Let Me Be the One to Save You

New Friend

*A week later*

The Ways have finally started moving in. Gerard has been avoiding me as much as possible, but I don't blame him. I was terrified to show him those things the other day and I get it.
And you know those times you start to get feelings for someone, but in a day or two it turns out to be nothing? That's what happened to me.
Mikey and I have gotten really close, he doesn't know as much as Gerard, but he did accidentally opened the door on me changing and saw the scars on my arms.


I had just gotten up, the sun shining brightly through the tiny hole on the top of the far wall that I have as a window. It was only a small beam of light, but it was blinding.
I got up and walked over to my dresser, the sun no longer blinding my vision. I stripped of my pajama pants and pulled a pair of black skinny jeans on. I pulled my white t-shirt off and dug through my drawer, failing to find a shirt. Figures.
Suddenly, my door burst open. "Frank," it was Mikey, "your dad wanted me to....oh Frankie...." He was staring at something and I traced his gaze to my arms.
"Shit," I muttered. I found the black jacket that was laying on the chair Gerard had been sitting in just a few days ago, when I told him about this, and slipped it over my arms.
"Frank, why?"
I didn't want to explain this to him. A tear cascaded down my cheek.
"You don't need to tell me right now, okay?" He pulled me into a hug, which I have been getting a lot from him recently... "I am always here for you. You may not trust me that much, but just know, if you EVER need me, just come talk to me."
He released me and I nodded. "Thanks Mikes."
"Anything for my future step brother." He smiled.


Since then we've been working on writing songs together. We've already got tone finished surprisingly enough.
So now I have two friends, well Gee doesn't talk to me.


I met Frank a week ago, the second day I opened up to him and I had only known him for a day. What the fuck had gotten in my breakfast that morning? I got so demanding about seeing his scars on his thighs, I guess that's from me knowing that he was like me. But the demanding part... Seriously, what the fuck got in my food that morning? Or did someone put something in my coffee?
I shouldn't have opened up to Frank like that. He might turn on me, just like everyone else who says they 'care' but they don't. They never fucking do.
That's why I avoid him. If I don't talk to him, he can't say anything to me that could possibly hurt me. And that's the easiest thing to do.
♠ ♠ ♠
I had a two hour delay this morning for school so I decided to start this. People kept telling me how it was escalating quickly. I purposely meant to do that so I could draw it back to here. That bold move Gee made in the last chapter probably came with the fact I apparently cant be clever at 11 pm with getting no sleep the past weekend. I stayed up all night just to make sure my friend didn't have seizures in her sleep. And also this is the first fanfic I've ever had the guts to keep going. A majority of the things I write are poems and songs, so this is a step out of my comfort zone.
But nevertheless, here's chapter 5! Yay!