Status: Hope you guys like it, this is the first time I've ever written about Cristiano Ronaldo

Life, Love, and the Kardashians

Chapter 6

Over the next 2 days, Riley hadn't heard from Cristiano. He had said he'd call her, but never did. Riley figured that he was either busy, or he wanted nothing to do with her anymore. But she didn't have time to think about the fact that Cristiano was blowing her off, she had family to pick up. Her favorite sister Khloe was coming to Madrid. When she got to the airport, there were paps there waiting. Putting on sunglasses and a baseball cap, she headed in to the airport. She had just been expecting Khloe to come, but as she watched the people getting off the plane, she quickly realized that wasn't the case as she saw not only Khloe, but all of her sisters and her mother. “Riley! Oh it's so good to see you honey! Oh, you didn't bring Cristiano? I would have loved to see him again, I haven't seen him since he and Kimmy dated.” Riley winced as she was pulled in to an awkward hug by her mom, “He's at training.” It was a lie, but it was the only one she could think of. “I didn't know all of you were coming. I was under the impression that it was just Khloe coming.” Riley glared at her sister, “Hey don't blame me. They overheard me on the phone and decided to invite themselves along.” Riley rolled her eyes; yep, that sounded a lot like her family. “Alright, well I wish I had known you all were coming. I would have rented a van or something.” “Oh don't worry, we have a car picking us up. We're staying at the Artrip Hotel. Kanye set it up.” Kim said, giving her a fake smile. 'Of course he did.' Riley thought as she and Khloe shared a look. “Why can't we stay with Riley?” Kylie whined. Riley had to resist the urge to pull her hair out. “Because she lives in a 3 bedroom house, there's not enough room for everybody.” Khloe told her. “Alright, well Khloe and I are gonna take off then. She you guys later.” Riley grabbed Khloe's hand and tried to make a break for it, when Kris stopped them, “How about we all go out for dinner tonight?” Riley was about to say no, but everyone else agreed, so Riley had no choice but to say yes. God this was going to be torture!

Later that evening, as Riley was getting ready for dinner with her family, she couldn't help but glance at her phone. He still hadn't called. Sighing, Riley went back to finishing up her hair and make up. When she was done, she went to her closet and pulled out a Warehouse Cocoon Shift Dress. Slipping that on, she piked out a pair of nude Louboutin sky high platform heels. When she was dressed and ready to go, she sat down on her bed and once again stared at her phone, willing it to ring. As she was staring at it, Khloe walked in. “Why are you staring at your phone?” “Cause I'm hoping that it'll make Cristiano call. So far, no luck.” Khloe sat down next to her, “You mean he still hasn't called?” “No. And he said he was going to. Guess I didn't make as big an impact on him as he said.” “He's probably just busy.” “You see that's what I thought. But I know that's not it. It's just not meant to happen. I was a fool to think that someone like him would want anything to do with someone like me.” “Give it a bit more time Ri. He's gonna call, I just know it.” “Alright. He's got until tomorrow at noon. If he doesn't call by then, then I know it wasn't meant to be.” With that, Riley and Khloe stood up and walked out of the room, leaving all thoughts of Cristiano behind as they headed out to the family dinner they were both dreading.

When Riley and Khloe pulled up to Viridiana, they were annoyed to find a bunch of photographers waiting outside. “I bet you anything, Kris and Kim called them.” Khole stated with a role of her eyes. “I wouldn't put it past them. Come on, lets go in before we get yelled at for being late.” Getting out of the car, Riley and Khole headed towards the entrance of the restaurant. “Finally you get here! We've been waiting forever!” Kim complained as the two of them took a seat at the table. “Please. We're not that late. And judging by the wine, you didn't wait that long.” Khloe smirked. Kim just rolled her eyes. After the waiter came over and took their drink order, the interrogation started, “So Riley. How did you and Cristiano meet?” Kris asked. “We actually met at a photo shoot.” “What were you doing at a photo shoot. You're not model.” Kim wondered. “No, you're right I'm not. But in case you forgot, I'm a photographer. I take pictures for a living. And that's how I met Cristiano.” “So how long have you two been hooking up?” Kourtney was the next to ask her something, “We're actually not dating. We went on one date. And it just so happened that photographers were there. That's it. I'm not dating Kim's sloppy left overs or anything else you or the media thinks.” Riley had to take a sip of her wine before she hit somebody. “Good. Because you're not good enough for him. He needs someone hot and that's not you. You could never satisfy him like I could.” Riley needed to go now, before she killed Kim. “If you'll excuse me.” Riley stood up and made her way to the bathroom. Standing in front of the sink, she splashed cold water on her face, trying to calm down. She hated how she let her sister get to her. One of these days, she was going to stand up to Kim and everybody else. That day, was just not today. When she had finally calmed down enough so that she could go back out there without wanting to kill Kim, she walked out of the bathroom, only to bump right in to somebody. “Oh god, I'm so sorry!” Looking up, Riley saw the last person she was expecting to see standing there.

“Cristiano?” “Riley. What are you doing here?” He asked, suddenly looking very nervous. “I'm here having dinner with my family.” “Your family is here?” “Yeah. Why don't you go over and say hi? I'm sure Kim would love to see you again.” Riley said with a roll of her eyes. “Um, well-” “I was just joking Cristiano.” “Right. I knew that.” “Are you OK? You seem kind of nervous about something.” Before Cristiano could answer, a tall leggy brunette walked up to them, “There you are. I was wondering what was taking you so long.” Riley stared as the brunette put her hand on Cristiano's arm. “Yeah. Sorry, I'll be right there.” “Don't take to long, the food's getting cold.” As the brunette walked away, Riley felt her heart plummet in to her stomach. “Riley it's-” “No, it's fine. You and I aren't dating. You don't owe me any explanation.” “But I-” “Seriously, it's fine. Go back to your date. I've gotta get back to my family.” Walking away before he could say anything, Riley tired to keep the tears at bay as she walked back to the table her family were sitting at. She knew he was too good to be true.