Status: Hope you guys like it, this is the first time I've ever written about Cristiano Ronaldo

Life, Love, and the Kardashians

Chapter 3

It had been a month since the photo shoot and Riley was in trouble. She couldn’t stop thinking about Cristiano, no matter how hard she tried. To help her get over this sudden problem of Cristiano, Laney had suggested Riley go on a blind date. She had reluctantly agreed and went. She had a good time, but for some reason she couldn’t stop comparing the guy to Cristiano. It was strange, Riley only spent a couple of hours with him, but he had made an impact on her life that no other guy ever had. She didn’t know what to do! Deciding that she needed to try and get out of this funk, she headed over to Laney’s shop where Laney was getting ready for her upcoming fashion show. “Hey Lane!” Riley called out, walking in to the mad house that was Laney’s “Hey chicka!” Laney yelled somewhere in the racks of clothes. Riley laughed to herself, “Marco!” “Polo!” Walking over to where she heard the voice, Riley finally found Laney. “It’s like a circus in here!” “I know! God I’ll be so glad when this show is over tomorrow.” “Me too. You’ve been too up tight lately.” “I know, but this show is a really big deal! A lot of people are going to be there.” “Me included. Front and center taking pictures for your new website.” “You’re the best.” “I know. So, do you need help with anything?” “Actually yes, I need you to go and put this dress on. I need to do some finishing touches.” “Alright, I can do that.” Taking the dress, Riley went to change. Coming back out a few minutes later, she went and stood on the little platform that Laney had out. Once Laney was done with the touch ups, Riley went to change. When she came back out, she found Laney on the phone yelling at someone, “What do you mean you’re dropping out? The show is tomorrow! Where the hell am I going to find another model on such short notice?” Laney suddenly turned and looked at Riley, “Never mind. I found a replacement.” Hanging up the phone, she walked towards Riley, “So how did you like the dress Ri?” “It was nice. Why?” “Because you’re wearing it tomorrow at the show.” Riley shook her head, “Nope. Not happening!” “Why the hell not?” “Because I’m not a model Laney! And you know I get nervous in front of big crowds!” “Oh come on! A model just dropped out and I need you to replace her! Please Ri? You’ll really be helping me out and I’ll owe you big time! Plus, I didn’t tell you who else is gonna be there tomorrow.” Riley raised an eyebrow, “Who?” “Just the man you haven’t been able to get off your mind in over a month.” “Oh hell no! You want me to make an ass of myself in front of Cristiano? Not happening!” “Yes, it is happening. And you’re not going to make an ass of yourself, I promise.” Knowing that there was no way she was going to be able to say no, Riley threw her hands up in the air, “Fine! I’ll do it!” Laney pulled Riley in to a big hug, “Thank you, thank you, thank you!” “Yeah, yeah. You owe me big time!”

Riley was silently freaking out as she stood backstage getting ready to go on. She had been under the impression that she was only going to be modeling the dress; turns out that wasn’t true. She’d be modeling 4 outfits tonight. A pajamas, lingerie, casual outfit and finally the dress. She wanted to kill Laney when she had told her, “If I had said what you’d be wearing, you would have said no.” “You’re damn right I would have! I can’t go out there almost naked!” “Yes you can. You’re hot Ri, embrace it!” Now here she was, wearing a sleep shirt that barely went below her butt and hung off her right shoulder, exposing the top of her breast. Laney wanted a sexy look, so to do that she messed Riley’s hair so that it looked like she’d just had a good fuck. Riley really hated her best friend. Speak of the devil; “Ri, are you ready?” “Yeah, I guess.” “Good cause you’re on.” With that, she gave Riley a slight shove, causing her to trip slightly on the steps. She glared as Laney as she made her way towards the side of the stage. She waited for the stage hand to point at her before making her way out. Immediately she was blinded by all the flash of the cameras. She had spots dancing in front of her eyes as she made her way down the runway. When she got to the end, she posed for a few moments before turning around and heading back. As she was walking back up the runway, she noticed Cristiano sitting on the left side of the runway with a few people that she recognized as a few of his teammates. He looked good, and he also looked shocked when he saw her. Riley couldn’t help the little smirk that formed on her face as she saw him checking her out. When she finally got back stage, Laney had a smirk of her own, “I told you he was checking you out.” Riley rolled her eyes before walking away to get in to her next outfit.

Riley’s next outfit was a black and white Georgette Halter Babydoll with matching panties. Riley had honestly never felt sexier than she did right now. To make the outfit even better, she wore a pair of Louboutin Lady Peep Sky High Platforms that made he legs look even longer. She couldn’t wait to see Cristiano’s reaction when he saw her. And she wasn’t disappointed. As she was making her way back up the runway, she his mouth was hanging open. She laughed as she saw one of his teammates reach over and close his mouth. Getting backstage, she quickly rushed to get her third outfit on; a ripped pelmet denim skirt, a lavender tank with low scoop back and a pair of tower embellished shoe boots. Cristiano’s jaw didn’t drop this time, but he still had a smile on his face. The final outfit was Riley’s favorite. It was a navy knee length sequin lace sheath dress. This was something Riley could definitely see herself wearing. When it was finally her time to go out, Riley gave Laney before heading out. People loved the dress as much as Riley did. She didn’t even pay attention to Cristiano as she was lost in the thought of how proud she was of her best friend. When she got back stage, she pulled Laney in to another hug, “I am so proud of you!” Laney shook her head, “Please don’t start crying or I’m going to start and I have to go out there.” “Then you better go, because they’re calling your name.” Laney pulled herself away from Riley and went to go greet everybody. The show was a huge success. Laney was finally getting her big break and Riley couldn’t have been prouder.

After the show was done, Riley went and changed out the dress and back in to her own clothes before going and joining everybody in a toast to Laney. “Thank you everybody for coming. Thank you to the models, stage help and all the assistants. I couldn’t have done this without you guys. But there is one person I’d really like to thank. My best friend Riley Jenner. You’ve kept me sane these past few weeks when I felt like I was going to lose my mind! You stepped in when I needed a last minute model and did fabulous. You didn’t even fall flat on your face! Thank you for everything you’ve done, I definitely couldn’t have done this without you.” Everyone clapped as Riley and Laney embraced. Once the speeches were over, Laney went to talk to the guests and press as Riley went to finish packing up her things and leave. She was just about to head out when someone called out to her. She turned around and found Cristiano and 2 other guys walking towards her. “Hey! I didn’t know you were coming.” Riley lied. “Yeah, Laney invited me at the shoot. I didn’t know you were a model.” Riley laughed, “I’m not. Laney just needed a last minute fill in.” “Well you should definitely think about a career change. You were the best one out there.” Riley blushed at that. “Wait a minute. Is this her? The one you’ve been talking about non stop for the past month?” The shorter of the 3 guys asked. This time it was Cristiano’s turn to look embarrassed. “Don’t listen to them, they don’t know what they’re talking about.” “The hell we don’t. It’s always Riley this and Riley that. I think he’s got a crush.” Cristiano pushed him, “Why don’t you two go over there and flirt with a model or something.” As his 2 friends walked away, they made kissy noises that caused Riley to laugh and Cristiano to shake his head, “I’m sorry about Marcelo, he’s a little not right in the head.” “It’s OK. Laney’s the same way. So you’ve been talking about me huh?” “Maybe. What can I say? You made an impression me. And I’ve been kicking my own ass for the past month for not getting your phone number.” Riley was a little taken aback by that. She knew Cristiano had made an impression on her, but she had no idea she’d made one on him as well. “Really? You want my number?” ”Yeah, I do.” “Why? I’m not a model or a socialite or any other girl you’ve dated before. Why do you want my number?” “Like I said, you made an impression on me and I want to get to know you better.” Riley knew she probably should have said no and walked away, but she couldn’t bring herself to do so. Instead she found herself giving a man she barely knew her phone number.

Later that night as Riley was getting ready for bed, her phone chimed indicating that she had a new text message. Thinking it was from Laney, she was pleasantly surprised when she found it to be from Cristiano. ‘I really enjoyed seeing you today. I wanna see you again. I have a match on Thursday afternoon. There will be a ticket waiting for you at the stadium. How about dinner afterwards?’ Riley didn’t even hesitate as she texted back, ‘Sounds good. Can’t wait.’ ‘Sweet dreams Riley.’ Putting her phone down and settling in to bed, Riley fell asleep with a smile on her face; dreaming about her upcoming date with Cristiano.