raining. The sky was dark gray, the clouds looked ominous and scary. Rain pelted against the glass.
"I love storms." Finn spoke. "There's something about them that just.. just.. I don't know."
I nodded, I understood. "They're just beautiful in the most twisted sense."

Hours later, Finn looked up at the clock. She looked at me sadly.
"It looks like it's time for me to leave, darling."
♠ ♠ ♠
So.. I know how random the catnip story was- but it did actually happen to a really good friend of mine and I couldn't help but put it somewhere. :P