Sequel: A Vampires Love
Status: Complete

A Vampires Rage

Fight For The Knife

"You!" Kayden growled and hunched his back.

Gordon grinned a sickly grin showing his whitened teeth. I felt myself growling with Kayden and stopped, but I continued glaring.

"This is just delightful!" Gordon said again.

"Shut your face Gordon and get out of here!" I shouted.

"My dear girl, if I left now without the Knife Of Death then this war and chase would have been for nothing" Gordon exclaimed.

He seemed far too happy and it freaked me out a little. Kayden stood in front of me and growled.

"If you want to fight for it; bring it on!" Kayden said.

"No Kay! Your injured!" I hugged his back.

"I'm not! Don't worry, I got all fixed up"


"So young wolf, you want to battle with me? Well, let's dance" Gordon said and leaned forward.

Gordon's eyes turned dark red, the colour of blood and he screeched like bird that hurt my ears. I covered my ears and screamed as I witnessed Gordon transforming in to his vampire form. Massive black wings broke out of his back sending blood and bits of flesh flying from his back. Gordon grew a little as well and his hands and feet extended and their nails grew sharp, thick and long. I felt a tingle at the back of my head as though I was remembering this from somewhere. My thoughts went to Clarissa and I knew she must have witnessed this at some point too. A strong wind blew at our faces as Gordon flapped his wings that made a sickening wet sound as they opened up, Gordon now hovered in the air leaning forward ready to fly at us, but not without another cry of that horrid, high, shrill caw and then he dived for us. Nathaniel pushed me out of the way and we rolled off to the right of the fight. Kayden stood in a defensive position and got grabbed my the waist as Gordon flew at him full speed and they barrel rolled in the air. I tried to get Nathaniel off of me as I felt the urge to fight but not with my fists, with magic. I looked up to see Kayden give Gordon a right good punch in the face. Gordon bellowed and let go of Kayden. He fell to the ground on his shoulders and skidded and rolled over his shoulders and onto his side. Only a few seconds past but Kayden was on his feet with only a few scars. I felt like I wanted to cry, I couldn't do anything, but something wouldn't let me cry. I wanted to fight so I relaxed in Nathaniel's grip and he loosened it. I waited a few seconds and then rolled myself away from Nathaniel. I jumped on to my feet and started to run towards Kayden, of course I forgot Nathaniel was a full vampire and I was only a half vampire; he was much faster than me.

"Linzi what are you doing?!" Nathaniel shouted in my ear.

I winced and pushed him away from me, well, tried to.

"Kayden needs help and your not doing anything!" I shouted back.

"He's a big boy he can take care of himself" Nathaniel snorted.

I was about to reply when I heard Kayden howl. I looked to see him now as tall as ever on his hind legs, eyes shiny black, huge elongated fangs and talon like claws. Kayden growled louder than I'd ever heard him before and he ran so fast I could barely keep him in my sights as he ran and jumped up in the air about 7ft off the ground! Right onto Gordon's side! Gordon screeched and they began to fight. Both tearing at each others skin, You could see the skin they tore fly away from them or fall off, blood started to stain Kayden's sandy gold coat and Gordon's skin looked shiny from blood. I felt the hilt of the knife that I had somehow not let go of get really warm. I looked down at it and took in it's remarkable details. It was gold plated and had a pattern engraved in the side of it. I felt a white light reach up to me from my feet to my hands and then to my head, all I knew was that I wanted to set some magic loose. Kayden pulled Gordon to the ground sending dirt flying everywhere, tearing up grass and rocks. The sound of Gordon's wings scrapping on the ground, flapping furiously trying to get back up in the air or at least on top of Kayden to rip his throat out. Kayden howled as he reached his strong claws into Gordon's chest and a defiant crack of several ribs echoed in the valley around us. I felt sick, how could anyone live like this? Fighting all the time?

It has to be done

What do I do?

Use magic, can't you feel it wanting to be used?

I can't get away from Nathaniel.

You don't have to, he will let you go eventually

I sighed and stood straight placing my hands together with the knife in between pointing downwards as I started to chant an old language that I didn't understand. I felt as though I was loosing myself and Clarissa was taking over. I raised the knife and I closed my eyes and then flipped the knife round in my hands and pointed it towards Gordon who was now half in the air with Kayden trying to being him back down. I sent a blast of white magic at Gordon and it his him on the shoulder and engulfed him. He was knocked out of Kayden's grip and he fell to the ground a few feet away from him. I felt Nathaniel's arms unwrap from my waist and I sent another blast towards Gordon with my hands angled so that the magic would fly up over Kayden and then down on to Gordon.

"Linzi, what are you doing?" Nathaniel asked bemused.

"Killing a traitor" I said in a voice that was no my own.

"Lady...Clarissa?" Nathaniel asked.

That's when my magic stopped and the black shadow that was Gordon swooped down from above me and grabbed my arms in an attempt to get the knife.

"Nathaniel!" I shouted and dropped the knife. Nathaniel ran under us and grabbed the knife before it reached the ground. I looked up at Gordon and saw the damage Kayden had done.

Gordon was now missing an eye and several teeth. I would of laughed if Gordon had not swung his head under to my face in an attempt to bite it off. I tried to swing my legs up into the air and kick him in the face, although he let go of me and I screamed as I was falling. I grunted as Gordon grabbed my feet, the wind changed and it caught in my throat. Although just as I got my breath back my eyes widened as there was a cliff in front of me. I could do nothing as Gordon flew me right into it. I couldn't stay awake.
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I know it's not very good but I had the chance to update so I did,

let me know what you think please :)

sarah x xx