Stay With Me

Chapter Eight - Last Fall

I felt as though I were a corpse. I was awake but I could not move. I couldn't even open my eyes. There was a beeping noise beside me. Not just any beeping noise, the annoying, monotone beep found in hospital rooms.
Hospital rooms..
As if that were the magic word my eyes flew open.
"Katia!" A voice beside me explaimed.
I shifted my eyes to look at my mother. She sat in a plastic chair and her face was as white as a ghost.
"Oh darling," she whispered. "Nurse! Nurse!"
The nurse came into the room fast enough that I wondered if she had been standing outside the door waiting for my mothers call.
"Hello dear," she said "I'm Allena. Are you feeling any pain? Any discomfort?"
I thought for a moment.. was I? I didn't know.
"Why am I here?" I ask.
I saw my mothers face tighten, but Allena looked at ease.
"You were in a car accident. A bad one. You are lucky you made it out alive."
A car accident? I pulled at my memory. Why couldn't I remember.. Wha-
It hit me.
The car swerving. The innocent look in the girls eyes. The sound of the metal hitting metal.
".. with one fatality.." she continued, but I didn't hear.
Finn, I thought. Oh my darling Finn. We had been at the bonfire. We left and the car .. I swerved.. I hit an oncoming car. I could still remember the look of fear in the girls eyes. Her hazel eyes were screaming..
Finn had screamed my name. She told me to look out.
But it was too late. It was too late and I killed that girl.
I killed her.