Stay With Me

Chapter Seven- Present Day

My eyes fluttered open as the morning light streamed through the windows. I looked at the clock on the wall. I knew I should get up and begin my day, but I felt no will to move. In fact, I felt as if something was pulling me deeper into the covers.
That dream, I thought to myself. Why that dream?
I knew why. Why because that's what my life has become - A constant reminder of what I did.
But still, why couldn't I just forget? Why couldn't I be like those people who go through trauma just to erase it from their memory completely? They are lucky. They may not know it but they are.

What felt like hours later the nurse came in. As she took my vitals a took a peek at the clock. Hours? More like minutes. She put the equipment away and gave me a smile and a pat on the head. Then she left, leaving me alone again.
I continued to lay in my bed. I just couldn't move. I felt like a cold, lifeless coprse.

coprse.. corpse.. cor..