Sequel: A Vampires Love
Status: Complete

A Vampires Rage

Sleeping Arrangments

Kayden opened a red door that lead to the inside of a cream house. It was a small house that looked quite cosy. Inside the house was bright and welcoming, with different pictures decorating the walls and a lovely familiar smell. I smiled but winced when my stomach growled and Kayden and Tyson chuckled.

"Hungry huh?" Kayden asked.

"Mother we're home" Tyson shouted.

"I'm in the kitchen!" Who I presumed to be Tyson and Kayden's mother shouted.

I was then lead into the kitchen and the smell grew stronger, it was making me very hungry! The woman who was dividing pasta into four bowls put down the pot of pasta and turned to us, smiling slightly.

"Hello Ty, Kay, and who is this?" The woman asked with a grin.

"Mother this is Linzi, she's a human who got caught up in some Vampires" Kayden said.

"Oh you poor Dear! Are you staying for dinner?" She asked.

"She has to stay here until Akalah can decide what to do with her" Tyson said.

"Tyson, be a bit more polite to the girl, she has after all just gotten away from Vampires!"

"Mother, she is dating one of them" Tyson snorted.

Their mothers face went a little pale and I felt a bit scared. Being in a house with three Werewolves, one of which hated me and the other I'm guessing was disliking me.

"I'm not dating him...we went on a date there’s a difference" I said.

"Like I really care" Tyson said and walked over to the other side of the table.

"Oh well, anyway, I'm Karla. You can stay here as long as you want Dear... oh and treat this house like your own!" Karla smiled.

"Thank you" I smiled back.

"Do you like Pasta? I made tomato and herbs" Karla said.

"Yes" I smiled.

"Great, take a seat" Karla nodded towards a seat.

I sat on a chair next to Tyson, he rolled his eyes at me and grabbed a plate mixing the pasta around. Karla handed me a plate and I nodded in thanks and started to eat. Kayden sat across from me with Karla, but before Karla sat down she left the room. I stayed quiet as Karla came back into the room, but was accompanied by who I suspected to be Kayden and Tyson’s dad.

"Evening Kayden, Tyson...and who is this?" He asked.

I looked up and swallowed the pasta that was in my mouth.

"I'm Linzi Kingston" I introduced myself.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Jackson Bromley, Kayden and Tyson's father" He introduced himself.

I nodded as Karla and Jackson sat down at the table too. We all tucked into the dinner, I stayed quiet for most of the night, only having to give little details about myself, I just listened to the Bromley family talk about their day and stuff. After dinner Karla brought out some apple pie.

"Anyone want any?" She asked.

"I'll have some" Jackson smiled.

"Me too" Tyson smiled.

"I'm full" Kayden smiled.

"Linzi?" Karla asked.

"No thanks" I smiled.

As Karla gave out the apple pie, the phone went, Jackson answered it. I felt a warm hand grab my wrist and I looked to see Kayden smiling at me.

"Come on, I'll show you where you'll be sleeping tonight" He said.

"Ok" I smiled.

Kayden smiled back and lead me upstairs and along a small corridor. He opened the door to show a dark brown room with two double beds, two wardrobes, a desk underneath a big widescreen TV. The desk was covered in wires and different computer games systems.

"Sorry about the mess..." Kayden said.

I then looked to the floor and saw lots of scattered clothes.

"Hang on, I'll just clear some of this away" He said and picked up all the dirty clothes and put them in a basket next to the door. I giggled.

"Why didn't you do that before?" I asked.

"I guess I was too lazy too" He smiled.

I giggled again and he pointed to the bed on the right hand side of the room.

"Sorry again, but you'll have to share with me, or Tyson...but I'm not too sure he'll be happy about that" Kayden said.

"No it's fine, I'll share with you" I said.

"Or I could go down and sleep on the sofa if you'd prefer?" He asked.

"No it's fine, plus I wouldn't like to share a room with Tyson by myself" I smiled.

Kayden chuckled and bit his lip.

"I'll go get you something from my mum to sleep in" He said and left.

I just stood in the middle of the room unsure of what to do. Only a few minutes later he returned with a set of pink and blue pyjama’s.

"Thank you Kayden" I nodded and took them from him.

"It's no problem, and call me Kay" He smirked.

I smiled and he cleared his throat.

"Um, the bathroom is down the stairs and to the right, there's no one in it just now, but I'd hurry and get in before Tyson or my dad does" He smiled.

I nodded and made my way down to the bathroom. I opened the first door and saw it was a cupboard, and when I closed it Tyson was standing there. He raised an eyebrow at me.

"Um...looking for the bathroom" I said.

"This one" Tyson said.

He opened the second door on the right and I nodded and went in.

"Thank you" I said.

"Yeah, yeah" He dismissed me.

After I got changed, Karla said she would wash my clothes for me. I thanked her and went back up to Kayden and Tyson's room. I didn't know weather to knock or not, so I did and they said come in. I went in and closed the door, Kayden smiling at me, since the pyjamas were just a bit long on me.

"Well, it is still early but, I'm going to lay down for a while, we've been out prowling all day and I'm tired" Kayden said.

"Ok" I said.

"Ty what are you doing?" Kayden asked.

"Playing Ps2" Tyson said.

I noticed he was playing a racing game and I smiled at him, he had tied his hair back and shaved his beard off, he looked so much younger. He only wore sweat pants, the same as Kayden, who also had tied his hair back and shaved. I smiled, they looked better without the stubbly beards. Kayden then patted the bed and I sat down, he was propped up on one elbow and stared at me with his inquisitive brown eyes.

"Tell me about you" He said.

"Erm...what like?" I asked.

"'s it like in the Human World?" He asked.

"Well, um..." I bit my lip.

"I know about the countries and all that stuff, I know all the basics, but where are you from? What's it like there?" He asked.

I then started to tell him about where I live and my house and friends. In turn he also told me about himself. Tyson switched games and sometimes consoles. Whenever Kayden told something wrong, Tyson would jump in. We did all have a laugh, even Tyson joining in and being nice to me. I wasn't so afraid anymore and I felt safe here with them. Although by one at night, we were all tired and got into bed. I lay on the right side of the bed and Kayden on the left.

"Night Kay, night Linzi" Tyson said.

"Night Ty," Kay said.

"Night Tyson" I smiled.

I felt as though Tyson had accepted me, and didn't hate me so much after all our talking. I felt the bed shift as Kayden lay behind me and hugged me from behind. I got butterflies and gasped slightly.

"Goodnight Linzi" I could feel the smirk on his face.

"Night Kayden" I cleared my throat.

I heard him chuckle to himself lowly then he let me go and went back to his side of the bed. I sighed and closed my eyes and tried to get to sleep, but all I could think about was Nathaniel, and going home.

Something touched my hip and it made me wake up. I frowned sleepily and looked up. It took a minute for me to remember where I was. I sighed and turned, only to be facing...Nathaniel?! I reached out and touched his face, but once I touched his face and his eyes opened, and they were brown. Nathaniel's face was gone and was replaced by Kayden's face. He frowned in worry and caressed my face.

"Are you ok?" He asked.

"Yeah...I'm sorry, I was dreaming" I said and took my hands away from his face, frowning at myself.

"Who where you dreaming of? That Vampire friend of yours?" He asked.

I nodded and hung my head. Kayden groaned at himself and lifted my head up again so he could look at me.

"I didn't mean it like that, it's just well...different I guess since your a Human and well, some of us Werewolves aren't particularly used to having Human friends of Vampires around" He smiled.

I giggled and sighed, Kayden pulled me to him in a comforting hug. I sighed and remembered the last time Nathaniel and I hugged, and the last time we kissed. I just wanted to cry, I wanted to go home and be with Nathaniel, be surrounded by my friends and be back in a familiar place. I felt my eyes drooping since I really was tired form today.

"Don't worry, we'll get you home soon" Kayden whispered.

I nodded weakly against his chest as I was too sleepy to do anything else, and so I fell asleep.