Status: Hope you guys like it, this is the first time I've ever written about Cristiano Ronaldo

Life, Love, and the Kardashians

Chapter 4

Thursday morning, Riley woke up in a panic. She had a date with Cristiano Ronaldo! She had a date with the hottest guy she had ever seen! What the hell was she going to wear!? After taking her shower, she called Laney, “Lane get your ass over to my house now!” “Why, what’s wrong?” “I have a date in a few hours and I have no idea what to wear!” “Who’s your date with?” “Cristiano.” “Oh my god! I told you he liked you!” “Yeah, yeah. Now will you please get your ass here and help me get ready?” “I’ll be over in 20.” Sure enough, 20 minutes later, Laney was barging in to Riley’s room. “Alright, what’s the problem?” “I don’t know what to wear! Help me, I’m so lost!” “You have a lot of nice clothes, why are you freaking out? Just pick something.” “Yeah, but none of my clothes are good enough for a professional soccer player. My clothes suck!” Laney laughed as she headed over to Riley’s dresser, “Trust me Ri, Cristiano doesn’t like you for your clothes. He likes you for you. Now let’s see what we’ve got here. Oh, these are hot! You wear these and there will definitely be sex on the first date.” Laney told her as she pulled out a red lacey see through push up bra and matching v-string. Riley grabbed them from Laney, “There will be no sex on the first date!” “Whatever. But still, go put those on while I pick out the rest of your clothes.” Riley rolled her eyes, but did as Laney said. Coming back out of the bathroom a few minutes later, she found Laney still rummaging through her dresser, “Did you find anything? I’ve gotta leave in an hour.” Laney didn’t answer her at first, but hen let out a triumphant ‘aha!’ as she pulled out a Vera Moda Whit Tank with lace insert and a pair of Diesel Bootzee Bootcut Jeans, “Go put these on while I go look through your ridiculous shoe collection that I want to kill you for.” Riley came out of the bathroom 10 minutes later to find Laney holding a pair of diva sneakers, “I would have picked out a pair of heels, but with you being as clumsy as you are, I thought sneakers were a safer bet. OK, your hair is fine as it is, so all that’s left to do is your make up.” When Riley had her shoes on, she followed Laney in to the bathroom to do her make up. 20 minutes later and Riley was ready to go. Grabbing her purse, keys, phone and camera, she headed out the door; anxious to see Cristiano once again.

45 minutes later, Riley pulled up outside of Santiago Bernabéu Stadium. After finally finding a place to park, she headed to the ticket booth. “Can I help you miss?” the petite woman behind the window asked. “Yes actually, I’m supposed to be picking up a ticket that was left here for me. It should be under Riley Jenner.” The woman looked at her computer for a minute, “May I see some ID please?” Riley pulled out her wallet and showed her drivers license. The woman went back to her computer for another moment before picking up a phone a calling someone. Riley was starting to freak out, thinking that she’d done something wrong. “Is there something wrong?” Riley finally asked after the woman hung up. “Oh no, I just had to call for someone to come down and escort you up to the boxes.” “What boxes?” “The suite boxes. That’s where your ticket is for.” Riley was shocked at that, she had been sure that she would be sitting with the fans; not up in a suite. “Oh, OK.” Riley said, waiting for the person that was going to be escorting her. A few minutes later, a man in a suit came over to her. “Riley Jenner?” “Yes?” “Follow me please. You’ll be sitting in Mr. Ronaldo’s family box today.” “Um, is his family here?” “No.” Riley breathed a sigh of relief. She really wasn’t ready to meet his family.

When they got to the suite, the man showed Riley to her seat. Thanking him, she sat down and prepared to watch the game. As the game was going on, Riley looked around the stadium and saw all the white jerseys and had to smile. These people really loved their football. And Riley couldn’t blame them, the team was good! Near the end of the game, Real Madrid was leading by a score of 3-1. The other team had the ball until Ramos intercepted it. He passes it to Di Maria, who passed it to Benzema, who passed it to Cristiano; who put the ball in to the back of the net! Riley stood up and cheered along with everybody else in the stadium. As the team was celebrating, Riley could have sworn she saw Cristiano point up to her suite and blow a kiss. But she just put it down to her imagination. When the game was over, Riley didn’t know what to do; so she decided to go to her car and wait for Cristiano to call her. She sat and waited in her car for half an hour until she just decided to head home. Riley had just started the car when her phone rang. Grabbing it, she answered, not even looking at the caller ID “Hello?” “You haven’t left yet right? I looked for you in the suite, but you weren’t there.” “No, I’m actually in my car.” “Oh, good you haven’t left yet. How do you feel about lunch at Café del Círculo de Bellas Artes?” “Um, I have no idea what you just said; but it sounds delicious.” Cristiano laughed at that, “Alright. Well I still have a few more interviews I have to do, but how about we meet there in an hour?” “OK. I’ll meet you there.” Hanging up, Riley put the cafe in to her GPS before putting the car in drive and heading out.

Riley arrived at the cafe half an hour later. Since it was a beautiful day, she decided to sit outside. Ordering a cup of coffee, Riley sat back and watched as the people on the streets walked by her. This was her favorite thing to do, people watch. She didn’t get to do it a lot in LA, what with all the paparazzi, but she loved to do it here. Taking out the camera that she always carries around with her, she started to take pictures of the people and the surrounding buildings. She was clicking away until she head, “Do you always have a camera with you?” She turned with the camera still up to her face, “Smile.” Cristiano gave her a sweet smile as Riley took the picture before putting the camera down. “And to answer your question, yes I do. The life of a freelance photographer.” “So, have you ordered yet?” “Besides coffee? No, I was waiting for you. To be honest, I have no idea what this menu says.” “How long have you lived in Madrid?” “2 years?” “And you still don’t understand Spanish?” “God, you sound like Laney! I know I need to learn. Rosetta Stone is no help!” Just then, their waiter came out. After placing their order, they settled in to conversation. “So tell me about yourself Riley.” “I’m sure you know all about me. At least you do if you watched the show.” Cristiano shook his head, “No. The camera lies. Tell me who you really are.” “OK. Well, I’m 25 years old. I was born on August 8th. I was adopted when I was 4 years old by my parents Bruce and Kris Jenner. I’m not close with my mom. I get along great with my dad. The only one of my sisters that I actually get along with is Khloe. The rest of my family and I have never seen eye to eye. They’re all about fame and fortune. I’ve never seen the point. That’s actually why I left LA. I wanted to get away from all the cameras hounding my every move. Um, what else. Oh! I have 2 dogs. A Great Dane and an English Bulldog; Bert and Ernie. They’re my babies. That’s pretty much it. I’m not a very complex person. What about you?” “Well, I have 2 sisters and a brother. I’m close to all of them. I have many nieces and nephews that I love and adore. And, I have a son.” “You have a son? How old is he?” Riley asked with a smile. Cristiano breathed a sigh of relief that Riley didn’t seem upset that he had a kid. Pulling out his phone, Cristiano pulled up a picture of him and Cristiano Jr. “He’s 3.” Taking the phone from him, Riley couldn’t help but notice that the boy was really adorable. “He looks a lot like you.” Handing the phone back, Riley took a drink of her coffee. “Do you want kids?” Cristiano wondered. “I do. I mean, I want to be married first. But I’d love to have kids.” “How many?” “Oh a lot! Like 5. I want a big family.” “I like 5.” They spent the rest of the afternoon, enjoying each others company and getting to know each other better. Riley realized, as the date went on; that she had sort of misjudged Cristiano a bit. She had always thought he was sort of a womanizer, but as she got to know him, she realized that couldn’t be farther from the truth. They were in the middle of dessert when Cristiano groaned. “What?” Riley asked. “Right behind you, paparazzi.” Riley turned around and sure enough there were 5 of them. “I’m sorry about this. I wish they would leave me alone.” “It’s OK. I told you, I’m used to it.” “Do you want to get out of here? There’s a park not to far from here, maybe we can go and take a walk.” “Yeah. That sounds good.” “Great. I’m gonna go and pay the check. Don’t give me that look. I asked you out, so I pay. Why don’t we meet at the park. Just heard straight and take a right. It’s just a couple miles away, you can’t miss it.” After parting ways, Riley headed to her car as some of the paps started following her. Ignoring them, she got in to her car and drove off, heading to where Cristiano said to meet.

When they got to the park, they were thankful to see no cameras around. As they started to walk down the trail, Cristiano grabbed Riley’s hand and entwined their fingers. Riley tried her hardest not to blush. Conversation was light as they walked. They talked about everything and nothing at all. When they were halfway done with their walk, Riley noticed an older couple ahead of them. “I want what they have one day.” “I think everybody does.” They continued their walk in silence until it started to get dark outside. When they got back to their cars, Riley suddenly became nervous, “Well, I had a great time.” “So did I. Thanks for coming out with me.” “Thanks for asking me out.” “You’re welcome.” It went silent for a moment until Riley broke it. “Well, I better go. Goodbye.” “Goodbye.” As Riley was turning to get in her car, Cristiano suddenly grabbed her wrist and pulled her to him. “Wha-” She was cut off by Cristiano bringing his lips to her. It was a kiss that movies were made of. A first kiss that everyone dreams of. But all too soon it came to an end. Pulling away, Cristiano smiled at her, “Goodnight.” “Goodnight.” Getting in to her car, she gave Cristiano one last smile before pulling away; completely unaware of the fire storm that awaited her tomorrow.