Status: Hope you guys like it, this is the first time I've ever written about Cristiano Ronaldo

Life, Love, and the Kardashians

Chapter 14

It had been 2 months since Riley found out she was pregnant. She was now 4 months along and starting to show. Pretty soon they were going to have to start telling people. They had already told Cristiano’s family. They had been so thrilled when they heard the news. Junior had been excites to find out he was going to have a little brother or sister. Riley had decided that she didn’t want her family to know because she knew they would just use this to get them more fame. So instead, they chose to tell only a few select people; like Khloe, and her dad. Cristiano had told his team and his agent, but other than that, no one else.

But it turned out that they didn’t have to tell anyone. The world found out when they saw the pictures of the two of them leaving the doctors office. Riley and Cristiano were there for the 4 month check up. It was the day they were going to find out if they were having a boy or a girl. Riley had always wanted a little boy, and she knew Cristiano wanted another son. She just hoped they got their wish. When the doctor came in, Riley was already lying on the table waiting for her, “Good morning. You guys ready to learn the sex of your baby?” “Yes, yes we are.” Riley said with a smile. “Great, then lets get started.” After the doctor turned on the machine, she got to work looking at the baby. Everything was fine until she suddenly said, “Oh my goodness.” Riley and Cristiano looked at her in alarm, “What? What’s wrong with the baby?” The doctor looked at them with a smile, “You mean babies.” “Excuse me? I don’t think I heard you correctly, did you just say babies? As in more than 1?” Riley asked stunned. “Try 3. You’re having triplets.” Cristiano looked like he was about to faint, “Trip- triplets?” “Yes. If you look right here, here and here. Those are your babies heads.” “How could we have not known before that there was more than one?” Riley wondered, She was still in shock that she was carrying triplets. “Well sometimes when there’s more than one, their heartbeats can blend together and make it hard to distinguish between them. And when they’re this small, it’s easy to hide. Now, would you like to know the sexes of you triplets?” Riley and Cristiano nodded. “Well from the looks of it, you’ll be having 2 boys and a little girl.” Riley and Cristiano were so deliriously happy as they left the doctors, that they never notices the couple of photographers waiting across the street.

Riley was out shopping with Laney the next day, when she found out everybody knew. They were grabbing a bite to eat when she heard, “I can’t believe she’s having Cristiano’s baby. She’s not even good looking! I bet that baby’s gonna be a freak.” “Yeah? Well I bet it’s not even his. I bet she got knocked up by some guy that wants nothing to do with her ugly ass and now she’s trying to pin it on Ronaldo. Poor guy, bet he wises up soon and dumps her sorry ass. God she’s just like the rest of her family! Only want attention.” Riley looked over to a table where 2 girls were talking. She couldn’t believe what she was hearing! “You OK? Just ignore them Riley, they’re just jealous petty little bitches. They are not worth getting upset about.” Laney told her. Riley shook her head, that wasn’t what she was shocked about. It wasn’t the first time she’d heard people bad mouthing her. “That’s not it. They were talking about my pregnancy. How the hell did they know I’m pregnant? I haven’t told anybody.” Laney shook her head, “I don’t know. Look why don’t we get out of here?” Riley nodded her head. Once the bill was paid, Riley and Laney walked outside, only to come face to face with the paparazzi. “Fuck.” Riley mumbled under her breath. They tried to get away, but they swarmed around the 2 of them. “Riley are you really pregnant?” “How far along are you?” “Is it Ronaldo’s?” “Do you love taking the spot light away from your sister?” “Did you get pregnant so Ronaldo won’t leave you?” “Are you gonna demand a 10 million dollar pay day and leave him to raise this baby as well?” The more the questions and the flashes went off, the more panicked Riley became. She was starting to hyperventilate, when suddenly 2 arms reached through the crowd of photographers and pulled Riley and Laney out. It wasn’t until they were away from the photographers, that she saw who had rescued Riley and Laney; Iker and Sergio. One look at Iker and Riley immediately broke down; damn her hormones.

Sergio took Laney to her car as Iker drove Riley home. On the way to her and Cristiano’s home, Riley didn’t say a word. She was still too upset about everything that had happened. When they pulled up to the house, Riley thanked Iker before getting out of the car. She was on her way up to the door when it opened and out stepped an upset looking Cristiano. He took one look at her and pulled her in to his arms. Riley just clung to his as he walked her back in the house. When they walked in to the living room, his family was there waiting for them. Cristiano led Riley to the couch and had her sit down. He went to the kitchen to get her a drink while Junior came over and curled up next to Riley. When Cristiano came back, the questions began. “What happened?” “Laney and I were out to lunch when we were swarmed. I don’t know how they found out.” “They were at the doctors office. There’s pictures of us leaving. Your family called. They’re upset we didn’t tell them. I may have yelled. I hope that doesn’t cause any more problems.” Riley shook her head as she looked at Cristiano, “It’s fine. I don’t think anything could make that relationship worse than it already is.” “Oh, and Khloe said she’s flying out. Said she needed to get away from your family since they yelled at her because she already knew.” “I’ll have to call her then.” “Well at least look at the bright side you two. Now you don’t have to tell the whole world.” Elma said, trying to make light of the situation. “I guess. It just sucks. Now all I’m going to be hearing and reading about is how I’m just like the rest of my family. We don’t know how to keep our legs closed before we’re married.” “Those people are idiots.” Cristiano said as he ran his fingers through her hair. “I know. It’s still going to suck.” “Well don’t worry, I’m here for you no matter what. I’m never leaving you.” Riley smiled at him. After the day she’d had, that was exactly what she needed to hear.