Status: Hope you guys like it, this is the first time I've ever written about Cristiano Ronaldo

Life, Love, and the Kardashians

Chapter 16

Those that know Cristiano Ronaldo dos Santos Aveiro, can tell you the two things he hats the most in life are when someone messes with his family, and waiting. Cristiano has never been a patient man. And right now, he really hates waiting. It had been 3 hours since Riley told Cristiano her water broke. They had immediately rushed to the hospital, where Riley was taken back behind the emergency room doors and Cristiano was left to wait for news. He was getting tired of waiting. Everyone kept telling him that he’d know something soon enough, but that wasn’t good enough for him. Standing up from the chair he’d been sitting in, he marched his way up to the desk. “Excuse me, but it’s been 3 hours and I still haven’t heard anything. What is going on?” “Sir I’ve already told you a doctor will be with you shortly.” “My fiance is 7 months pregnant and her water broke. I need to know that she and the babies are alright. Get a doctor out her now or I’m going to cause a scene.” Before the reception nurse could say anything, a doctor came out. “Mr. Ronaldo, you can come back now.” Cristiano glared at the nurse before following the doctor back to Riley’s room.

When he walked in to the room, he found Riley hooked up to machine’s and twiddling her thumbs. “Hey you.” Riley looked at him with a strained smile, “Hey you.” Cristiano walked over and kissed her forehead and sat down next to her, taking her hand in his and turning to the doctor, “So what’s wrong with her?” “Ms. Jenner is in labor. Normally we would have tried to stop early labor, but because her water has already broken, there’s nothing we can do. We must deliver the babies.” “Are they going to be OK?” Riley asked, scared to hear the answer, “I’m not going to lie to you. Because you’re just barely 7 months, there’s a lot that could happen. Right now the babies lungs aren’t fully developed, they can’t generate their own heat, and they won’t be able to eat properly. They will also be very small. But we have the best care in the world. I’m very optimistic that your babies will come out of this perfectly fine.” “So are we going to do a natural birth or a cesarean?” Riley asked. “It will be better if we do a cesarean. A natural birth would cause too much strain on the babies and right now they’re already fragile as it is.” “When are we going to do this?” Cristiano asked, still trying to comprehend what was happening. “I’m going to schedule the cesarean for 1 hour.” “Thank you doctor.” Riley gave him a weak smile before the doctor left. Riley looked up at Cristiano, “I’m sorry.” “What are you sorry for?” “This is my fault.” “It’s not your fault.” “It has to be. I had to of done something. Why else would this be happening?” “These things just happen sometimes. It’s no one’s fault. It’s going to be OK Riley, I promise.” “Can you call Khloe?” “Sure, I’ll be right back. You just try to rest, OK?” Riley nodded her head as Cristiano kissed her head and left the room. Taking his phone out of his pocket, he called Khloe. “Cris what’s going on?” “They’re going to do a c-section. They’re going to deliver the babies. Can you tell my family and then come to the hospital? Riley wants you.” “Yeah. I’ll be right there.” After he hung up, he looked up at the ceiling and said a prayer, “Please God, let them all be OK. I can’t lose them.”

An hour later found Cristiano sitting next to Riley’s head with a sheet separating her top half from her lower half as the doctor prepared to cut in to her. “OK Riley, you’re going to feel a little pressure. Are you ready?” “No. But I have to be.” “OK. Here we go.” As the doctor began cutting, Cristiano decided to distract her, “So what did you and Khloe pick out for names?” Riley smiled at him gratefully, “For our little girl; Amelia Grace. For the boys, Colby Ronan. And since your middle name comes from Ronald Reagan, I went with Landon Reagan.” Cristiano smiled at her, “I love them. They’re perfect.” Riley was about to open her mouth to speak when the doctor announced that the first baby was out; a little boy. A few minutes later and the 2nd baby was born; another boy. 5 minutes after the first baby was born, their little girl was born. They didn’t get to see them as the nurses took them away. Riley tried not to think about the fact that she didn’t hear them cry. Cristiano saw the look on her face and leaned down and kissed her before pulling away, “They’re going to be OK. I promise.” Riley wanted so bad to believe him.

A while later, while Riley was resting, Cristiano and his family made their way down to NICU to see the triplets. When they got to the window, Cristiano picked up Junior and rested him on his hip. “You see those 3 right there? Those are your new brothers and sister.” Junior rested his hand on the glass before looking at Cristiano, “They OK?” Cristiano shook his head sadly, “No filho. They’re not. But they will be, I just know it.” God he hoped he was right