A Tale From My So-called Life


I walked from my locker into home base trying to decide if I should do my friendly smile act or my “I’m-so-tired” act. I slipped past Dani’s locker, hoping she wouldn’t see me and start fussing over Kevin again. Gosh, it was as if she never shut up!
I slumped down into my seat in the back and started to reach for my book of the week, as Dani and Sam called it, but suddenly, something smacked into the back of my head.
Dani appeared from behind me and sat in her seat next to me. “Don’t touch your book! You’re always reading or dozing off into some place no one else seems to know of. And anyways, I want to know if you have plans this weekend because you have got to come over and see my room!”
I thought for a minute and, with a sweep of relief, realized that Kyle would be coming over that Friday with Chase so that he could finally meet Kaylee.
“Um… I’m really sorry, but my mom is making me baby-sit tonight so her and my dad can have a special night out,” I said.
Dani’s smile seemed to vanish into thin air.
“Oh, ok. I guess I’ll ask Niki or Marideth to come over then.”
I quickly grabbed my book while she was distracted with thoughts of disappointment. I was just getting to the best part, where the main character ran away from her home to be released of the pressure of her family, when “he” came gliding through the door.
Kevin walked up to Mr. Lee and asked him something I couldn’t understand.
“Ohmmagod! Look at his shirt! Isn’t that from last year or something?” Dani continued on about how he looked, but I was held by his gaze as he looked my way.
He started towards me and my heart pace quickened. His deep, sea blue eyes barred into mine as I started to hyperventilate. As he passed my desk, a note fell on to the always empty chair next to me.
I gently picked it up as if it would disappear with the surreal walls that once held me together. I glanced over at Dani and she had fallen silent, staring at Josh, the new meat she wanted this month.
The first bell rang and everyone sprang up from their seat as if they had been tied down to their hard backed chairs. I swept my eyes over the room to see if Kevin was in there still, but he had disappeared yet again.
I secretly reached into my pocket, half expecting the note to have vanished and to have been one of my multiple daydreams of him.
I pulled something out, and there it was, his note staring up at me from my sweating hands. On the cover was his fancy script.
Ema, My Darling.