Come Fly With Me

We'll Fly, We'll Fly Away

Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.

The noise of the heart monitor permeates the room, it's an almost sinister sound. Every nurse and doctor on the floor of the hospital knows, today is the day. Even the patient lying lethargically in the bed knows, today is the day. But the little girl smiles to herself, even though eshe knows today is the day. She's not sad or scared, really she's relieved. She's been in so much pain for what seems like so long, and she got everything she wanted in the end. So maybe she wouldn't grow up and be prom queen, and she wouldn't be the mind that cured cancer, ironically enough, but as she listened to that sinister beeping noise that was monitoring her heartbeats as they got slower, she couldn't help but smile. Yes, she was glad that today would be the day.

Today would be the day she died.

She clung tightly to the white teddy bear that was worn and old. It had been a gift from her father, when he was still alive. It was hard for her to believe that a whole year had passed since her parents had been killed. She was told,as she was stuck laying in the hospital bed with the sinister beeping machine, that the drunk driver that had run them over as they were crossing the street, returning to the hospital from getting dinner, and bringing her back her favorite kind of pizza. The day they died had been the anniversary of her diagnosis. She'd made it through one year, and as of yesterday she'd made it through two.

Her diagnosis had been fatal, or maybe it was the disease that was fatal, but either way it meant she would die. They told her parents that really, it was just a matter of time. It could be a year, it could be two, hell it may be ten but she would die from this disease and they couldn't stop it. It started with the headaches. Now at nine years old she might have been pretending to have headaches to get out of doing things so, for a while her parents held off on taking her to the doctor. But one night when Wendy woke up screaming in pain, Mr. and Mrs. Darling had to take her to the hospital.

The tumor, the doctors had said, was inoperable. Even if they could operate on it, it would come back and Wendy's headaches wouldn't stop. They explained to the Darlings that this tumor would kill her. They would start Wendy on Chemo and admit her to the Children's wing of the hospital.

As the year progressed Wendy got worse. She started having hallucinations and fantasies. Imagining that she had two brothers named John and Michael. She would tell "John and Michael" stories of "Peter Pan" who one day would take her to Neverland so she could see the mermaids.

The little girl closed her eyes one last time, and the sinister machine gave one last, low, long beep.