Status: Hope you guys like it, this is the first time I've ever written about Cristiano Ronaldo

Life, Love, and the Kardashians

Chapter 10

6 months, 6 glorious months; that’s how long Riley and Cristiano had been dating. It was now August, which meant one thing; It was Riley’s birthday! “So what do you want for your birthday?” Cristiano asked as he and Riley were making lunch. “I don’t know. I don’t need anything. I have you.” “That’s great, but I still want to get you something. So what do you want?” “I really don’t care. But whatever you do get me, don’t make it too expensive. Please?” “I make no promise. You know I love to spoil you. Just like you know I love you.” Hearing him say that, still could bring a smile to Riley’s face; just like it did the first time he said it. “I love you too.”

The day of Riley’s birthday, everyone was acting really strange. And no one was answering their phones. “Hey Lane, it’s me again. Just trying to get a hold of you again. Guess you’re busy. Call me later or something.” Hanging up her phone, she let out a loud sigh, causing her dogs to look at her. “What? It’s my birthday and I’m alone. I’m allowed to be annoyed.” Where was everybody? Cristiano had been making a big deal about her birthday, and now she hadn’t even gotten a text wishing her happy birthday. This birthday officially sucked. “You know what? I’m not gonna sit here wallowing. It’s my birthday damn it! I’m going to enjoy it, even if I have to enjoy it alone!” With that, Riley stood up and left the house, having no idea where she was going.

Walking around the city, Riley was trying to pick up her mood by doing some shopping. But it wasn’t working. There were cameras following her and all Riley could think was how much the media was going to love the fact that she was alone on her birthday. They were always trying to create drama with her and Cristiano. Him not being with her today was going to give them a field day. She was just about to give up and go home and have a lousy day, when she noticed a pet shop. She had always wanted to get another dog, so she decided to just go in and check it out. Maybe she’d buy herself a birthday present. She looked around for a bit, but she couldn’t see anything that caught her eyes. She was about to leave when she noticed a small little ball curled up in the corner of a window. Walking over, she read the tag and saw that it was a Saint Bernard. It was smaller than normal though. Getting down, so she could get a better look, the puppy suddenly lifted its head and Riley instantly fell in love. Noticing a worker standing a few feet away, she walked over to her, “Excuse me.” “Si?” “I would like to buy that Saint Bernard puppy.” “Oh you don’t want her.” “And why not?” “Because she was the runt of the litter and she’s deaf. Why don’t you get another dog.” “No thank you. I’ll take her.” “OK. But you’re making a big mistake.” Riley rolled her eyes as the worker walked away to get the puppy. When she came back, she dumped the puppy in Riley’s hands before walking over to the register. As Riley followed her, she mumbled to herself, “I’m so glad I’m getting you out of here.” After purchasing the dog and some supplies, she walked out of the store. She was immediately hounded by cameras. Keeping her head down, she quickly got in to her car. Putting the puppy down on the passenger seat, she headed home.

Bert and Ernie loved their new sister, and she loved them. Athena, as Riley named her, was the best birthday present Riley could have bought herself. As she was playing with her dogs, there was knock on the door. Getting up, she went to answer it, surprised to see Laney on the other side, “Well, look who finally decided to come out of hiding.” “I know, I’m sorry. But Cristiano made me ignore you. It’s all part of something he’s got planned, which I can’t tell you about. But happy birthday!” “Thank you. Come on in.” “So, you need to go take a shower because we’ve got to go somewhere in a few hours. So go, I’ll keep your dogs company. When did you get another dog?” “Oh that’s Athena. She’s my birthday present to myself. Be careful with her, she’s deaf.” With that, Riley went to take her shower. When she was done, she blow dried her hair and brushed it before putting on her robe. “Alright, so what do I need to wear to this place we’re going to?” “You’re going to wear this. I made it just for your birthday.” Riley gasped at the beautiful dress. It was a cream colored lace knee length dress with a key hole back. It was absolutely breathtaking. “Thank you, it’s beautiful.” “You’re welcome, not go get dressed!” When she was done, she slipped on a pair of heels and sprayed some perfume on. “Alright, I’m ready to go.” “Good, cause if we don’t leave now, we’re gonna be late.” “What exactly is going on?” “I can’t tell you, but I know you’ll love it.” Laney told her before they headed out of the house to her car.

An hour later, they pulled up outside of Palacio de la Misión. “What are we doing here? No one’s here.” Riley pointed out as they got out of the car. “Just wait.” “Wait for what? Laney what is going on?” “Just follow me and stop asking questions!” Doing as she was told, Riley reluctantly followed Laney. When she and Laney walked inside, Riley was taken aback as hundreds of people all shouted out, “Surprise!” Riley looked around with shock on her face. There were so many people here. She could see all of Cristiano’s team mates and their significant others, Cristiano’s family, her entire family, a few of her friends from back in LA, and of course Cristiano and Junior. Riley couldn’t believe that Cristiano would do this for her. It was amazing. Cristiano smiled at her before putting Junior down, who instantly ran to Riley. Riley picked him up and hugged him close, “Happy birfthday!” “Thank you sweet boy.” She looked up and saw Cristiano making his way over to her. Leaning in, he kissed her quickly before pulling away with a smile, “Happy birthday amor.” “Thank you. But you didn’t have to do this. I would have loved a card from hallmark.” “You deserve it. No come, it’s time to greet your guests.”

For the next hour, Riley greeted everybody at the party. She had fun catching up with her old friends and introducing them to Laney. When it was finally time to go to her family, she was both looking forward to it, and dreading it. “Thank you guys for coming.” Riley told them as she gave each of them a hug. “Girl we wouldn’t have missed it for the world!” Khloe told her. “Yeah, when Cristiano told us about the party, we just knew we had to be here.” Kourtney smiled. “Yeah, we can’t miss a great party.” Kylie replied. “It’s a very nice party. Not as nice as my birthday party was, but it’s OK.” Kim said, giving her a fake smile. “Oh honey nothing could top your birthday. The fireworks, the orchestra and of course Kanye proposing. It was magical.” Kris gushed. Riley just rolled her eyes. “Well you never know, maybe there’ll be another proposal very soon.” Khloe said, giving Riley and Cristiano a look. Starting to feel very uncomfortable, she turned to Cristiano, “Would you like to dance?” Cristiano didn’t even hesitate, “Yes!” Grabbing her hand, he led her to where others were dancing. “I’m sorry about my family.” “I should be the one to say sorry. Maybe I shouldn’t have invited them.” “No. Just everybody but Khloe.” “I’ll remember that for next time.” Just them, Riley’s favorite song came on; ‘I don’t Wanna Miss A Thing’ by Areosmith. Cristiano pulled Riley close to him as they started to sway to the music. “So, are you having a good birthday?” “The best. Thank you again for this. But I wish you wouldn’t have gone through all the trouble.” “It was no trouble. You deserve it.” “But it must have cost you a fortune.” “It’s fine. Now, how would you feel about taking a little walk with me? I wanna give you your birthday present.” “You mean the party wasn’t it?” “Nope. Come on.” Taking her hand, he led her off the dance floor and out the door towards the lake.

When they got to the lake, they took a seat on the bench that was there. Reaching in to his pocket, Cristiano pulled out a little blue box. “Here. This is part 1 of your birthday gift.” Taking the box from him, Riley opened it and gasped as she saw a beautiful ruby, diamond, and platinum ring. Looking at him, she asked “Is this?” He shook his head as he took the box from her, “It’s not an engagement ring. I don’t think we’re ready for that. But this is a promise ring. A promise that I will love you for as long as you will let me. A promise that I will never hurt you. A promise that I will always protect you. And a promise that when the time is right, I’ll replace this ring with an even bigger one. Cause when I propose, and I will; you an bet that the rock will be so big that you can barely lift your hand.” Riley had to laugh at that. They may have only been dating for 6 months, but she knew without a shadow of a doubt that Cristiano was it for her. She could never imagine herself with any one else. He’d ruined her for other men. “Well, then let me make you a promise. I promise to love you for as long as you let me. I promise to never hurt you or Junior. I promise to always protect you both. And I promise that when they day to replace this ring comes, I’ll say hell yes.” Cristiano laughed as he wiped the tears that had started to fall from Riley’s eyes. Leaning forward, he kissed her softly before pulling away. Taking the ring out of the box, he slipped it on her left ring finger and placed a kiss to her knuckle. “Right where it belongs. Now, it’s time for part 2 of your gift.” Reaching in to his pocket, he pulled out a key ring with a silver key on it. “You better not have bought me a car.” “No, no car. But if you want, I can.” “No. So, what’s the key for?” “It’s a key to my house. Or, as I want it to be, our house.” “Our house?” “I want you to move in with me. Me and Junior. I love it when you spend the weekends with us because it makes me feel like we’re a real family. I love waking up next to you each morning, and I love going to sleep with you every night. I even love having your dogs there. I don’t want to go another day without doing all that I love. So what do you say? Will you move in?” Riley only needed a moment to think about it. “Of course I will. But I should warn you right now. It’s no longer me, Bert and Ernie. As of today, it’s me, Bert, Ernie and Athena.” “Athena?” “I may have bought myself a puppy for my birthday.” “It’s a small dog right?” “Define small?” “Meu Deus!” “Hey, if it’s a problem I can always just stay where I am now.” “Nope, you already said yes. You can’t change your mind now.” “Good. Cause there’s nowhere else I’d rather be.” And she meant it.