A Calling In The Night

Hanging bats

I woke up smelling french toast. I walked from my room to the kitchen part of the apartment. I saw Felix standing there at the stove with The worst bed hair ever. His Blondie almost white streaks standing up on the tips of his head and the black in a blur of knots. "Ha ha. You hair is horrible! OH french toast and eggs! yummy!" I said playing with his hair.

"Oh please have you seen your hair its an utter mess!"

"Ha-Ha. so what are we up to today?" I let the irony flow out of my voice.

"Whatever, um we could watch some movies." Felix said.

"and later on go out to the hanging bats?" I said happily. The hanging bats is a club where vampires and wannabe vampires(though I don't know why they want to be) can hang out. Ha ha did u get the irony in that?

"Ha ha Fer sure!" Felix said happily.

We ate breakfast. it was 3 so we sat around doing nothing significant until it was 6.

The Dark Knight was plying so we went to see it. it was SO good. We laughed hysterically when others cringed.

We got out at around 8.

"To the Hanging Bats!" I grabbed Felix's arm and ran. we where there within second.

There was a line at the door. The line consisted of freaks of all kinds but the were human. Me and Felix walked up to the bouncer, flashed are teeth in smiled.
The bouncer tipped his hat. "Mel, Felix, go right on in."
This got grumbles from the humans in line.

The club had a great DJ. and many places to sit, relax, and drink. There was fog on the floor and rafters on the ceiling so people could sit up there. The dance floor was disco themed so the tiles were smooth and rainbow. Strobe lights flashed and people have glow sticks.

Felix and I walked though people and around all the hectic dancers to get to the bar in the back.

"Hey Phil, two lemonade." Felix said knowing what i wanted.

"Hey Felix, Mel all right, would you like some sanguine with it." Sanguine as Phil called it is Latin for blood.

Felix looked at me I nodded my head. Phil got us our drinks.

"Mel there is this new kid his name is Henrik. hes human and hes really wants to become a vampire,hell knows why, But he tried to drink Sanguine jello." Phil shook his head.

"It's wrong you guys should talk to him. He's on the dance floor." his Transylvania accent coming out.

"Whats he look like?" I asked.

"He has shaggy black hair, piercing green eyes, pale skin." Phil smiled.

"Oh grate Phil, your describing every one in this club." I said scowling the old man.

"Oi, he has the red glow stick in his hand." I turned ad look to the dance floor there was only one person with a red glow stick.

We made are way over to Henrik. When we reached him we convinced him to come with us to the back room so we could talk.

The back room had beanbags and lava lamps. The room was very psychedelic.

"Ello Henrik, I'm Mel and this is Felix." Felix waved his hand shyly.

"Hi, so you guys are vampires?" He was talking to Felix ignoring me.

"yeah, and your a human." Felix said it so wasn't a question.

"yeah but i want to be a vampire" Henrik said a bit to eagerly then blushed.

"Ha ha nice joke. You do not want to be a vampire! you may forget about your human life when you change. that and you would need to find some one to help you with your blood thirstiness."

"oh, thats fine i hate my life thats why i want to be a vampire."

"Henrik! listen to me Ive been a vampire for over 100 years! YOU do not want to be a vampire!"

"Felix, calm down" I chimed in.

"Sorry." Felix said taking deep breaths.

'Phil get some bloody cups in her NOW' I communicated through my mind to Phil.

Felix was getting angry, he is probably thirsty. Within five minuets a server came in holding a plater with five 24oz cups of blood. I pointed to the table and shewed her away.

"Felix drink!" I sternly said to him watching him very carefully.

Felix slowly picked up the cup and brought it to his mouth and in 10 seconds he had drank all 5 glasses.

Felix sighed then apologize for his actions.
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yeahhh this is for my fans who dont mind the errors.
sorry im being lazy and dont wanta fix them... im at lack of.... something.
im stressed and confused home you like!
of and if you foresee any thing telll me!
comment away!