Sequel: A Vampires Love
Status: Complete

A Vampires Rage

It Just Takes One

It had gotten dark so we had to stop and rest for a while, we had only three days to find the knife and make it back up the huge waterfall we jumped down and back to Windsong. Nathaniel stayed up and watched over me while I slept and I was to watch over him after a few hours of sleep.

“Linzi, Linzi wake up” I heard his voice break through my dreams.

“No...” I huffed.

“C'mon we have a long day ahead of us”

I jolted up sleepily.

“You were supposed to wake me and I was to watch over you!” I shouted all at once.

Nathaniel looked at me confused then shook his head.

“You needed more sleep than me”

“No I didn't! Not after everything that just happened to you!”

“Shh, I'm fine. I had some rest and I even caught something for us too eat. It's cooked as well, so eat and drink up. I'm not the only one who needs blood now” He murmured the last part.

I looked down at the ground; saddened by the reminder. We ate in silence. I was too upset. I looked at the small bird that Nathaniel had caught for me and then at the flask of water. I couldn't make up my mind what to drink after eating the roasted pig from yesterday that Nathaniel saved that I hadn't noticed.

“You can drink both Linzi”

I looked up at him and he nodded. I gulped; I didn't want to drink blood. Nathaniel watched me intensely, I felt like I was being put under peer pressure! I reached for the small bird. It felt so soft and fragile in my hands; I wanted to cry. I raised it to my mouth and fought back tears as I did yesterday to no avail for the poor piglet I had now eaten. I felt a small sharp tingling feeling in my canines as they elongated I reached into my mouth and touched them, they weren't extremely long but they weren't not noticeably longer than usual. I shook my head and sighed. I closed my eyes and bit into the birds neck. I started to drink the blood but as soon as it went to my throat my whole body rejected it and I threw the bird away and doubled over vomiting. Nathaniel was at my side rubbing my back and holding my hair back. I wiped the excess vomit from my mouth and started to cry, Nathaniel pulled me into his chest.

“I don't want to drink blood...” I cried.

“I know, I know. Shh” He soothed me.

“But you have too” He added.

I cried more and pushed away from him to vomit again. This wasn't going to go well.

We had started out an hour after I felt better. I had been sick for the best part of that hour at just the thought of drinking blood so we had to leave that conversation for later and try again later; but even that thought made me feel sick. We had only today and two other days to find the knife. I was starting to panic, we had no idea where we where going! Or where the knife would be. We stopped for a rest and I drank some water.

“We don't even know where the knife is” I commented.

“Well, we're best to just keep going in the direction we're going”

“But what if it's the other way?” I asked.

“Then we'll head that way once we've decided to stop going the other way”

“We don't have enough time”

“Linzi!” He sounded annoyed.

I sighed and stood up, I felt like going for a walk.

“Where you going?” He asked.

“For a pee” I rolled my eyes.

I needed to get away from him. I suddenly did need a pee, so I went behind some bushes and tree and pulled my trousers down. Just as I was about to relieve myself I shuddered; I was being watched. I looked up in the direction I felt the gaze come from and saw the deer from yesterday!

“You!” I shouted at it.

It seemed to smile and I felt myself smile back. I shook my head and realised the awkward situation. I pulled my trousers back up and stared at the deer. It turned it's head and I copied it for some reason. It smiled again and I laughed at it.

“I never knew animals could smile” I murmured.

It closed it's eyes.

Follow me

I jumped when I heard it speak in my head. I then realised something; it was the same voice from before!

“You!” I pointed at it again.

“Your the one whose been helping me since I got here!”


I stared wide eyed and felt my knees buckle. This place was weird!

You're here for the Knife Of Death yes?


Then follow me

“What about Nathaniel?” I asked looking back in the direction he should be in.

He is not needed for what lies ahead


You will see

I stared confused at the deer and slightly worried.

Don't worry I will not let anything happen to you. I'm on your side

“Your an animal though” I said mindlessly.

In case you haven't noticed I'm more than just an animal

I laughed.

“Yeah...sorry. What exactly are you then? If your not an ordinary animal?” I asked.

I am the God of this forest. This is my forest and I have to look after it.


Yes, that's why I am able to speak to you with my mind, and bring your friend back to life

I nodded. The deer made me hold it's neck and let it pull me to our destination.

I'm a girl y'know

The voice laughed.

“Sorry” I blushed a little.

We had walked for quite a while, I was rather tired after it and I worried about the grumpy Nathaniel. I knew he'd be worrying about me and possibly looking for me. We rested for only twenty minutes then started out again, I was feeling tired and weak but I had to keep going.

That's because you haven't had blood yet

“Please don't...I can't drink blood” I felt sick again.

Can't or won't?


Are you not drinking it because you know it's wrong because your still thinking like a human? Or are you really put off by it?

“A bit of both really. But it's really because I'm a little squeamish and I can't handle blood well”

Then why are you a half vampire?

“I was on the verge of death and Nathaniel thought he was doing me a favour” I sighed.

Ah I see.

We remained silent for a few minutes before we stopped and I looked ahead of me to see a large statue like stone. It had no shape but it was very tall. I stared at it amazed.

The knife is at the top

“What?” I cried out.

If you want the knife, you have to climb for it

“But...I can't deal with heights!” I felt panicked.

Well it is you that has to climb and get the Knife. That's why Nathaniel couldn't come. It has to be you

“Why me?”

Lady Clarissa chose you

“How do you know that?!”

I turned to face the deer; it was gone! I felt more panicked than ever and felt on the verge of having a nervous breakdown! I then mentally slapped myself and took deep breaths. I ended up yawning which broke the 'getting ready for battle' kind of feeling I had. I then walked up to the stone and looked up at the top. It looked about 20 metres high! I took another deep breath and put my hands on the rock and started to climb.

Please don't let me fall” I whispered.