Sequel: A Vampires Love
Status: Complete

A Vampires Rage

Miricle Deer

"What do I do? What do I do?" I repeated over and over.


I jumped at the sound and looked around, no one said it, no one wasaround to say it.

Animal blood will do for now

I was freaked out a little by the voice and how calm and collected it was. I started to look about for any kind of animal whose blood I thought would be safe to drink. Vampires couldn't jump help themselves to every animal, Nathaniel told me this one time when I 'd asked him about vampires. I spotted a boar and some piglets.I hadn't gone that far from Nathaniel, I felt sick, I couldn't hurt them.

You have too

I jumped about a foot in the air. That wasn't good. The boar saw me and glared and rounded her offspring into a small herd and started to walk away.

Run you idiot!

I wasn't thinking when I ran at the animals and jumped in hopes of tackling the mother. I hit her huge hunchback and she squealed. Her piglets ran further away as the mother bucked and thrashed about to get me off her. I held on as tight as I could but she flipped me off her. I landed hard on my side. I felt the ground rumble and I rolled over on my left to escape the charging beast. It snorted and pounded the ground and charged again. I stood up and jumped to the other side. I turned and waited for it's next attack.

When it charges past you, grab one of the babies

"No!" I shouted.

The boar squealed so loud I winced.

You would rather leave all of them motherless? Or take just one?

I sighed, the voice was right.

Of course I am

"Shut up!"

The pig charged again and I waited for the right time to dodge. Just then something headbutted my calf and I fell to the ground. One of the piglets had attacked me! I screamed and rolled out of the way as the mother almost impaled me. Although her head caught my leg as she done a swift turn and I fell on top of her. I felt her snout in my back as she tried to bite at me. I rolled off her and got up running towards the other piglets. I grabbed one and bolted away. The mother ran to her babies with the brave piglet that attacked me and looked after the little one kicking and screaming in my arms as I ran. Tears started to stream down my face as I hated myself for what I had done.

It's for a greater cause

"Shut up!" I begged.

When I got back to Nathaniel there was a deer sniffing at him. I felt too overwhelmed and ran at it.

"Go away! Shoo!" I shouted.

The deer jumped away from me, but not too far away. It just stood there, alert and watching. I couldn't be bothered to chase it away. the piglet squealed in my arms and I hugged it close to me. I cried onto it and it squealed louder. I looked at it, it was pretty ugly, but so very cute as well.

"I'm so sorry..." I whispered to it.

I then done what I saw Nathaniel do most nights when human blood wasn't available and he went after animals; break it's neck. I cried more as there was a defiant snap and all the wriggling and squealing stopped. I then tore a bit of the piglets neck off so the blood gushed out. I held it to Nathaniel's mouth and opened it.

"Drink..." I said.

Nathaniel wasn't moving, the blood was just filling up in his mouth.

"Drink!" I shouted.

Still it filled his mouth, started to over flow.

"Drink Nathaniel! Just bloody drink it!" I screamed and cried.

I gave up and put the piglet beside Nathaniel's head and lay on his stomach. I cried into his stomach, what was I going to do? What would I do?

I felt someone standing behind me, but form the smell I knew it was the deer. I just ignored it and cried. Nathaniel was dead...


I turned and growled at the deer as it nipped my shoulder. It looked me dead in the eyes. I was a bit unnerved by this but I eventually relaxed, this deer wasn't out to hurt us, it was here to help.

He will save a life since you took one

I jumped again. Stupid voice.

I'm here to help

It sounded offended but I shrugged it off. The deer looked at Nathaniel finally and went over to his head and kissed it! The deer then moved to Nathaniel's chest and kissed him where his heart was. Just then there was a horrible sound and I realised it was the sound of Nathaniel gulping down the boar's blood! I got off him and stood up watching his chest puff out and the blood in his mouth disappear, it had stained him a little. Nathaniel then sighed and took a deep breath and sat up. I gasped.

"What happened?" He asked.

"You got bitten by that snake! And you wouldn't wake up, you wouldn't breathe! I got you some boar blood but you wouldn't drink it, I cried and then the deer came over and saved you!" I gasped for breath as I finished.

Nathaniel frowned then smiled a little and shook his head ever so slightly. He stood up and stretched off like nothing had happened! As though he was waking up from a long sleep!

"You said a deer?" Nathaniel asked.

I nodded.

"Where is it?" He asked.

We looked around; it was no where to be seen! I was slack-jawed. I pointed to where the deer was. Nathaniel shook his head and took my pointed hand in his.

"Let's go" He smiled.

Nathaniel led us away in a Northern direction, I couldn't help but feel as though the deer was still very close by, watching us. It was weird, it was just a deer...but it brought Nathaniel back to life! This place was getting stranger and stranger.