Status: Updates when possible.

Hurry Up and Grab Your Guts Before the Walkers Do.

Keep Holding On.

I was lucky, all my life my brother had been there to take care of me. He protected me from all the wrong in the world, he received the blows aimed at me. He always put me first. I couldn’t ask for a better companion in life, he always had my back and I his. I truly hope he found me as reliable as I him. The horrors in the life before, even now, weren’t as horrible thanks to Jack. He made it seem like everything was going to be okay and that no one or anything would ever hurt me, again. I shuddered at the thought, the past was something I chose not to think of. I needed to focus, this hunt was essential to our survival. Coming back empty-handed was not an option.

Stealthily I headed towards the direction where we had heard the sound of leaves rustling. Maybe it’ll be a deer, hopefully. I had my bow armed and ready to go just in case if I needed to make a quick shot. Nearing the sound, I realized something immediately. The sound wasn’t singular but multiple, more like an overall noise. I froze in my spot confused, what would cause that? I doubted there would be a herd of any type animal especially with the roamers snapping their jaws at any living thing.

Curiosity took over. What the hell could be making that? As I approached the ruckus I yet again froze in place. My hand flew to cover my mouth to prevent the scream from escaping. I was wrong there was most definitely a herd, a herd of roamers, and it was headed my way. I must have stood there for a long time because before I knew it one of those monsters neared me and lunged. The undead man gripped at my shirt and it tore as I yanked myself out of his grasp. Using my bow I shot the roamer in the head and took off back to where Jack was, to warn him. The roamers were closing in and they were doing it fast.

I narrowly escaped their grasps clumsily falling ever so often. If they get me I die, and I can’t do that to Jack. He’s already lost too much. My body felt like it was attached to cinder blocks, my movements were heavy and sloppy. Run to Jack. Do not give up, if you don’t warn him then he may die. Those words to myself encouraged me to push against the exhaustion. Jack first and me last. I had to prevail for him. My body moved as fast as it could considering its lack of a decent meal and sleep.

I neared the area where I had left Jack and saw that it was swamped. Jack was nowhere to be found. I was trapped. Turning around in a circle I saw the dead swarming me. Quickly, without thinking, I darted through the herd trying to get ahead. I felt some grab my flannel shirt and pull me back. “Ahh!!” I screeched feeling them yank at my hair. I pulled my flannel off letting them take it and miraculously maneuvered out of their grasp. Adrenaline pumped my veins, I grabbed my pocket knife and stabbed the walkers getting in my way, doing the best I could to get out of the center of the mob.

I looked ahead and noticed it seemed clear. I couldn’t pause or hesitate because doing so would cost me my life. I had to hurriedly decide what to do: look for Jack in the herd and possibly die, or live to look for him another day. The second option seemed to be the better choice so I went with it.

The adrenaline had now left. My body struggled to keep moving. All my limbs burned and ached. My eyes had a hard time seeing in the dark. I couldn’t tell a tree apart from a roamer if it came down to it. I looked back for a split second to see how far back the mob was. Squinting my eyes did nothing to aid my endeavor. My foot got caught in a root slamming my head into a tree and sending my body down a sloped hill. I was vaguely aware of myself rolling to a stop against the rough base of a tree. Everything around me faded into nothingness.

…I went in and out of consciousness. It felt as if I was a buoy, moving up and down with the ocean… There were strong hands holding my limp body… Maybe it was Jack. Had he found me? Oh, god please if you exist let it be Jack…Then slowly my mind lost all sense of thought and streamed back into oblivion…
“Where was she?” A feminine voice asked.
“In tha’ woods.” A man grunted.
“Are you sure it’s a good idea to bring her here. Shane will have a fit,” said the woman.
“What did ya’ want me ta’ do? Leave ‘er out there to get eaten by those geeks?” The man shouted enraged.
“No, you did right by me. Look at her she’s only a girl. Let’s bring her to Hershel and see if he can help her, she’s severely injured.” A third voice said.

My eyes fluttered open. It was night outside but the lights of a house in the distance made the surrounding area partially visible. Hands were wrapped tightly around my body. Holding me was a scruffy man in his late thirties with shaggy brown hair and, what I think were blue eyes. I wasn’t sure if I was seeing correctly, my vision was so blurry. I groaned as the pain in my body was no longer numb. There was horrible throbbing in my head and aches all over my body.

“Where’s Jack?” I croaked. There was a blond woman and man walking with the guy carrying me. “I’m sorry but there’s no Jack here. Daryl found you in the woods miss. We’re taking you to Hershel, this is his farm, so he can take a look at you. I’m Rick and this is Andrea.” He announced. Finally the realization of the situation at hand sunk in. This was really happening, I was separated from Jack and in the hands of strangers. “What are you going to do to me?” I asked frightened and feebly trying to get out of the man named Daryl’s grasp. “Stop moving ya’ dumb girl. We ain’t gonna hurt ya’. If that was our intention we woulda done it by now.” Daryl tightened his grip on me harshly.

I yelped out in pain feeling tears form in my eyes. “Daryl don’t be so rough, she’s scared and confused. Miss we aren’t gonna hurt you we are trying to help you.” Rick said calmly and kindly. My body relaxed at his words. He seemed to be telling the truth. We were nearing a farmhouse, it was only a couple meters away. Something about that house seemed awful familiar. Then it all clicked together. “Did you say Hershel?” I said hoarsely. My voice rough due to dehydration. “Yes, why do you know him?” Rick asked.

A small weight lifted off my chest, Hershel my uncle was alive. I had made it to my family without even trying. As much as I felt relief, I felt anguish. I would rather have Jack by my side than anybody else. The tears returned and I was now sobbing as we entered the house. I thrashed against Daryl’s grip and landed on the wooden porch steps with a thud. “Stupid bitch I’m tryin’ ta’ help ya!” Daryl shouted grabbing me by the arm and lifting me up. Pain shot up leg as I looked down I noticed gashes all over my body along with bruises.

“Let go! I need to find Jack! He’s out there all alone. He needs me, we’ve already lost too much. I can’t lose him too!” I tried to pull away from his harsh grip but he wouldn’t let go. “What’s all this commotion?” I immediately stopped my struggling and snapped my head to the man who talked. The old man froze once his gaze fell upon me. “Belle?” he whispered. “Uncle Shell!” I limped towards the man and wrapped my arms around his neck.

“Oh honey, we thought we lost you.” He breathed in my hair. He held me in a warm embrace not letting go for a long time. I cried, “I was with Jack, he’s lost Uncle Shell. He’s in the woods all alone. I need to find him!” “So you two are related?” Rick asked Hershel interrupting my hysterics. “Yes she’s my estranged sister’s daughter, my niece.” I noticed that the blond woman from earlier, Andrea, and Daryl were both gone. It was just us three. “Belle you can’t go looking for him. You are injured and it is also too dark to go searching for him. You need to wait.” Hershel demanded.

Suddenly my vision started blurring once again and all I could see were black dots dancing around. I felt my body go limp, luckily someone was there to break my fall.
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Hope you enjoyed. I've been working really hard on this story so far. Please comment and subscribe! Thanks for reading. :)

Title Credit: Avril Lavigne - Keep Holding On