Status: Thank you for everyone that reads this I hope you guys enjoy the story :)



Though the distance separates us, it will never define us.When two hearts are separated they are difficulties that come with it like a package deal. The separation is hard itself, not knowing where they are,checking your phone every second, awaiting their call or text. Never knowing if they think about you as much as you think about them, but what's a relationship without obstacles.Most relationships end not because of cheating or just the fact of not knowing, it's because it's easier to give up then try for what what you want, though these are true if you don't fight, it's not worth it, and this is where our story begins, a world where people love , hate and wait for an so absolution that will never come. I sat up looked at my phone 10 missed calls from my best friend Drake he was the sweetest guy I knew but not even his cheerfulness could cheer me up I turned off my phone but before that I checked to see if he texted me back but he didn't. I plopped my body right back onto my bed all I've done for a week straight was cry sleep an eat pretty amazing right but everything all stared happening last Sunday I meet him over kik we really hit off with every passing day we grew more and more stronger though we couldn't see eachother eye to eye or hold each other tight we could only text or Skype an hopefully that one day when we get the chance we will be together for real...the first time. We both knew it would be challenging going into a long distance relaxation ship but we fell on love instantly. We knew we would cross mountains and oceans for one another. Although age was a big thing for me... Love can change a lot of things about a person...including who we once were. It's 17 turning 18 and he was 20 turning 21. He wanted to come see me so bad but knew that wasn't the best idea although me and my best friend Sam were planning on going to college in Texas and my parents had no idea I daydream about him and us meeting for the first time but I quickly fades by the sound of my phone going off. I was in the car driving home from my friends house. It was about 8 pm and it was snowing really bad. I could barley see the road ahead of me. Although I shouldn't i pickup my phone and say hello.
" hello?" I listen carefully for a response.
"Hay babe what you up to?" It was Anthony.
"Oh hay babe I'm just on my way home from Sammie's and drakes."
I keep driving keeping an eye on the road ahead. " oh, drake was there hu.... Has he asked you out again?" He asked with a disgusted tone. drake asked me out when me an Anthony started dating and Anthony had never liked him since. If Anthony knew drake still likes me, he'd be bookin it up here with a shotgun.
" no babe but-" all of a sudden answer pulls out in front of me as I'm driving a bad land stretch with nothing but hills on each side and an occasional tree here and there. I grab the wheel with both hand and swerve to the left. The back of the right side of the car hits the deer and I become airborne bouncing off the hill every other second. Soon the car hits a tree upside down on my side and caves in almost to my head. Anthony can hear everything as i scream and use my last breath to say his name. Before I pass out I hear him say my name while crying and then at that moment my phone disconnects and
I feel myself leaving getting lost In what use to be. I may have not known it now... But my life was about to change more then i could ever have guessed.
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Hey^.^ thanks for reading! Comment, rate and stuff for next chapter!(:
Authors: Sammie and Alyssa