Status: Hope you guys like it, this is the first time I've ever written about Cristiano Ronaldo

Life, Love, and the Kardashians

Chapter 18

3 more months passed and before they knew it, it was November and the triplets were 6 months old and getting ready to crawl. It was also in November where Riley spoke to her family for the first time since the disastrous dinner when Riley found out she was pregnant. Riley had been in the kitchen making herself some lunch while the triplets were taking their afternoon nap and Junior was in school, when her cell phone rang. Not looking at the caller ID, she picked up, "Hello?" "Riley? Hon it's mom." Riley mouthed 'shit' before sighing, "Hello Kris. Long time no talk." She heard Kris laugh on the other end, "Yeah sorry. Things have been sort of hectic here. Haven't really had time to pick up the phone and make international phone calls." "It's fine. I wouldn't have had time to answer anyway; what with triplets, which are fine by the way thanks for asking, and Junior and planning a wedding." "Oh that's right, you had kids! And I heard Cristiano proposed; right in the middle of a stadium. Sounds a lot like Kim's proposal don't you think?" Riley had to fight the urge to say fuck you. "Is there a reason you called or was it to just further piss me off?" "It's been over a year since we saw you, I'm calling to invite you and your family to thanksgiving." "Cristiano doesn't celebrate thanksgiving." "But you do." "I haven't celebrated thanksgiving since I moved to Madrid, and besides I don't want to go. Why would I want to go to a dinner where I know I'll just be picked apart the whole time? Thanks, but I think I'll pass." She heard a commotion before someone else got on the phone, "If I have to be here, then so do you. I need somebody to keep me from killing someone. Please come Ri? For your favorite sister who towers over you and knows where you live and sleep?" Riley laughed at Khloe. Riley sighed, "I'll think about it." "Yay!" "That wasn't a yes!" But Khloe had already hung up the phone. Pulling the phone from her ear, Riley looked down at Ernie, "Well this should be fun."

"So you're going to LA in a week? With the triplets? Alone?" Cristiano asked later that evening after she told him about the phone call. "I didn't want to, but Khloe threatened me. And no, I won't be alone; Laney is coming to help me with the triplets." "How long are you going to be gone for?" "I'll be back the Monday after. So I'll be gone a total of 6 days." "I'm gonna miss you." "I'll miss you too. But we'll be back before you know it. You will hardly even notice I'm gone." Early the following Wednesday, Riley, Laney and the triplets made their way to the airport to catch a 3 am flight to LA. They were extremely thankful to discover they were the only ones in first class. The triplets did surprisingly well for their first plane ride. When they landed 12 hours later, Riley carried Mia and Colby while Laney carried Landon. They walked off the plane and were greeted by Khloe at the gate. Khloe took Colby from Riley and made sure to keep his face covered as they walked towards baggage claim. After getting the 4 bags, they made their way to Khloe's SUV as cameras clicked away. Riley was extremely relieved when they pulled away from the airport. She turned in her seat to look back at Laney, "And now you know why I don't miss LA."

On thanksgiving day, Riley found herself rushing to get ready. She took the fastest shower she probably ever had in her life, bathed the triplets and got them dressed; Mia in a Mod Medina Swing Dress, Landon in a Star Mosaic Raglan Tee and French Terry Cargo Shorts, and Colby in a Mighty Lion Tee and Gray French Terry Cargo Shorts. Once she had the triplets dressed and ready to go, she got to work on herself. Brushing her hair, she clipped it up and did her make up. When she was done, she went to the closet and pulled out the Lace Swing Dress she had brought. Slipping that on, she pulled out a pair of Holborn Heeled Sandals. Once she was finished, she called out to Khloe and Laney. Both girls came in to the room and each one of the took a triplet. Laney with Landon, Khloe with Colby (who had become quite attached to her) and that left Riley with Mia; she was such a mama's girl, much to Cristiano's annoyance. After the babies were put in their car seats, they headed off to a thanksgiving dinner that Riley prayed wouldn't be a complete disaster.

When the group of 6 walked in to the house, they were immediately assaulted with the smell of delicious smelling food. Walking in to the living room, they found Rob, Scott, Mason, Penelope and Bruce hanging around. Bruce stood up and walked over to them, "Happy Thanksgiving! This must be my newest granddaughter." Riley smiled as she one arm hugged Bruce, "Yep! Dad this is Amelia Grace Dos Santos Aviero, but we call her Mia. Over with Khloe is Colby Ronan Dos Santos Aviero, and Laney is holding Landon Reagan Dos Santos Aviero." She handed Bruce Mia. "She is beautiful, just like her mother. And the boys look just like Cristiano!" "Yep! But they have my eyes and blonde hair." As Bruce stood there talking to Mia, the rest of Riley's family came in to the living room. "I thought I heard voices. Riley it's so good to see you! Are these the triplets?" Kris asked as she walked over to Khloe. Khloe rolled her eyes as Colby clung to her and refused to go to Kris, "No mom, we stole these babies." "Come to grandma, sweet boy." But Colby refused. "Sorry, he doesn't like new people." Riley explained as she tried to hide her smile. "Oh. Well how about him?" She asked, pointing to Landon. Riley shook her head, "Landon's just like his brother. And Mia doesn't really like new females." Kris pouted at that. "Well I'm sure I can get them to let me hold them eventually. But anyway, dinner's ready." As they all followed Kris in to the dining room, Khloe whispered to Riley, "The triplets love meeting new people." Riley smirked at that, "I know, but I couldn't tell her that they can sense evil bitch coming off of her could I?" Before sitting down at the table, the triplets were put in a portable play pen so that they could take their nap. Once they were settled, Riley, Khloe and Laney joined everybody else at the table.

As the dinner went on, Riley was actually enjoying herself. Her family didn't always get on her nerves, just most of the time. She found herself talking to Kourtney and Kim and the joys and annoyances of motherhood. Everything was going great, then Kris had to bring up Riley's engagement ring. "That's a beautiful ring Riley. How many karats is it?" Riley looked down at her ring, "Its an 18 karat yellow diamond and all the little diamonds are 1 karat, so 19 karats." "So tell us about the proposal. Sorry we couldn't be there to witness it." Khloe spoke before Riley had the chance, "That's because you weren't invited." Kim rolled her eyes "And yet you were?" "I helped him pick out the ring. He wanted to get her a 24 karat diamond ring, but I was able to get him to drop it down 5 karats." Riley laughed at that, "He did say that he was going to get me a ring so big that I couldn't lift my hand. Thanks for talking him out of that." Kris spoke up, "So where are you guys getting married at? And when?" "We haven't actually talked about it. We've been kind of busy." Riley told her, gesturing to the triplets. "Oh well, just as long as it's not before Kim and Kanye. I mean they got engaged before you, so I think it's only fair that they get married before you." Riley let out a laugh, it always comes back to Kim. "I'm sorry, but when I get married will have nothing to do with Kim. When I get married will be determined by me and Cristiano: the ones getting married. Now I'm done talking about this, so lets drop it." When she heard Kim mumble under her breath, Riley lost it. "Looks to me like Cristiano realized he doesn't want to marry an ugly girl." Riley stood up and slammed her palms on the table, causing its occupants to jump, "What the hell is your problem with me Kim? You've been nothing but a bitch to me since the day Bruce and Kris brought me home! Why is that? What the hell did I ever do to you? Cristiano and I are together, we're happy, we're in love, we have a family together and we're getting married. I'm sorry that you can't stop being a bitch and get over the fact that Cristiano wants me, but he does. I'm tired of you treating me like I'm nothing. The same goes for you too Kris. I've put up with it for too damn long and I'm not going to do it anymore. I thought maybe I'd give you guys another chance after what happened at the last dinner I was at, but I realize now you guys aren't worth it. So no more. As far as I'm concerned, from this day forward, you two no longer exist."

When Riley and Laney got back to Madrid a few days later, Cristiano and Junior were there waiting for them. As Cristiano took Colby from Riley, he asked "How was thanksgiving?" Riley smiled at him as she replied, "Freeing. Very freeing."