Status: Hope you guys like it, this is the first time I've ever written about Cristiano Ronaldo

Life, Love, and the Kardashians

Chapter 21

When Riley regained consciousness, the first thing that hit her was the overwhelming scent of sterilization. When she opened her eyes, she saw a bright white light above her head, which could only mean one thing; "Am I dead?" "No. But the scumbag who did this to you will be when Cris gets his hands on him. Riley turned her head to the right and saw Laney sitting there holding her hand. "What happened?" Riley asked. Her memory was kind of fuzzy. "What do you remember Riley?" "We were at the club. Kim had bought me a drink. I was dancing with a guy and then I started to feel funny. Oh god! He raped me didn't he?" Tears immediately filled her eyes. Laney shook her head, "No. That didn't happen. Khloe and Kourtney stopped him before he could. They kicked his ass." "What happened to me Laney?" "We're waiting on the blood results. But we think you might have been drugged." Riley sighed as she turned her head back up to the ceiling, "I want Cris." Laney nodded her head as she stood up, "He's right outside with everybody else. I'll let them know you're awake." "Thank you." Laney went out the door and came back in a few moments later with a frantic looking Cristiano, Khloe, and Kourtney. Cristiano rushed to Riley's side and sat in the seat Laney had just abandoned. "God Riley, I was so scared when Kourtney called me." "I'm sorry I scared you. If it's any consolation, I scared myself." "It's not. But I'm glad you're OK." It suddenly dawned on Riley that someone was missing, "Where's Kim?" Khloe rolled her eyes, "She went back to the hotel. Said she was tired." "Oh. That's OK." Kourtney scoffed, "Like hell it is. You were just attacked, she should be here not at the hotel getting her beauty rest." Riley could see the tears in Kourtney's eyes. "Kourt. I'm OK." Kourtney nodded her head, "I know. I was just so scared when Khloe and I found you. God if we had waited a few more minutes like Kim suggested." "But you didn't. You guys saved me and that's all that matters. Don't focus on the what could have happened." Kourtney nodded her head, wiping at her eyes. Just then, the door opened and the doctor walked in. "Hello Ms. Jenner. You feeling any better?" "A little, but I'm still kind of fuzzy." "That's understandable." "Doctor what's wrong with me? I only had one drink and I know it couldn't have affected me like that." The doctor nodded his head, "You're right. The drink didn't affect you. It was the Rohypnol." Riley stared at him in shock, "I was roofied? Who would have done that?" Cristiano couldn't believe what he had just heard. Someone had drugged his fiancé, and because of that she was almost raped. He was going to kill whoever did this to her.

A few hours later, Riley was finally able to go home. Curled up on the couch next to Cristiano, Riley was still trying to process what had happened. "Who would want to drug me? And when the hell would they have had the chance? I was only on the dance floor with Khloe or back in the booth." "What about when you got your drink? Could the bartender have slipped it in when he made your drink?" Cristiano asked. "I don't know. I didn't get my drink, so there was no way he could have seen me." "Who got your drink?" "Kim. But what does that have to do with anything?" Riley asked. When she saw the looks on everyone's faces, she shook her head. "No way. You really think my sister would drug me? What for? What could she possibly have to gain by doing that." She stood up from the couch, refusing to hear that her sister could have been responsible for what happened to her. Khloe also stood up, "Riley, it makes since. Just think about it. Kim bought your drink, she tried to convince us not to go looking for you, and she didn't even think we should take you to the hospital. She told Kourtney and I that you were probably faking the whole thing." Riley didn't want to hear it, "But she apologizes to me for everything she did." "Oh come on Riley, you don't find it strange that she was suddenly nice to you?" "Maybe she felt bad for how she was treating me." "After a month? Come on Riley, a leopard can't change it's spots just like Kim can't change out of a bitch." Cristiano stood up and wrapped his arms around Riley, "It makes sense." "But how would we even prove that she was responsible?" Kourtney spoke up, "I have an idea." Riley looked at her, "What is it?" Kourtney looked between Riley and Cristiano, "How would you two feel about breaking up?"

An hour later, the plan was set. "Alright, so I called Kim. She's on her way. When she walks in, you two start the fighting. Cris is gonna call off the wedding. That'll get Kim talking because you know that was her plan all along. The tape recorder will record everything. Once she confesses, Cristiano you come back in. Alright, I think that's her. Places everybody." As they heard Kim pull up, Riley mouthed an 'I love you' to Cris before taking a deep breath and beginning the best acting job of her life. "But I'm telling you the truth! I don't know what happened!" Out of her peripheral vision, Riley saw Kim enter the house. "I'll tell you what happened! You fucking cheated on me!" "No I didn't!" "Yes you did! Khloe and Kourtney told me all about how they found you and some guy with his hands inside of your cunt. Your eyes closed as he brought you closer to orgasm. God, I can't believe I fell for a white like you! The wedding is off and I'm going to make damn sure that you never see the triplets or Junior ever again!" At this point Riley was sobbing. She knew it was fake, but god it still hurt. "Cris please!" But Cristiano didn't listen, instead he turned around and stormed out of the house. "What just happened?" Kim asked. Now it was Khloe's turn. "Cristiano just dumped the whore. That's what happened." Khloe told her. Kim was silent for a moment before she suddenly started laughing, "You mean it actually worked?" Riley looked at her confused, "What actually worked?" Kim laughed, "I broke you and Cris up! I actually did it! I ruined your life!" "What did you do?" Khloe asked, Kim reached in to her purse and pulled out a package. "I put one of these in your drink." "You drugged me? I was almost raped because of you!" Riley screamed. But Kim didn't care, "So. Serves you right. God I can't believe it actually worked! But it just goes to show that no one wants you. Not your parents, not my family and definitely not Cristiano." Just then, the kitchen door opened, "You're wrong. I want her." Cristiano told her with a pissed off face. Kim stared at him in shock, "But you guys broke up." "No we didn't. This was all a set up." Khloe nodded her head as she reached down and picked up the tape recorder. "And now we got you on tape confessing to drugging Riley. We give this little tape to the police and you my bitchy sister, are looking at so serious jail time." "You wouldn't do that. I'm your sister." Kim cried. "No. Riley is our sister. I don't know who the hell you are anymore. But I do know one thing. I don't want your ass anywhere near my kids. If you would do this to your own sister, who knows what you'd do to your niece and nephew." Kourtney said, looking at Kim in disgust. This just further pissed Kim off. "She's not my sister! She's a nobody that nobody wanted. I was doing you a favor Cristiano, getting rid of her now before you got stuck with her forever and regretting it. But if you want to marry her, go right ahead. But you'll just get bored with her an you'll start sleeping around. She can't hold anybody's interest." Riley broke away from Cristiano and made her way over to Kim. "What?" Kim snapped. Riley stared at her for a moment before bringing her fist back and punching Kim right on the nose. "You bitch!" Kim cried out as she grabbed her nose. "No Kim, you're the bitch. You know for the longest time, I actually was convinced that I had done something to warrant you hating me. Then you gave me that little sob story and I actually fell for it. I'm trying to understand why you would want to drug me so that something could happen to me, but I'm done trying to understand. You're nothing but a spiteful bitch who can't stand to see me happy with the guy that didn't want you. But I don't care how you feel about me or my relationship with Cristiano anymore. Because as far as I'm concerned, from this moment on, Kim Kardashian doesn't exist. Now I'm not going to go to the cops. I'm going to let you go. Don't look so happy. Instead of punishing you with the cops, I'm going to punish you by making you watch me be something that you never will be; happy."

Later that night, as Riley was lying in Cristiano's arms in their bed, he looked down at her, "You alright?" Riley was quiet for a moment before sighing, "No. I'm not. But I will be." And it was true. She would eventually move on from what Kim did to her, and she would do it with the help of those that truly loved her. Because they were the ones that actually mattered.
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Only one more chapter to go and then the story's done. I will be writing a sequel though.