Sequel: A Vampires Love
Status: Complete

A Vampires Rage

Quest Time

I heard the familiar sound of a kettle boiling and scrunched my face a little trying to figure out where in the room it was. My eyes stayed closed - I was too tired to open them. After a few minutes I heard someone rush into the room and stop the kettle from hissing. I wriggled a little and opened my eyes. Above me was a dark line and then two brown sheets coming from it spreading around me - I was in a tent. I gasped and sat up, instantly regretting it. My head pounded, my back ached and all I could think was ow. A gentle hand rested on my shoulder.

"Be still" It said.

I looked up to see a beautiful woman kneeling next to me with a blinding white smile and sharp delicate features. Her eyes were a piercing blue that reminded me of the ocean. I felt calm and smiled at her, she smiled back.

"I am Windsong, I found you and your friend wandering the Flower Fields and brought you back to our camp" She explained.

I frowned slightly, Windsong was such an unusual, weird name. I shook my head and looked around the large tent. There was a small hole in the ground where a fire was burning keeping the tent toasty along with the sun that was cutting through the tent lighting it up and also helping keep the tent warm. Above the fire was a spit and a small iron kettle sat next to the fire steaming. I was surrounded by thick fur rugs, why wasn't I roasting?

"Where is Nathaniel?" I asked.

"The vampire is resting" She said.

"Oh. Is he OK?" I asked.

"He is well. He has been wandering about in the sun for too long." She said.

I hung my head and wondered what had happened...all I could remember was falling.

"You came through the portal" Windsong said as if reading my thoughts.

"You landed hard on your back and your friend followed. He carried you and kept you hidden, then we found you and he began to rest." She explained.


"What are you doing here?" Windsong asked spinning so she sat cross-legged beside me.

"I don't know. Gordon threw me down the portal and tried to close it up...Nathaniel stopped him following me and jumped down behind me. That's all I remember." I shrugged.

Windsong nodded.

"Gordon has started the war hasn't he?" She asked solemnly.

"Yes...I have to get back to the Lycan Village! Kayden's hurt I need to see him" I felt tearful again.

"He is a close friend?"

"Yes" I nodded.

Windsong nodded then stood up.

"There is talk among my people whether we should get involved or not. We are peaceful people and only fight when necessary, but we also agree that if Gordon ever took over the worlds we'd have to do something. We have kept the Knife of Death hidden here in this world ever since Lady Clarissa banished it here."

"Gordon knows it's here!" I almost shouted.

"I thought so."

We were in silence when Windsong remembered the kettle and poured some hot water into two small wooden cups. She mixed some sweet leaves with the water and it made a nice cup of herbal tea. After only one sip I felt addicted and had to drink it all and more. I was only allowed two cups for now, the leaves had special healing abilities that helped emotionally, physically and psychologically. I felt so much better than I had in weeks!

"I think our leader would like to meet you now" Windsong smiled.

I smiled back and stood up. I was shaky at first since I hadn't stood up in a while but I was fine. We went outside and the sun blinded me momentarily. When I could see again I gasped at the amount of green around me! I was surrounded by a jungle! Everything was practically green! Even the small houses were green and brown to help with camouflage I guessed. It was amazing! In the gigantic trees that towered to amazing heights where tree-houses, joined together by rope bridges with wooden planks. On the ground there was one big hut built from wood and the rest around it was tents. There were hundreds of people walking about carrying baskets, food, clothes, buckets, some with dead animals and some with weapons. Children ran about as well.

"This is Kerswall, my village" Windsong smiled.

I stood open mouthed at the absolute beauty around me. Flowers grew higher than some of the buildings! i noticed some people extracting nectar and honey from some of these plants. I only then noticed how everyone had at least one weapon, mostly bows and arrows on their backs or small knives attached to their legs. Their clothing was simple and covered only their chests and pelvis area. Everyone was well tanned and had strong looking arms, legs and stomachs! Only the men had no tops on to show off their well muscled torso. That's also when I noticed their ears.

"Are you...Elves?" I asked.

"Yes." Windsong smiled.

"Oh my god..." I said breathlessly.

Windsong laughed lightly and I smiled. There was a bright light that shone right onto Windsong and I and we made our way towards it. Some people stared and some waved with a smile on their face either way; I didn't feel unwelcome. We went into the big wooden hut on the ground and inside it was as bright as outside since I just realised there was no roof. There was a long table at the back of the room where four elderly men stood and four elderly women.

"Windsong, Linzi. Good to see you this morn" Smiled the silver haired man in the middle.

"Elder Woodrick it's always a pleasure. As it is being in the company of all the Elders" Windsong bowed.

I followed suit.

"Linzi, you are human yes?" Elder Woodrick asked.

I opened my mouth to answer then stopped. Before I was tossed through the portal Gordon said; "So, your a half breed too now are you girl?.

"No...I think I'm a half breed now..." I said.

"Think? Now? What happened?" He asked.

"I don't know...I wasn't aware I had changed" I shook my head to remember.

"Perhaps the vampire can help us with this one?" Windsong said.

"Yes Windsong, go fetch him" Elder Woodrick nodded.

Windsong was gone before I could say bye and I looked up to the Elders. I was asked of my story and so I gave them a brief summary of what had happened oh so long ago when I had found Nathaniel on my door step. It was then I thought; What would life be like if I left Nathaniel out there in the cold? Windsong came back and a few seconds later Nathaniel walked in. He appeared next to me and held me close to him, for some reason I didn't want him touching me, so I pushed him off.

"What's happened to me?" I asked.

Nathaniel's eyes were full of guilt and sadness, but I didn't feel sorry for him. I stepped away from him.

"Well?" I asked.

"You were hurt'd lost so much blood" Nathaniel said.

"Did you turn me?" I asked.

"...yes..." Nathaniel sighed.

I was stunned and shook my head.

"You didn't even ask me if I wanted to be turned!" I shouted.

"You were unconscious. You wouldn't wake up!" Nathaniel defended himself.

"That still doesn't give you the right to turn me into a vampire!"

"Your only half there's a difference"

"Not to me there isn't!" I said.

I had started to cry so I had to stop shouting and so did Nathaniel. I was a vampire? Well half a vampire...only a few weeks probably a month ago now did I think this was only possible in fairy-tales! I fell to my knees.

"It's not that bad" Nathaniel muttered.

"I can't go back with Amber and the guys...they'd never take me back. I've changed so much since all this happened...and now I'm half vampire? They...they'd never speak to me again!" I murmured.

"Don't be stupid. Your friends love you! They'll understand" Nathaniel said and appeared next to me.

He placed his hand on my shoulder and I shrugged it off and stepped away from him.

"I want out of here. I want this over with! Amber and the guys will never know I was turned." I said.

"Of course they will. Well eventually. They will realise that you have a set routine for when you go out for some blood"

"No! I won't drink, I'm only half I don't need blood yet." I said.

"Yes you do. That's why you've been so weak. After just a couple of sips you'll be fine. You'll be stronger than before but not as strong as full vampires"

"I don't want to be stronger than before..." I muttered.


I glared at Nathaniel and pointed my finger at him. I didn't know what to say so I relaxed and turned to the Elders and bowed.

"Please. We have to stop Gordon at all costs, can you help us?" I asked.

"Yes we can help. But we are peaceful people and will not involve ourselves in the fighting. We shall take you to the cave where the Knife of Death is kept and leave you there. If destiny decides it is the fate of the worlds to fall to Gordon then we must accept that, if not then all the better" Elder Woodrick said.

I nodded; it seemed fair.

"How do we get there?" Nathaniel asked.

"Windsong will lead you there and after that she will return here and you shall go on your way" Elder Woodrick said.

Nathaniel nodded and I bowed.

"Thank you"

"Your welcome" He smiled back.

Elder Woodrick bid us goodbye and we left. I refused to talk to Nathaniel. He sighed when we stood outside the hut.

"Linzi it will do no good not to talk to me" He said.

I ignored him and turned to Windsong.

"How long will the trip take?" I asked.

"Three days. We shall head back to my tent and shall prepare for the trip and I shall make more food bundles for you and the vampire since it will take you a few days in the cave to reach the Knife of Death" Windsong said.

I nodded and we went back to Windsong's tent leaving Nathaniel alone outside the hut.
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hey sorry that I'm not updating often and this update isn't as exciting as the other but i hope you enjoy it :)

sarah x x x