Status: There may be a second part. I haven't decided yet.

Forgotten Memories

Forgotten Memories [1]

"It's so beautiful..." Ashley Purdy sighed softly, looking through a shop window. "Whatcha looking at?" Ashley's best friend, Christian Coma asked, walking up to Ash.

Ash had his face pressed against the glass, causing CC to raise an eyebrow. He got closer to the window, laughing when he saw what Ashley was looking at. "You want it?"

"Hell yeah, I do! But I don't have the money..." He sighed, and CC smirked at him. He walked into the store, causing Ash to raise an eyebrow curiously. CC walked up the cashier, smiling. "I would like to buy the guitar in the window."

"Oh, that. It's a Dean Squire bass." The cashier smiled and brought the guitar back. "It's a beautiful guitar and it sounds nice. I'm sure you'll love it."

"It's not for me. It's for someone special to me."

"Whoever it is must be pretty special." The cashier smiled brightly and handed the guitar to Christian. He smiled happily and handed the money to the cashier. "Yeah....They are. Thank you very much."

He walked back outside, and Ash turned to him with wide eyes. "I can't believe you bought it...You'll have to let me come over and play it sometime."

"Why? You can play it right now. It is yours, after all." Christian smiled brightly and carefully handed the guitar over to Ash. "Oh..." The bassist hugged CC tightly and smiled. "Thank you. It means a lot to me."

"No problem, Ash." Christian smiled brightly and hugged Ash back. "I have to go, man. My mom wanted me to help her out at the store."

"Alright, I'll see you later." Ash waved bye to CC, and turned around. He heard a loud screeching, followed by a crash. The bassist turned around quickly to see CC lying in the middle of the road, a red car not too far from him. "Christian!" Ash cried out, running to his fallen friend. He was about ready to pull CC into his arms when he felt a hand on his shoulder. "You aren't supposed to move people after they get hit...You may accidentally sever their spinal cord."

Ash looked up to see Andy Biersack, a friend of him and CC. He nodded and stood up, hugging Andy tightly. "He'll be alright, won't he? He's my best friend...I don't know what I'd do without him."

"Yeah, Ash. He'll be alright. He has to be."


"Yeah....If only that had been true." Ashley sighed, sitting at his Christian's bedside. It had been two years since the day of the crash, and Christian had been in a coma ever since that day. "I wish you would wake up..." Ash sighed and held onto the sleeping man's hand. "Mmm..." Christian stirred, slowly opening his eyes. "CC!" Ash exclaimed, a bright smile on his face.

"Eh...? CC?" The man shot a confused look at Ash, who's excitement quickly faded. "Who are you...? I don't know you."

Ash frowned and stood up. "I'm...No one. I'm sorry for bothering you." He quickly gathered all his things and then scurried out the door. "He doesn't remember me..." Ashley felt tears prick his eyes, but he quickly blinked them away. "Hey, Ash. What's wrong?" He looked up to see Andy standing there.

"Christian woke up."

"Well that's good! What's the problem then?"

"He doesn't remember me at all..." Ash bit back a sob and sighed. "I need to go." He left the hospital quickly, not waiting for Andy's answer. He didn't want to talk to anyone, and he didn't want to do anythng. All he wanted to do was go home. I can't believe that he doesn't remember me...This just sucks. Ash clenched his heart. It hurt so horribly bad, and he couldn't even determine why. He didn't care though. All that mattered was forgetting the day with a bottle or two of alcohol.

Two Weeks Later

A knock on the door startled Ashley Purdy out of his sleep and he sat up. "Ugh..." He ran a hand through his hair, hoping that he looked somewhat presentable. Another knock sounded throughout his apartment and he sighed. "Coming!" Ash stepped over a pile of beer cans that were laying on the floor and he made his way to the door. He opened the door to see the last person he expected to see standing there, fist poised to knock again. "Christian..." The word escaped Ashley's lips, coming out as no more than a breathless whisper.

Christian wasted no time and grabbed Ashley by the shoulders. He connected their lips, a small smirk on his face. The bassist gasped, shocked by the other man's actions. Then it hit him why he had gotten so upset weeks ago when CC didn't remember him. He was madly in love with the man. That was why he had been there every day, waiting for him to wake up. With this realisation, he deepened the kiss a bit, pulling CC into his arms. "Ash...." Christian pulled away to stroke the now crying Ashley's cheek. "Why are you crying?"

"You didn't remember me when you woke up...And it hurt. But I'm just so happy you remember me now."

"I can't believe I forgot you...You were the last person I saw before I got hit. I bought you a bass that day...I bought it for you because I realised that I love you. And the look on your face while you were looking through that glass window...You were looking at the guitar like you had never seen one in your life, even though you had about three back at your house. You looked so damn adorable, I knew I had to buy you that guitar." Christian let out a small laugh and kissed Ashley's cheek. "I still don't regret buying you that guitar. Not one bit. I love you, Ash. When you ran out that day I woke up, my heart hurt horribly, because....."

The heart remembers, even when the brain forgets.