Status: Updates when possible.

Hurry Up and Grab Your Guts Before the Walkers Do.

Too Beautiful.

Several hours later….

Maybe Hershel was right. I would end up getting too attached, but it was out of my control. My heart felt what it wanted and I had no say in the matter. Just the fact that these people were nice and willing to coexist with us made me like them. It was a rare thing to meet decent people even before the apocalypse and now it was an anomaly. We would probably never encounter such generous people willing to do anything to pitch in and survive together. If they had been others they probably would have taken the farm and killed us, or worse.

I knew I had just arrived and still hardly knew them but they evoked some strange emotion in me. Never had I been a fan of others but they eased me and it was something I wanted to enjoy. Maybe Hershel would understand if I had a talk with him? Maggie and I could convince him, hopefully. But before I could plan any further a gunshot pierced the silence. Hershel ran back to the room panicked. “Outside.” I gestured to the direction of the noise. We both ran scared of what could have happened. Where we under attack? By walkers or people?

Everybody else inside the house followed us, we all halted by the RV. Hershel was in the lead. “What the hell’s going on out here?” He demanded. Andrea and Dale instead of answering ran off into the field where it appeared the others were. I could faintly make out the faces. My heart slammed against my chest harshly as soon as I spotted Daryl being carried. There was something about Daryl, maybe it was the fact that he saved me and reunited Jack and me, but there was a connection between us. It didn’t make sense and my feelings were irrational. It was probably due to lack of male contact, my overactive hormones taking control, yeah that had to be it.

We were all scared but were slightly relieved when we realized Daryl was fine and Andrea had shot him thinking he was undead. Hershel on the other hand was seething. Daryl had borrowed a horse without asking and that a weapon was fired after he had blatantly told the group about his disapproval of them on his farm.

I walked in the direction of the house with the intent of aiding Hershel in fixing Daryl up but a firm hand held me back. Turning around I saw Jack look at me with disapproval. “What do you planning on doing?” he asked sternly. “Helping,” I ripped myself from his grasp. “That’s not a good idea Belle. I don’t want you getting attached then being disappointed when Hershel kicks em’ out.” Jack was starting to piss me off. “Seriously Jack leave me alone. Plus didn’t you say us staying here was only temporary, if they leave maybe we could join them? Strength in numbers.” I suggested.

He paused contemplating what I just said. “I changed my mind. It’s better if we stay here, with family.” He said the last word awkwardly. I was beyond shocked. “You changed your mind and didn’t tell me? Why?” “I thought it was what you wanted,” he shrugged. At that moment I realized he was right. I was exhausted, moving from place to place was killing me and I couldn’t take it anymore. The fact that Jack had changed his mind for me melted my heart. No longer irritated I sighed, “You’re right. Thanks Jack.” He placed his hand on my shoulder once again and led me back to the house. “Go help Hershel, just remember what I told ya and be careful,” he walked off into our room.

Entering the only vacant room in the house I saw Daryl perched on the bed sideways with Hershel stitching his side up. Sprawled in from of him was a map and he was talking to Rick and showing him locations on it.

Immediately I felt awkward and out of place. Daryl seemed to be top shape and would be up and running in no time. Hershel slightly turned to me and frowned. “Do you need any help?” I meekly asked. Daryl’s attention was immediately on me. I felt the blush creeping up on my cheeks turning me red. The warm tingling in my neck indicated that it was clearly visible. I scratched my neck uncomfortably waiting for Hershel’s response. “No Belle I’m just about done. I’m sure I can find something else for you to do once I’m done here.”

I nodded anxious to get out. I mean what had I been thinking? Daryl must think I’m such a kid crushing on him. Before I turned to leave I caught a glimpse of his torso and froze. All over his skin where faint scars littered around. They weren’t very noticeable due to the filth caking his body but I had seen scars like those several times before. On me.

“Whatcha starin’ at girl? Didn’t cha’ hear ya not need ere’ so get the hell outta here!” Daryl snapped furiously catching me staring. I caught a fleeting glance in his face searching for an answer before I rushed out embarrassed. Millions of thoughts were racing in my mind. He was just like me. Or was?

“Stupid clumsy bitch! Don’t you know how to hold a goddam thing without dropping it?” The sound of her hand colliding with my face rang loudly in the silent kitchen. I fell onto the shattered plate due to the harsh unexpected contact. Tears clouded my vision making it difficult for me to see her feet before they smacked into my face.

The stinging was unbearable. My body was digging into the glass cutting with ease. She continued to kick me and at some point jumped onto my stomach pushing the glass deeper into my skin. Blood started seeping from my wounds coating the floor. The pain was too unbearable, I prayed silently for blackness to take over. It never did.

“You’re such an ugly piece a shit. No wonder your daddy left us. He couldn’t stick around to look at such an ugly slut like you!” My eyes were shut, maybe I could dream myself up into space, be anywhere but here. I could hear her rifling maniacally through drawers and grunt with satisfaction once she found what she was searching for. Curiosity took over and I opened my eyes instantly regretting it. In her hand grasped with malicious intent was a chef’s knife.

“Belle are you alright?” Maggie asked snapping me out of my trance. I shuddered at the horrific memory. “Me? Oh yeah I’m alright.” I lied still thinking about the past. Shuddering once more as I walked away dazed.
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This chapter took me a lot longer than I'd like to write. I had major writers block and almost gave up but inspiration suddenly appeared. I hope you enjoyed this chapter, I worked really hard on it. Thanks for reading. :)

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Title Credit: Too Beautiful - He is We