Sequel: A Vampires Love
Status: Complete

A Vampires Rage

A Party Of Four?

A few days had passed and I had become very close to Kayden and Tyson. They took me out with them and I met all their friends, I was even taken on prowls and trips into the woods with them. I had lots of fun. Although I was very aware of the way Kayden acted with me, he was always cuddling me and holding my hand and holding me from behind. I tried my hardest to show him that I was his friend but I didn't like him like that. At one point I think he got the message, but he stills holds me to him.

Karla and Jackson treated me like one of their own and were very nice to me. Kayden and Tyson had been to visit their pack Leader, Akalah. So far they hadn’t found any word of Nathaniel or any of the other Vampires. that news had made me sad, I missed Nathaniel so much and wished him well. I had asked Kayden and Tyson about me leaving and going home, Nathaniel would find me there, but they said no because the other Vampires might find me there. So I was stuck here in the Lycan Village. Although I was having a good time, all I wanted was Nathaniel and to go home.

"Hey Linzi...want to come out for a walk?" Kayden asked.

"Uh...Sure" I smiled.

Kayden and I left for a walk and I breathed in the late afternoon air. The sun beat down on the ground, this was by far the hottest day I have experienced in the Lycan Village. Kayden wore only his joggers. His chest was well toned and tanned, his long hair tied back and his beard shaved. He was as usual...handsome.

"You know...we were talking to Akalah about you...and well...something good came up" Kayden smiled.

I stared at him...something good? Was I getting to go home?!

"And well...of course it is entirely up to you. But it would be good if you said yes it would be fantastic!" He grinned.

I frowned...was he trying to get me to stay?

"Akalah said you can stay here as long as you want and need would you like to stay here permanently?" He asked jumping in front of me and holding my hands.

"What?" I asked astonished.

"Linzi would you like to be a Werewolf?" He asked grinning.

My heart was racing and my mind whirling...what?! Me a Werewolf?

"Kayden..." I said quietly.

"Please? You would make such a good She wolf...and well" He turned his head a bit in embarrassment.

"I've grown quite attached to you and I don't want you to leave" He said.

I squeezed his hands and sighed looking down.

"Your a great friend Kay...but I can't become a Werewolf, all my family and friends are's all a bit much for me" I said.

"I understand...but please think it over?" He begged.

"Kay...I can't" I said.

Suddenly there was a sound like a gun shot and Kay pushed me behind him. I hugged into his back scared, but peaked over his shoulder to have a look. There was no smell of a gun shot nor smoke form one so I felt confused. Kayden growled and I saw the anger on his face.

"Go home...quickly" He said.

"What is it?" I asked.

"It's those Vampires that chased you" He said.

"How would you know? It could be Nathaniel!" I exclaimed.

Kayden pushed me in the direction of the buildings.

"Go now!" He growled.

"No!" I shouted.

There was a figure in the distance and I strained to see. Kayden growled and glared at me.

"That could be anyone and your just standing here in harms way!" He said.

"But it's Nathaniel...I know it's him!" I grinned.

It was him, I knew it was him! The figure sniffed the air and looked at us dead on, I felt my chest heave in happiness as I braced myself for a shout.

"Nathaniel! Over here!" I shouted.

Kayden pulled me back sharply as the figure sped over to us, and the closer he got...the more my heart pounded.

He stopped a few feet ahead of us, Kayden held me behind him as he growled and his hands turned to claws. I gasped and his eyes changed to yellow.

"No! It's Nathaniel!" I said.

Kayden didn't seem to hear me but I looked up at Nathaniel and he noticed it was me.

"Linzi!" He shouted.

"Nathaniel!" I shouted back.

I got around Kayden and ran for Nathaniel and he ran for me. Kayden ran after me now back to normal. Tears filled my eyes and I jumped on Nathaniel wrapping my arms around his neck as he caught me and spun me around. I placed my hand son his shoulders as he lifted me up higher and spun us around. My tears sliding off my face. I was placed down and embraced against him. His smell mixed with blood and sweat filled my nose but I could still define his smell.

"Linzi! I've been looking everywhere for you! I've missed you so much!" He said.

"I've missed you too!" I smiled.

Just as if he had read my thoughts he leaned down to kiss me, but there was a growl and we looked up to see Tyson. He was glaring at Nathaniel and me. I felt hurt and stupid. I told them I wasn't dating Nathaniel...and here I was all over him.

"Who is he?" Tyson asked.

"He's that Vampire Linzi was talking about" Kayden said.

Nathaniel held me to him, baring his fangs. The twins did the same but showing their transformed hands.

"No! please don't fight!" I begged Nathaniel and then looked over to Kay and Ty.

Nathaniel held me tight then nodded.

"I will not fight" He said.

I felt part of my heart lighten...but the other part was still heavy with fear.

"Then we shall not fight either...Linzi we must take him to Akalah before you leave" Tyson said.

I nodded and sighed holding Nathaniel's hand and smiling up at him.

"Akalah is the leader, he's really nice" I smiled.

"Well let's go! so we can leave" He whispered the last part.

I punched his arm lightly and he frowned.

"You might be natural enemies, but they are my friends so be nice" I said.

He sighed but nodded and we walked over to join Kay and Tyson.

"Nathaniel this is Kayden and Tyson, guys this is Nathaniel" I introduced them.

"Pleasure" The three of them said with poison in their words.

I frowned, it couldn't be that bad between the clans...could it?
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Sorry it took so long, my brothers pc got taken away dn I had no internet acsess :(

Sarah x