Sequel: A Vampires Love
Status: Complete

A Vampires Rage


After I ate I sat against the wall trying to break the loose chains on my wrists. I was tired still but I couldn't sleep now, I had to find away out of here before they came back and fixed the chains. There was a ripple in my head and I scrunched my eyes; what was that?

It came again and I felt my body lurching forward wanting to stand up. I fought against it being too tired just now but the more I fought the stronger the urge. Eventually my body just jumped up without my consent. I gasped and stared down at myself, how did I do that?

A white fog started to fill the room, or at least it looked like it was filling the room. My mind felt numb, I knew it was a vision, but it was a different way I was getting one.

I shook my head and looked up as Gordon approched us. He stood in front of me protectively as I got to my feet. There was a whimpering sound from under a table. Gordon heard it and an evil, sick smirk twitched from his lips. Gordon went over to the table it came from and grabbed whoever it was under the table and pulled them out. It was a small boy, a boy with enormous silver eyes. He was a Lycan, where were his parents?

Gordon snickered.

"Pitiful" He said.

Reaching out his left hand, Gordon focussed on something in his mind and an orange ball started to form in his hand. He was going to kill the boy! I took off my heels and ran as fast as I could.

"Clarissa!" He yelled at me.

Gordon opened one eye but it was too late and I kicked Gordon in the chest and grabbed the boy from him. Gordon fell backwards and I landed on both feet on the stairs behind and almost fell on one knee.

"Cursed half breed!" Gordon screamed and aimed his orange ball at me.

I held the boy close to me and jumped out of the way. He then jumped on Gordon's back and bared his fangs biting deep into Gordon's neck. Gordon screamed and cursed tried to throw him off but he held on as tight as he could. He let go after he'd bitten him long enough and he landed beside me and the boy.

"Come quickly, it won't distract him for long"

He held my hand and I carried the boy on my back as we ran for our lives through the castle. The gurads had all disappeared following after the guests. We stopped outside a painting of his mother. There was a heavy steel door behind the painting.

"Go through here Clarissa it will lead you both to safety" He said.

"No, I'm not going without you" I said.

"But you have to, you can not fight him he's too strong...and your just a half breed"

I put my hands on my hips and glared.

"...the boy needs someone to look after him, your more equipped for that job than me" He said.


He opened the painting and stepped in to light a torch, I pushed the boy in with him and closed the painting over.

"Clarissa! Clarissa this is no time for jokes! Open the painting!" He yelled.


I ran back to the hall but Gordon had followed us and I bumped into him.

I gasped and everything came back. Clarissa was a half breed? A half breed of what? Gordon must be super powerful, and that small boy must have been Akalah...that's why he said she was a brilliant woman, she sacrificed herself! There was a force in my head that made me turn and look to my left, there was another door!

"How did I not see that?" I asked myself.

I ran over to it and inspected it, there was no windows or bars or anything on it so I couldn't see where it led to. I gently pushed down on the handle and pushed - it was open! I opened it slightly and looked out into a corridor that was empty. I opened it fully and went in closing it behind me. I listened for any sign that someone was coming down the way, no one was. So I ran down the corridor and only stopped when I came to a fork in the corridors. There were two ways I could go left or straight on.


I ran without thinking. There was a maze of corridors suddenly and I thought I'd went the wrong way but I couldn't turn back since I was just being shouted directions. It was as though I was on auto-pilot for the weird voice in my head. I followed through the corridor and suddenly stopped and ducked. There was someone else here. I could hear their breathing and their footsteps as they got closer. I sniffed the air and smelled a funny chemical that started to make me choke and cough. I stopped and listened the footsteps stopped. There was a thud behind me and I turned and fell back onto my elbows and closed my eyes awaiting the pain. It didn't come, I peeked through my right eye and my jaw dropped.

"N-Nathaniel?" I asked unsure.

Nathaniel hovered over me and pinned me to the ground. He wouldn't stop looking into my eyes, he was acting so weird. Nathaniel started to sniff me and then he caressed my face and I leaned into his hand and held it there.

"Nathaniel, it's me...Linzi" I said as tears fell from my eyes.

"Linzi...Linzi!" He boomed and scouped me up in his arms.

I clung to him and cried as he held me tight.

"It's really you isn't it? Not another vision?" He asked.

"No, it's really me!" I said and kissed him.

Nathaniel didn't kiss back at first but then he went into a kind of passion fit. It only lasted a few minutes and then he started to splutter and cough.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Can you smell that chemical?" He asked.

"Yes" I nodded.

"It's a special chemical that blocks most of the senses if you've been in it too long" He said.

"And how long have you been in it?" I asked panicing.

"A little more than too long...but I refused to give up" He said.

I took him in then, he was covered in blood and scratches and deep gash wounds.

"Who did that too you?" I asked.

"The vampires in the maze and the beats they trapped in here" He said.

I grew paniced and held his hand to my face. He was weak and pale...he needed blood.

"Please Nathaniel...drink from me...that way we can get out of here"

"No! I'll take to much" He said.

"You won't I trust you!" I squeezed his hand.

"It's too dangerous, I'm craving it too much, I won't stop" He said.

"Either that or when you're really craving it and you kill me! Now you have a little more self control...please..." I said and showed him my neck.

Nathaniel thought it over and reached for me and I moved closer. I felt his hot breath on my neck and I shivered. I told myself he was just going to kiss my neck and give me a hickey but as his lips closed round my neck he pulled away.

"I can't...not you" He said.

"Nathaniel!" I yelled at him.

There was a deafining crack and we looked around. There was nothing in site that would be making that noise. We stayed quiet and listened and then the sound of hungry animals filled the air, not just any animals - Werewolves!