A Calling In The Night

Calling in the Night


I was sitting on Felix’s lap wile singing the song superstar by saliva. He was rocking back and forth in the chair.
"Hey Mel want go to the KILL HANNAH concert tonight? I got us tickets and on the why we can get a bite to eat" Felix said and rose his brow up and down.

He was hinting to getting a human to donate some blood to us. I squealed with excitement that we were going to see KILL HANNAH.

“Yes, yay! I love you!” I hugged him as tight as I could. Good thing he was a vampire or he would be dieing from lack of air! Felix hugged me back.

“hmm… it is at 9 and it is just about 5 now. Do you want to go for a walk then we can walk to the concert?”

I shrugged.

We walked in to the park there were some people walking around sill they stared at us knowing what we are.

Two fairly young, fragile, frail girls around 16 came to us. "Do.. do you want to..." they didn't finish but I knew what. They were obviously vampire bite addicts. Humans get high when they donate blood to vampires.

I looked at Felix and mentally talked to him starring in his eyes

'Felix there addicts.'

'Mel, they r offering. And I am Hungry!'

'this isn't a good idea they r weak and do u relay want to drink the blood other vampires took?'

'I DON'T CARE I AM HUNGRY LET ME EAT!' Felix screamed mentally hurting my head.

'sorry Mel'

'it's okay fine we'll take up there offer.'

"Okay girls lets go some were privet so u can donate"I said grabinging the skinnier more fragile girl so that Felix wouldn't hurt her by accident.

We walked to a changing stall and i sat her down on the seat. She was Hyperventilating.

"Calm down" I cooed in to her ear and rubbed her back. She calmed down at my voice and touch.

"Are you ready?" I said in to her neck. She nodded egerly and tiped her neck to the side so i could reach her vein it was pualseating quickly.

I bit in to her jugular vein. The girl gasped with pleasure. I ingected her with my venom in to her neck. I used a venom that made her numb and gave her pleasure. I drank her warm blood like you would drink cold lemonade on a hot summer day.

Then i pulled away from her neck licking the blood up around her neck and makeing the scare that would have been there after it healed never hapened with the venom i injected the bite wounds disabered. This was a special telent of mine.

She sat there stuned and dazed. Her eyes glazed over. I put a cold hand on her neck where I had bit her and said "I am done and grateful that u let me drink your blood." I bowed my head and left her.

Felix sat outside on a park bench. "Ready to go Mel?"

"Ya, I cant wait!" i said shakeing his arm.

"All right then lets go!" he grabbed my arm and ran. We slowed down to a walk when we were a block away from the concert hall.

We wait outside the long line waiting to get in. We finnaly reached the big body gaurd with our tickets. we flashed him a smile with our retractible fangs. he backed up took our tickets ripped then and handed them back.
'Haha that gaurd was a wimp' i mentaly say to Felix and he agrees.

'true but i'd like to bite that'

'Felix! Your such a pervert Shut up!'

We walk to where are seats are and i jumped so high and hugged Felix "I cant believe you got us this close! ahhh" I squill like a pig.
We are one row away from the pit we got floor seats!

We watch all the opening acts all really good and we head banged to all of them! when Kill hannah came on i screamed so loaud that ppl actual paused and looked at me. Even with earplugs in Kill hannah yelled out in to the crowed and thanked us i screamed and danced and yelled the lyrics to every song.

After the concert Kill hannah was signing and taking pictures. I had there cd cover and they signed it and i took a picture of them hugging me it was awesome! I think felix was just happy that i was happy.

We left my throught sour but it would heal soon. We went back to our appartment. Felix fell asleep on the couch making sure the blinds were closed wakeing up with sun streaming in to vampire eyes is not good. we have to take a medicine before we can step into the sun.

I put the things i got from the concert away in my rooms and fell asleep in my bed.
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