Status: Hope you guys like it, this is the first time I've ever written about Cristiano Ronaldo

Life, Love, and the Kardashians

Chapter 5

If the night before had been one of the best nights of Riley’s life, then the next day was definitely one of the worst. She had been out shopping with Laney when she noticed that people kept looking at her and whispering. Riley tried to put it out of her mind, but the more it happened, the more annoyed she became. Finally she couldn’t take it anymore, “What the hell is everybody staring at!?!” Laney shrugged as she and Riley headed in to another shop, “I have no idea, but it’s starting to get annoying.” “Yeah, and you’re not even the one they keep looking at.” Riley pointed out as yet again she was the center of attention. Deciding to ignore it, Riley went back to shopping with Laney. She was in the middle of looking at some dresses when a girl, who looked no more than 15, walked up to her, “Excuse me. Are you the girl that’s dating Cristiano Ronaldo?” Riley wasn’t expecting that, “Um no. I’m not.” Which was true, seeing as how they only went on one date. The girl looked her up and down before nodding her head, “Good, because he can do a hell of a lot better than you. You’re not even hot.” The girl smirked at her before walking away, leaving Riley standing there with her mouth open in shock and insult. “Um Ri, I think I know why everyone is staring at you.” Laney said, holding her phone up in front of Riley’s face. Looking at the phone, she saw a picture of her and Cristiano kissing at the park last night. Grabbing the phone from Laney, Riley started to look through all of the pictures they had of the two of them. There were some from the café, them at the park, walking and holding hands, kissing at their cars, and one of Cristiano staring at her as she got in her car. Riley was starting to have a mini panic attack. Sensing this, Laney took hold of Riley’s arm and led her out of the store; where they were quickly bombarded by the paparazzi that had somehow found out she was there. As Riley and Laney tried to make their way through, the paps starting yelling out questions, “Riley how long have you and Cristiano been dating!?” “What does your family think of the relationship!?” “Are you ready to be a mother!?” “How’s it feel to be dating Kim’s sloppy seconds!?” “You’re just a fame whore like the rest of your family, aren’t you!?” Riley had tears falling down her face as she and Laney tried to get away from the paps. Riley hated big crowds, and the way the paps were closing in, was starting to make Riley feel really claustrophobic; thank god Laney was there with her. They were finally able to get out of the mass of paps. Making their way to the car, Riley tried to get control of her breathing, but was having a hard time doing so. “Come on Riley, breath with me. In with the good air, out with the bad. In and out. Just like that. There we go.” Riley turned to Laney, “Can you take me home? I really don’t want to be out anymore.” “Sure sweetie, I’ll take you home.” After Laney dropped Riley off, the first thing Riley did was turn off her phone and change in to her PJs before crawling in to bed and curling up with her dogs; praying that this whole nightmare of a day would soon come to an end.

Riley must have fallen asleep at some point because she woke up to the feeling of someone running their fingers through her hair. Opening her eyes, she was surprised to find Cristiano sitting there. “What are you doing here? And how do you know where I live?” Cristiano didn’t stop running his fingers through her hair, which Riley greatly appreciated. “I heard about what happened earlier. When I tried calling you and you didn’t answer, I got worried. So I called Laney and she gave me your address. I knocked, but you didn’t answer and the door was unlocked, so I just came in. How you holding up?” Riley let out a sarcastic laugh, “Oh I’m great! Never been better!” “I’m sorry.” Sitting up, Riley shook her head, “Don’t be. It’s not your fault.” “I still feel responsible.” “Don’t. I’m a big girl, I knew what I was getting myself in to by agreeing to go out with you. I just didn’t think they would be so cruel.” Riley tried to look away as she felt the tears once again falling down her face. Cristiano sighed, pulling her in to his arms and kissing the top of her heard as she broke down for the second time that day. They stayed like that for the rest of the day, only moving so that they were laying down on the bed; much to the annoyance of Bert and Ernie.

Cristiano left later that evening, with the promise that he would call Riley tomorrow. After seeing him off, Riley decided that it would probably be a good idea to go and turn her phone back on. When she did, she was surprised to see over 100 missed calls and texts. Going to her voice mail, she listened to her messages; first one was from Laney, “Hey girl, just checking to make sure you’re alright. You probably turned your phone off and I don’t blame you. Just call me later to let me know that you’re still alive and haven’t decided to drown yourself in the bathtub of something.” Cristiano, “Riley, I heard what happened. Pick up the phone.” “Riley, come on. Pick up the phone, I’m starting to worry here.” “Alright that’s it, I’ve called Laney and I got your address. I’m coming over.” One from Khloe, “You little hoe bag! How could you not tell me you’re dating Cristiano? Kim is going to flip! I love it. Oh, and I’m coming to visit you. I’ll be there on Monday.” One from Kourtney, “I can’t believe you’re dating Kim’s ex! Don’t you have better taste than that? Who knows where his dick has been.” Bruce, “You’re mother and sister are going on a tirade. What did you do?” Kim “How in the hell could you date my ex?! What the fuck kind of sister are you?! Exes are off limits! God you’re such a bitch!” And finally from her mom, “Oh honey. I was so mad when I heard you were dating Kim’s ex. But this is actually great! Oh, imagine all the press we can get from this. I-“ Riley didn’t bother to listen to the rest of it. She couldn’t believe that all her mother cared about was press! Actually she could, after all this was the woman who released her own daughter’s sex tape and then turned it in to a career. She shouldn’t put anything past Kris. But she wasn’t going to let Kris interfere with whatever was going on with Cristiano and her. This was Riley’s life damn it! She didn’t move half way across the world just for her mother to try and control whatever happiness Riley found. She would not let whatever this thing was with Cristiano be turned in to a publicity thing for her money hungry mother and her equally famewhoreish daughter. After everything she’d been through, Riley deserved to be happy. Nobody was going to ruin that.