Status: Hope you guys like it, this is the first time I've ever written about Cristiano Ronaldo

Life, Love, and the Kardashians

Chapter 12

"Do you have to go?" Cristiano whined as he watched his girlfriend pack for a trip to LA. "I told you that I do. Khloe really needs me right now. It’s only 2 weeks. I’l be back before you know it." she told him, not stopping her packing. It had been 2 months since the Marco incident and everything between them was good and back to normal. Sure Cristiano still got jealous, but he no longer took it out on Riley. Instead he would just glare at the guy until they moved away from her. "I know you have to go. I just hate being away from you." "I know. But like I said, it’s only 2 weeks. You’ll hardly know I’m gone!"

It was the morning before Riley was scheduled to leave and she was in hell. Junior was staying at Dolores’ and Cristiano was at training; leaving Riley alone. She had been in the kitchen making herself some breakfast when all of a sudden, nausea hit her hard. She had been in the bathroom now for the past hour. She didn’t have a fever, and she knew she wasn’t really sick. She was just nauseous. She was trying so hard not to be sick again that she didn’t hear the front door open until she heard Dolores call out, “Olá? Riley?” Riley lifted her head enough to call out, “In the bathroom.” As soon as she said those words, another wave of nausea hit her and Riley once again stuck her head in the toilet, “Oh querida. What’s wrong?” Dolores asked as she walked in to find Riley with her head buried in the toilet. When she was done throwing up, she flushed the toilet and stood up. Dolores handed her a tissue before filling up a glass with water and handing it to her. “Obrigado. I don’t know what’s wrong. I was fine and then all of a sudden I started throwing up.” Riley told her, using the water to rinse out her mouth. When she was done, Dolores led her back in to the bedroom where Junior was sitting on the bed playing with some of his toys. Getting her under the covers, Dolores pressed her hand to Riley’s forehead, “Well you don’t have a fever.” “I don’t think I’m sick. I think it was just something I ate. I’m sure I’ll be better after I get some rest. After all, I have a flight to catch tomorrow.” Dolores nodded her head while staring at Riley questioningly. “What?” Riley asked. “I don’t want you to freak out Riley, but is there a chance that you could be pregnant?” Riley actually laughed at that. “No. I’m not pregnant.” “Are you sure?” “Yes I’m sure.” “So you’ve had your period lately?” That made Riley pause. Come to think of it, she hadn’t had her period in almost 2 months. But there was no way she was pregnant. “I’m not pregnant.” Dolores let it drop after that and Riley was thankful for it. Pregnant? Her? That was just crazy!

The next morning found Riley at the airport being dropped off by Laney. Cristiano would have dropped her off, but he had training. “Have a safe flight. Call me when you get there.” “Yes mom.” “And don’t let your family piss you off. I know they’re good at that, but you’re better than them.” “I know. Well, I better get going. Love ya.” After hugging Laney goodbye, Riley went to board her flight. 12 hours later, Riley found herself back in Los Angeles. A place she hadn’t been since the day she left almost 3 years ago. It hadn’t changed a bit. Walking to baggage claim, Riley was followed by paparazzi. She hated that they were allowed inside the airport, but there was nothing she could do about it. Grabbing her bags, she headed outside to where she knew Khloe was waiting for her. “Hey girl! How was the flight?” Khloe asked as Riley got in to the car. “Tiring. I just wanna take a shower and sleep for a week.” “Well I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but we have to have dinner at Kris and Bruce’s. It’s a welcome home dinner for you.” Riley groaned, “No!” “It gets even worse, the cameras will be there.” “Oh god kill me now.” “Don’t worry, I’m sure it won’t be too bad.” Oh how wrong she was.

Riley knew the minute she walked in to the house that it was going to be a bad night. “Oh honey, I’m so glad you’re home!” Kris gushed as she ran to hug Riley, the camera’s following her. Riley had to resist the urge to roll her eyes. “It’s good to be back mom.” “Come on, everyone’s already in the dining room waiting for you.” Riley wound up having to sit in between Kim and Khloe. The camera’s were filming the whole thing. Riley really hated being in front of the camera and her family knew that. “So honey, how’s everything with you and Cristiano?” of course her mother would bring up Cristiano. “It’s good. We’re happy.” “Any plans to get married? You know I’d love for you to settle down.” “No, no plans. We’ve only been dating for 8 months. I think it’s too soon.” “That’s OK. I don’t think you two would have a good marriage anyway. Cristiano doesn’t seem like the type to settle for just one girl. I wouldn’t be surprised if he had another girl on the side right now.” Riley turned to look at Kim with a look of disbelief. “Wow. I can’t believe just how bitter you really are.” Kim looked at her in shock, “Excuse me?” Riley had been quiet for too long. She had let her family put her down long enough and she wasn’t going to stand for it. She didn’t care if the cameras filmed everything. If she didn’t get this all out now, she never would. “You heard me. You’re still bitter over the fact that he didn’t want you. You can’t handle the fact that a guy actually wants me over you.” “That’s not-” “Cris and I are happy together. We love each other and would never hurt each other. I’m sorry that he didn’t want you, but maybe if you weren’t such a selfish bitch, then maybe he would have.” “Don’t you dare talk to your sister like that!” Kris yelled. Riley turned to her mother, “Oh I’m sorry mom. Did I insult your favorite child? Good. She deserves to be knocked down a peg or two. And so do you. I’m sick and tired of the way you treat me. God, I wish you had never adopted me. You know I hate being on camera, but you disregarded that just so you could use my relationship to garner more attention. Well not any more. My relationship is my relationship. You do not get to use it for your selfish needs. And if you continue to do so, I will cut you out of my life completely.” “Is that a threat?” “Oh no mother. It’s a promise.”

After the eventful dinner, Khloe and Riley went home and Riley broke down, “I can’t believe I just did that! God I’m such an idiot!” “Don’t worry, they deserved it. But where did that come from?” “I don’t know! I’ve been so weird lately. I’m throwing up all the time, my mood keeps changing. I’ll be happy one minute, then angry and then sad. Maybe I’m bipolar or something.” Khloe looked at her strangely, “What? You’re looking at me the same way Dolores did.” “Dude are you sure you’re not pregnant?” “Oh god not you too! I’m not pregnant!” “Are you sure? Maybe you should take a test.” “And how would I do that? If either of us go and buy a test, it’s going to be on the front cover of every tabloid magazine.” “Don’t worry. I’ll get the test. I know where to go. You just go drink something so when I come back you can take the test.” “Alright, but I’m telling you now it’s a waste of time. I’m not pregnant.” Khloe came back 20 minutes later with 3 tests. “3? Isn’t that a bit much?” “You want to be absolutely sure right?” “Yeah. But I’m telling you I’m not.” “Then you have nothing to worry about. Go take the test.” Riley nodded her head and headed in to the bathroom, already convinced that the tests would be negative.

She had been in the bathroom for 10 minutes when Khloe started to get a little worried, “Riley? You almost done in there?” Just then, the bathroom door opened and Riley walked out; her face was completely pale. “Well? What did the test say?” Riley still couldn’t believe it as she whispered, “I’m pregnant.”