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Hurry Up and Grab Your Guts Before the Walkers Do.

Break Even

Jack’s P.O.V.

I was laying on the bed trying to get some rest. My body ached due to no respite. This was the first time I had been able to relax in almost a year. Finally Belle and I were safe. Closing my eyes I beckoned for sleep to take me over.

“Jack.” A light knock on the door made me jump. I landed on the floor with a loud thud. The door slowly inched open and a head peered in. “I’m so sorry to bother you but I think there’s something wrong with Belle.” Maggie apologetically informed me. By the way her forehead creased I could tell she was worried.

“Was she attacked?” I asked getting up and trying to shove her out of the way to find Belle. She held tightly onto my bicep stopping me. “No, she’s fine physically at least. It’s just I went outside for some fresh air and I noticed her spacing out. When I asked her if she was okay and she said yes but the way she just looked right through me. It was creepy. I really think you should go check up on her and see if she’s okay.”

My body went rigid. “Fuck! Not again.” I punched the wall next to Maggie’s head causing her to flinch. “Sorry, I gotta go.” I roughly shoved her out of my way to search for Belle. If my hunch was right she was experiencing her PTSD again. The flashbacks had stopped for a while but now I was certain they would never really go away.

It was all my fucking fault. I had left her to start my life but I didn’t realize the horrible mistake I had committed. In the five years I was gone she had been hurt and abused. She always denied it and told me I had saved her before it started but I knew that was a lie. The evidence was obvious as it littered her body. She thought she had hidden the scars from me but I could see, they were easily detectable to the trained eye.

Maybe Hershel knew where she was? I went into the room and saw him finishing his job on the man named Daryl. As soon as my gaze fell upon his body I froze. His scars, that was the trigger. “Was Belle here?” I asked knowing what his answer would be. “Yes.” Hershel nodded. Daryl noticed me staring and growled.

“Did she.. Did she see your scars?” I asked hesitantly not wanting to anger him. “How the hell am I ‘sposed to know?” He jeered. I covered my face with my hands and moaned in anguish. “Oh no, fuck! Fuck! She saw them, she had to.”

“What’s wrong Jack?” Hershel asked holding onto my shoulder in a comforting manner. I brushed him off. “I need to find Belle before she gets hurt or worse kills herself.” I darted out of the house in a rush. I knew when she got like this she couldn’t be alone. Her mind cracks and she becomes numb. The flashbacks continue without a stop. She relives the pain over and over again.
God I hope she hasn’t done anything stupid, not like the last time. Not again.

Belle’s P.O.V.

“You’re so fucking stupid. Can’t even walk on a flat surface without falling.” I was kneeling on the concrete floor of the garage. She leered at me and preceded to kick me in the back of my head. My face came in contact with the rough floor. “I shoulda just aborted you like I planned. You’re a useless piece a shit!” She grabbed me by the hair and yanked me up. “Ahh!”

She decked me with her other hand then roughly dropped onto the ground. “Aww, the poor baby is crying. Look at all those tears. Haha,” she mocked. The kicks, slaps, and punches continued in an endless rhythm. One more kick to the face and a loud crack resonated along with a bloodcurdling scream that belonged to me. Blood gushed from my newly broken nose.

“Please stop.” I whimpered breathless. “Aww poor baby can’t take it? Well too bad. This is only beginning.” She cackled rummaging through a toolbox. Once her hands landed on a philips screw driver she turned to me happily. “Now the real fun can begin.” With slow calculated movements she circled around my crumpled form. “Where to start, where to start,” She mumbled tapping her lower lip. “Oh, I know now.” She plunged the tool into my abdomen and viciously twisted it. My deafening screams relentlessly continued without letup.

“Belle!” Jack shouted. My head flinched at the contact as he pulled me into an embrace. My body went limp as I sobbed. “Please, make it stop!” I screamed. He picked me up bridal style and cradled me as he ran towards the house.

Jack’s P.O.V.

Belle thrashed against my arms wildly trying to get out. Tears streamed down her face as she screamed over and over again. I had to quiet her down soon or she’d attract every walker within radius. I jumped over the steps of the porch and ran inside looking for Hershel. Everybody immediately rushed towards us in panic due to Belle’s agonizing cries. “Was she bit?” Several people asked. “No!” I barked. “She’s having a flashback, she has Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.” I informed Hershel quietly trying to get Belle away from the prying eyes.

Hershel grabbed my arm and led me to the bathroom. “We need to immerse her in cold water to try and interrupt it. Maggie bring me the tray of ice cubes.” Hershel ordered. He turned on the faucet as cold as it’d go and started filling the tub up. Still holding Belle I slammed the door roughly not wanting people to witness my sisters breakdown. It wasn’t something that pertained to them so they needn’t see.

Maggie returned a short while later and quickly left the room knowing I preferred privacy. Once the tub was full Hershel dumped all the ice cubes in and felt the temperature. “Perfect now just put her in.” She was still thrashing but more feebly now. I dropped her in the freezing water. The water splashed around hitting us. Belle’s eyes fluttered open and she looked around frightened and perplexed.

I knelt down to her side and pulled her out of the tub and into my arms. Not caring if I got wet, I rubbed her back soothingly. “Bee it’s ok. It was only a flashback you’re safe. No one is going to hurt you, I’m here. I’ll never leave you. I promise.” I kissed her head repeatedly trying to calm her down. Her rigid body relaxed into me. She wrapped her frail arms around my neck and sobbed into my chest. My eyes locked with Hershel and he nodded leaving to give us space.

Belle’s P.O.V.

It was only a memory. A petrifying memory but just that. It wasn’t actually happening, I was safe for the moment in Jack’s arms. “Baby girl you need to tell me about it. What happened?” Jack whispered. I pulled away from him looking into his dark blue orbs. My vision blurred from more tears forming. I shook my head frantically. “Please, I can’t,” I choked between another sob. He wrapped his arms around me tightly and lifted us off the floor. He carried me out of the bathroom and into our room. My wet clothes clung tightly to my skin, I shivered from the cold water. On the bed folded neatly were a pair of pajamas, I’m assuming Maggie brought them for me.

“Want me to change you or would you like a moment alone to do it yourself?” Jack asked begrudgingly. Despite the episode I just experienced all I wanted was to be alone. “I can do it myself. Can you just go eat something? I’d really appreciate sometime to myself please.” I whispered. Jack looked at me searching for something in my eyes and nodded once satisfied.

He pecked my check then left the room. Once the door was closed I peeled of the wet clothes and changed into the pajamas Maggie had left me. Not wanting to just sit around in the room, I riffled through Jack’s bag for my knives and stealthily left the room. It wasn’t very difficult to sneak off unnoticed since they were all gathered around the table eating dinner. Jack looked incredibly uncomfortable, I left quickly before anyone noticed me.

I didn’t want anybody fussing over me, it only made me feel worse. They’d pry for answers when all I wanted to do was forget. The memories were too vivid and painful to think about. I walked towards the side of the house and sat on the ground leaning against the wall. The only good think about the apocalypse was the night. Now that all the lights were off, the stars shone brightly and beautifully.
I was so mesmerized by the stars I didn’t notice the limping figure approach.
♠ ♠ ♠
Well that chapter was kind of intense. I hope you all enjoyed it, I had lots of fun writing it.Thank you to those who subscribed and recommended. I really appreciate that you guys take the time to read my story. :D

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Title Credit: Break Even - The Script.