Sequel: A Vampires Love
Status: Complete

A Vampires Rage

Danger In The Water

Nathaniel struggled with the snake and I sat totally still not sure what to do! Was it poisonous? How do i kill it? I looked around for anything that might help like a branch or anything. I spotted a pretty thin looking stick that I could try my chances with. As I ran over to get it - wincing all the way - I heard a yell and then a loud splash. I gasped turning to see the snake had taken Nathaniel into the water!

"Nathaniel!" I screeched.

I grabbed the stick from the ground and dove in the water to where Nathaniel went down. I could only see his long black hair get further and further away. I then saw a slight glint from the snakes fangs and shuttled towards them with he stick outstretched and prodded it in the side. I say prodded because unlike I thought the snakes scales were rather tough, and when i say tough I mean like iron!

I stared confused and then it turned it's attention on me, I covered my face when it struck out ta me but Nathaniel caught it's head and squeezed it from behind, and tried to crush it's skull. He had it in that grip people used to open snakes mouth's to milk the venom out of it, although with this snake being so much larger than others; Nathaniel was struggling as the snake thrashed wildly in the water. I swam over to help hold it's head when it's tail uncoiled form Nathaniel and shot out towards me. It missed by a mile and I smiled. Only to puff out air as the tail swung back and hit me in the stomach. It didn't hurt that much since the water slowed down the reaction.

I grabbed the tail and pulled on it which pulled the snakes attention from Nathaniel again to me. It paused for a second, so Nathaniel took it. He got both hands on the snakes jaw and crushed it down crushing the snakes skull into it's brain. I felt sick and raced for the surface. I gasped for air, then watched and waited for Nathaniel to come up and join me. He didn't.

Diving back under I looked for Nathaniel in the now blood coloured water; where was he? I swam about in the blood filled pool and tried hard not to be sick. I spotted a bulky looking figure floating and knew it was Nathaniel. I shot over towards him, slung his arm around my shoulders and swam to the surface. I gasped for air and held Nathaniel's head above the water.

"C'mon! Nathaniel breath!" I shouted.

He wasn't so I swam as fast as I could to the bank. I lay him out on the bank on his back. I listened for his heartbeat and found it very slow;slower than usual. I started to do C.P.R.

"Nathaniel!" I started to panic.

"Nathaniel!" I screamed

I hit his chest and started to pound on it, beating out my frustration. Just then I realised that he had a massive gash in his arm, the poison must of gotten in!