Status: Hope you guys like it, this is the first time I've ever written about Cristiano Ronaldo

Life, Love, and the Kardashians

Chapter 1

"Oh Nikolai, if only we didn’t have to hide. If only we could let the world know just how much we love each other! But your mother will never allow it and neither will my family. For that my dear sweet Nikolai, I fear we must forever part. But before we do, will you please indulge me in one last sweet kiss?" Leaning toward him, Nikolai vanished and Riley found herself falling over a cliff. Screaming, she watched as the ground came closer and closer. Landing with a hard thud, Riley groaned as she pushed herself up on to her knees and glared at her dogs Bert and Ernie. The reasons why she was currently on the floor and why her dream had ended before the good part. "Thanks a lot guys!" Burt, her Great Dane, just stretched and rolled over while her English Bulldog Ernie let out a snore. Sighing, Riley stood up and stretched, "Well, might as well go ahead and get the day started."

Walking in to the bathroom, Riley stripped out of her Hit The Hay Ribbed Longline Night Dress and panties. Stepping in to the shower, she turned on the water jumping a little at the cold and then sighing as the water quickly heated. Using her 2 in 1 honey scented shampoo and conditioner, she washed her hair before using her apple body wash to wash her body. Turning off the water, she stepped out of the shower. Using one towel to tie up her hair, she wrapped the other around her body before walking in to the bedroom to get dressed.

As she made her way over to her dresser, she rolled her eyes at her still sleeping dogs. Pulling open the bottom dresser drawer, she pulled out a Boudoir Corded Lace Mesh Overlay Under wire bra and matching thong. Dropping the towel, she slipped on the thong and hooked on her bra. Walking back to the bathroom, she took down the towel off of her head and blow dried her hair; once again thankful that she had decided to cut her once really long hair. She used her fingers to brush through it, creating a messy yet stylish look. For her make up, she went with a more natural look since she wasn’t a big fan of heavy make up; unlike her sister Kim. When her make up was done, she headed back to the bedroom to finish getting ready. Opening up the top drawer, she pulled out a pair of Denim Boyfriend Shorts in Rip & Repair Vintage Wash. She slipped them on, zipping and buttoning them up. Opening up the second drawer, she pulled out a 2nd Day Wait A 2nd T-Shirt. Slipping that over her head, she walked over to her closet and pulled out a pair of New Look Immerse Mega Crossover Heeled Wedge Sandals. When they were securely on her feet, she walked out of the bedroom and in to the living room. Walking over to the couch, she grabbed her black L.L Bean leather messenger bag. Reaching down to the coffee table, she grabbed her car keys, wallet and cell phone and shoved them in to the bag. The very last thing Riley grabbed was the most important thing she owned; her Nikon D3300. As a freelance photographer, her camera was the most important thing in her life; she’d be lost without it. Placing it carefully in her bag, she slipped it over her head and on to her shoulder. As she headed out the front door, she called back to her dogs, “Don’t sleep the day away and don’t destroy the house!” Locking up the door, she headed to her car. Climbing in to her black GranTurismo MC Stradale, she headed off to meet her best friend, up and coming fashion designer Laney Garcia, at her store ‘Eres Hermosa!’

"Smile!" Riley called out as she walked in to the store and pulled out her camera. Laney happily posed as Riley took a few shots. "Beautiful as always." Riley told her, putting away her camera. Laney laughed as she walked behind the counter, "So what brings you here? No work yet?" "Nope! God, sometimes my life sucks!" "Well at least look at it this way; you could still be living in LA with that family of yours." "Oh god! Good point, now I don’t feel so bad." "Happy to help babe. And don’t worry Ri, your big break is coming. I just know it." Patting her on the hand, Laney made her way to the back of the store, leaving Riley in the front to think about what she had said.

Later that night, as Riley was munching on take out, cell phone rang. Pausing her movie and swallowing her food, she answered “Hello?” “Yes, is this Riley Jenner?” A thick Spanish accented man asked. “Yes this is her, who is this?” “Oh, right. I’m Miguel Sanchez. I work for Eclipse magazine. I don’t know if you’ve heard of us, but we’re a sports fashion magazine.” “Oh yes, I’ve heard of you. What can I do for you Mr. Sanchez?” “Well, you see we have a photo shoot on Friday. But our photographer had to cancel. Our stylist for the shoot mentioned that she had a friend who was a photographer and that I should get in touch with you.” Riley had a feeling that she knew who the stylist was, but she still needed to be certain “And who’s the stylist?” “A miss Laney Garcia.” Bingo. Riley didn’t know if she should thank Laney or kill her. Guess it would just depend on how the shoot went. “Well I’m flattered that you want me. So, what time on Friday is the shoot?” “Oh, I’m so happy you’re going to do it! The shoot is at noon. I’ll have my assistant e-mail you all the details tomorrow morning. Thank you again Ms. Jenner, you’re really saving my life.” “It’s not problem, thank you for the job!” After saying goodbye, Riley hung up. Deciding that she would yell at Laney about what she had done tomorrow, Riley headed to bed; having no idea just how much this job was going to change her life.
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