Sequel: A Vampires Love
Status: Complete

A Vampires Rage

Someone Help Me?

We waited outside the Lycan village and it was freezing! Todd, Jay and Amber sat huddled together and I paced in front of the arc. Amber had fainted after we crossed through the portal and the guys and I had an argument over everything that had just happened. So I explained everything in more detail. They couldn't believe me and I felt so alone and out of place after I realized my friends didn't want to be my friends, not at this moment in time anyway. So after a good two hours of waiting I heard two 'thuds' coming form the woods and I watched eagerly. Todd was the only other one awake so he too was watching a head of us. My heart beat loudly as we waited patiently to see who or what would come out of the woods.

"Your coming with us! Besides...there are far worse things in these woods besides us" Tyson said.

When a tanned figure in a loin cloth came from the woods and then another I sighed in relief! I ran towards them and gasped at all the scratches, bites and all the blood on their bodies.

"Its not as bad as it looks, don't look so worried Linz" Kay smiled.

I could tell he was in a bit of pain. I looked at Tyson who was also in pain.

"Whats the plan form here?" I asked.

"We go to Akalah" Tyson said and you could hear the pain in his voice and on his face.

"Tyson...are you alright?" I asked.

"Let's just get moving" He said.

Todd woke Amber and Jay up and they helped each other up and move, I went over to them but they bombed me out, not verbally but physically. I felt as though my heart had been ripped out at how my friends were done that to me. Kayden wrapped an arm around my shivering shoulders and gave me a sympathetic look then suddenly let me go and grabbed Tyson. I gasped and the others turned to look at what was happening.

"Linzi, do you remember the way to our house?" Kayden asked in his human voice again.

"Yes...kind of" I said.

"Alright, I want you all to go there and explain to my parents whats happened, they'll know what to do, I have to get Tyson to the hospital" He said.

"OK" I nodded.

Tyson groaned and mumbled something about him being fine but Kayden picked him up and ran as fast as he could. We watched after them.

"Come on then, we have to get to their house before the whole neighbor hood wakes up with our scent" I said.

"And what exact scent is that?" Jay asked.

"The scent of a human" I said.

I knocked on the door of the Bromley house and Jackson answered. Jackson's blue eyes squinted at seeing four humans in front of him and his nostrils flared as he took in all the scents we let off and then he shook his head.

"Linzi, what are you doing back here? And there's more humans?!" He exclaimed.

"Please, may we come in and I can explain everything?" I asked.

Jackson let us in and set the fire and woke Karla who started to make tea and brought in some biscuits. Karla welcomed me witha huge hug and she stated how she missed having another girl in the house and that Kayden was so upset after I had left. I felt bad that he still liked me and I still liked Nathaniel...oh Nathaniel...where can you be?

I explained everything that had happened after I left the Lycan village right until we had reached their house and Jackson left to call the hospital. Karla shook her head in worry.

"They told us they had gone hunting to clear their heads...they hadn't been the same after you left...even Tyson had changed!" Karla smiled sadly.

I smiled sadly back.

"But I never thought they would have went to track you" She said and shook her head.

"I'm sorry I became such a bother" I said.

"No it's fine" She said and then left to the kitchen.

After a quick conversation with Jackson, they both left for the hospital and to go talk with Akalah, but they said we should stay in the house and rest before we go on to talk about business. As they left the house I looked around my friends and then told them where the bathroom was and asked if they wanted food. I just got grunts and disapproving looks. I shook my head and went to Kayden and Tyson's room and sat on Kayden's bed. I then curled up in a ball and cried. I was loosing my friends, the only family I had, our house was wrecked and I don't know how badly this affected my life! Would it go on forever? Until us mere mortals died? I've also caused grief for other people, my other friends and I've literally lost Nathaniel, the only one who can answer my questions. I also missed him just too much.

Ugh! What do I do? How do I sort everything so it goes back to normal? Or as normal as possible?
