Status: Hope you guys like it, this is the first time I've ever written about Cristiano Ronaldo

Life, Love, and the Kardashians

Chapter 15

"Alright, so. Names. What do you got?" Khloe asked as they sat outside by the pool. It was mid April and Riley was 6 months pregnant. Khloe had flown out to Madrid to see Riley 2 months ago. She was originally gonna stay for a couple of weeks, but after seeing the way the press was treating her, she decided to stay until the triplets were born. Riley greatly appreciated that. With Cristiano still in the middle of his season and also doing National duties, she needed all the help she could get. During Khloe’s stay, Junior had become very attached to Khloe, going so far as to start calling her Aunt Khlo. Riley only thought it wa fitting since a month ago, Junior had started to call her mama. Riley had cried when he first called her that, but blamed it on her hormones. Now that it was getting closer to Riley’s delivery date, it was time to name the babies. "I’ve honestly got none. I’d ask Cristiano, but look at what he named his son." Khloe laughed at that, "True. Alright, well let’s look at the baby name app." Pulling out her Ipad, she pulled up the app and they got to looking. "Alright. Lets start with the boys first. Aaron?" "No." "Abraham?" "No. To biblical." "Achilles?" "No body parts." "Cairo?" "No locations." "Campbell?" "Soup." "Ronan?" "I like that. We’ll put that in the maybe pile. What next?" "Landon?" "That’s nice." "Colt?" "Maybe." "Reagan?" "That’s good. Alright. Landon Reagan, I like that." "Alright, so that’s one boy down, one boy to go." "I want Ronan as a middle name, so I need something to go with that." "Alright. Colby?" "Colby Ronan? Yeah. I like that." "Alright, so we’ve got the boys. Now it’s time for my niece." "I want her middle name to be Grace." "OK. Nina?" "No." "Anastasia?" "No." "Selina?" "Nope." "Lucille? You could call her Lucy." "Nah, too old." "Asia?" "I said no locations." " Aaliyah?" "No." "Amelia?" "Amelia Grace? Yeah, it works. I like it." "Great! So you’ve got your baby names. What are their last names going to be?" "Do Santos Aviero. They’re going to have Cristiano’s last name." "Oh. So when are you going to have Cristiano’s last name?" "Can we not talk about that?" As they were talking, Cristiano had came home and was listening. "Because I don’t want him to propose to me right now." "And why not?" "Because I know if he did, he’d only be proposing because I’m having his kids. That’s not what I want. I want him to ask me because he loves me." "Riley that man is so in love with you it’s crazy! Trust me, when he proposes it’s going to be because he loves you. Not because you’re having his babies."

Later that afternoon while Riley was upstairs taking a nap, Cristiano approached Khole in the kitchen. “Hey Cris, what’s up?” “I need your help.” “What’s up?” “I need you to go shopping with me tomorrow.” “You need me to help you pick out clothes?” “No.” “Then what do you need my help with?” “I need your help picking out an engagement ring.” “What!?!” “Shh!” “Sorry, sorry. But really? You want to propose? Really?” “Yes. Now are you going to help me or not?” “Yes. Oh my god this is great!” Khloe pulled her in to a tight hug. “You think she’s gonna say yes?” Khloe laughed, “Are you kidding? Of course she is! She loves you, there’s no way she’s going to say no. But first, there’s something I need to ask you.” “What?” “Are your proposing because you love her or are you just proposing because she’s pregnant?” “I love her. I want to spend the rest of my life with her. Her being pregnant is just an added bonus.” “Good answer. I’m glad she’s with you Cris. I can’t think of anybody better for her.”

A month later and it was the end of the season. It was the final home game of the season and Riley was 7 and a half months pregnant. She was also very cranky. “I want you to be there. It’s the final game.” Cristiano begged as he got ready to go to the stadium. “But I don’t feel like going. I’m tired, I’m uncomfortable and I just don’t wanna go.” “Please? I promise if you go, you’ll enjoy it. Plus if you I, I promise I’ll give you a massage when we get home.” “A massage? Oh alright, you drive a hard bargain; but I’ll go.” Giving him a kiss, she went to get changed, leaving Cristiano behind smiling. Part one of the plan was a success. Later that afternoon, Riley found herself sitting in the box suite with Cristiano’s family, Junior and Khloe. Riley couldn’t help but notice just how weird everybody was acting. They kept smiling at her and checking their watches. Riley though, put it out of her mind and focused on the game. Real was winning 2-1. Cristiano had scored both of the teams goals, and since it was only the first half, he could easily get a hat trick. “He’s playing like a man on a mission.” Riley commented as she watched the game, “Maybe he’s just having a good day. You look beautiful by the way. I’m glad you decided to come.” Khloe smiled at her. Riley looked down at what she was wearing; a plum colored Maternity Smock Dress and a pair of JAK Flatform Shoes. It was the first time in a few months that she actually felt beautiful. “Thank you. Even though I look like a beached whale.” “No you don’t!” Riley just rolled her eyes and went back to watching the game.

A few minutes before halftime, everyone suddenly stood up, leaving Riley sitting there staring at them. “Why are you all standing up, it’s not halftime yet.” Dolores smiled at the, “Because it’s time. Come on querida.” Khloe and Elma helped Riley stand up. Confused, she followed the women and Junior out of the room. “Where are we going?” Riley asked as they went in to the elevator. “Just wait. You’ll find out soon enough.” When the elevator dinged and the doors opened, Riley found herself face to face with a man in a suit. “Ms. Jenner. Please follow me.” Riley looked at the others and they all nodded their heads. Figuring that it was OK, Riley followed the man. They walked for a few minutes until she realized they were headed up the tunnel towards the field. “Um, what is going on?” “Just go on out there. Mr. Ronaldo is waiting for you.” Riley stared at the man in confusion, before doing as she was told. She could hear the crowd grow silent as she made her way on to the pitch. When she saw Cristiano, he had a big smile on his face. “What is going on?” she demanded as she walked up to him. Cristiano didn’t answer, instead he winked at her before beginning to speak in the microphone that he held in his hands. “Hola Madrid! I know you all know who I am, but I’d like to introduce you to this woman here. This is Riley, my beautiful girlfriend and the mother of my children. She is the most important person in my life. I don’t know what I’d be without her. 1 year ago today, we had our very first date. A date which started out here. I thought it was only fitting that this would be the place I would ask her, to be my wife.” Riley stared at him in shock as the whole stadium broke out in to yells. Tears filled Riley’s eyes as she watched Cristiano drop down to one knee and reach in to the pocket of his uniform shorts and pull out a red box. Opening it up, Riley saw the most beautiful ring she’d ever seen. It was a yellow cushion cut with white diamond halo. It took her breath away. Looking in to her eyes, Cristiano grabbed her left hand, “Riley. Meu amor. Will you marry me?” Riley couldn’t speak, so instead of words she nodded her head. Cristiano laughed as he pulled the ring out of the box and slid it on to her finger before standing up and pulling her in to a passionate kiss.

Riley was in heaven. She never wanted this moment to end. But suddenly it did when the worst thing imaginable happened. She felt something pop and something wet running down her legs. She knew instantly what that meant. Looking up at Cristiano with horror shining in her eyes, she whispered the words she shouldn’t have said for another 2 months, “Cris. My water broke.”