Status: Hope you guys like it, this is the first time I've ever written about Cristiano Ronaldo

Life, Love, and the Kardashians

Chapter 13

As soon as Riley got back to Madrid, the first thing she did was make a doctor’s appointment to confirm that she was in fact pregnant and to see just how far along she was. As she sat in the doctor’s office waiting for the doctor, Riley suddenly became nervous. If she was in fact pregnant, how would Cristiano react? Would he be happy about it or would he be mad. What about his family? She didn’t know what she would do if Cristiano didn’t want the baby she may be carrying. Riley was brought out of her worry by the door opening, “Good afternoon Ms. Jenner. What brings you in today?” “Um well, I’ve been feeling nauseous a lot lately. I took a few pregnancy tests and they were all positive. I just want to confirm if I am in fact pregnant, and if I am; how far along I am.” “OK. Well, first things first. We’re going to need to take a blood and urine sample. Then once we get the results back, we’ll go from there.” Once the blood and urine samples were off to the lab, Riley sat in the office and waited. As she waited, she thought more of the possibility she could be pregnant. At first she had been freaked out, but now she was actually excited about the fact that she could be having a baby with the man she loved. She had always wanted kids. Of course she had wanted to be married before that happened, but it looks like that wasn’t the order she was going to do that in. The doctor returned while Riley was day dreaming about a little girl that looked just like her, but had Cristiano’s skin tone. “Alright, well I have your results. You are in fact pregnant.” Riley broke out in to a smile, “Really?” “Yes, congratulations.” “Thank you.” “Now, how about we see how far along you are?” The doctor instructed Riley to lay down on the table and lift her shirt up. “Now this is going to be cold.” The doctor warned before putting a gel on her stomach, Riley jumped at the coldness. “Alright, let’s find your baby.” The doctor moved the little wand over her stomach until a little while ball appeared on the screen. “You see that ball right there? That’s your baby.” ”Is it OK?” “From the looks of it, it’s perfect. It also looks like you are 11 weeks pregnant. That means you can hear the heart beat. Would you like to?” Riley nodded her head. As the doctor turned on the volume, Riley’s eyes widened, “Is it supposed to be that fast?” “Yes. It means the baby’s healthy. Don’t worry, it’ll slow down as it goes along. Alright, I think we’re done here.” She was about to turn off the machine when an idea suddenly hit Riley, “Wait! Can I record the heart beat?” “Sure you can.” Riley pulled her phone out of her pocket and handed it to the doctor who held it up towards the speaker. When it was recorded, she handed the phone back to Riley. “Would you like me to print out a picture of the ultra sound. “Yes please.” As the doctor left to print out the picture, a plan on how to tell Cristiano was forming in her head. She just hoped that when he found out, he’d be happy about it.

On her way home from the doctor’s Riley decided to stop by Laney’s. “Hey girl! How was your trip?” Laney asked as Riley walked in. “Informative.” “What does that mean?” “It means you’re going to be an aunt.” “What?” “I’m pregnant.” Laney screamed and ran at Riley, pulling her in to a hug. “Lane, can’t breathe!” “Oh god, I’m sorry! You’re really having a baby?” “Yep! I’m 11 weeks along.” “How did Cristiano react?” “I actually haven’t told him yet. I’m telling him tonight.” “Well, let me know how it goes.” “I will. I better get going, I have to stop by the store and pick up some things for dinner. I’ll call you tomorrow.” After giving Laney a hug, Riley headed to the store and then home. When she got home, Cristiano wasn’t there. She figured he was either still at training or out somewhere. Looking at the time, Riley started on dinner. She had just finished when Cristiano came home. “Hey babe. Where did you go today?” Cristiano asked as he came in to the kitchen and wrapped his arms around Riley’s waist. “I had a doctor’s appointment.” “Everything OK?” “Yeah, everything’s fine. It was just a check up.” “OK. Dinner smells good.” “It’s almost done, so why don’t you go set the table while I finish up.” “OK. I’ll grab the wine too.” “Oh, none for me. I’ll just have water.” Cristiano looked at her strangely. Riley never turned down wine. Shrugging his shoulders, Cristiano went to set the table while Riley finished up dinner and tried to calm her nerves as she got ready to break the news of her pregnancy.

All through out dinner, Riley tired to keep her nerves calm, but she couldn’t. Cristiano could tell something was up with Riley. “What’s going on? Are you OK? Did something happen?” Riley sighed as she pushed her plate away. “Yeah, something did happen.” “What? Whatever it is, we can get through it.” Riley smiled at that, she just hoped he felt the same way after she told him. Getting up from the table, she went and picked up her phone. Walking back to the table, she took a seat in Cristiano’s lap before she pulled up the recording and handed the phone to Cris. He held it, but didn’t hear anything at first. Then suddenly, he heard a steady thumping. He’d heard that noise before, but he couldn’t place it. Then Riley spoke, “The doctor says it’s got a good heart beat.” Cristiano stared at her confused before it suddenly dawned on him and a smile broke out on his face, “You’re pregnant?” Riley nodded her head, “Yes. Just short of 3 months.” “We’re really having a baby?” “I know it’s kind of sudden, but I want you to be OK with it because I’m very, very OK with it and I-” Cristiano cut her off by pulling her in to a kiss. When they pulled away, Riley noticed that he had tears in his eyes, “I’m more than OK with it. This is the best thing that could happen. I’m having a baby with you; the woman I love.” That was the best thing he could have possibly said.