Status: Hope you guys like it, this is the first time I've ever written about Cristiano Ronaldo

Life, Love, and the Kardashians

Chapter 7

Over the next week, Riley ignored Cristiano’s calls. She even went so far as to block his number. She found it kind of funny how she so badly wanted him to call, but now that he was, she didn’t want to answer. She didn’t tell anyone what happened, just that it wasn’t going to work out for her and Cristiano. Riley was thankful when her family went home because that meant she didn’t have to answer any questions about Cristiano.

It was a Saturday, and Riley was in the middle of cleaning her house when there was a knock on the door. Opening it, she found 2 dozen of her favorite flowers on her front porch. Looking around, she didn’t see anybody. Picking up the flowers, she went back inside and placed them on the table. She found a note which said, “I need to explain about that night. Please meet me at the park at 2. Cristiano.” Riley didn’t know what to do. On the one hand, she kind of wanted to hear his explanation, but then on the other hand, she just wanted to forget about him. She knew she needed to talk to somebody, so she grabbed her keys and headed off to Laney’s.

"Hey girl! What’s up?" Laney asked as soon as Riley walked in to the store. "Hey Lane. I need your advice." "Sure, what’s up?" "It’s about Cristiano." "What about him? Did something happen?" "Yeah." "What? Tell me!" Taking a seat, Riley went in to the story, "Well, you know how I went to dinner with my mom and sisters last Monday? Well, while I was there I ran in to Cristiano. He was with some leggy brunette. I knew it was too good to be true. I’ve been ignoring his calls ever since. I just haven’t wanted to talk to him. Then today he sent me flowers with a card asking me to meet him at the park we went to on our first date. He said he wants to explain about what happened that night. I don’t know what to do! A part of me wants to go and hear what he has to say, and then the other part of me is just saying forget about him and just move on. What do I do?" "Well, the first thing you need to answer is this; do you really like him?" Riley was silent for a moment before answering, "Yeah, I do. I could see myself really falling for him. But that’s the scary part. I don’t want to get hurt, I’ve been hurt too many times in the past." "Well then here’s the next question; is he worth the risk? If yes, then go and meet him. If not, then walk away now." With a pat of her hand, Laney left Riley alone to ponder the question.

By the time 2 rolled around, Riley still didn’t have an answer to the question. Deciding to go for a drive, she somehow wound up at the park. She sat in her car and debated whether or not to go find Cristiano. Fate must have hated her, because as she looked up, she saw Cristiano standing at the playground in the park. He wasn’t looking at her, so he couldn’t see her; but she could see him. She could also see the little boy he was with. “Oh god that’s his son!” Riley started to have a mini panic attack. She didn’t know if she could handle meeting his son. Deciding to suck it up, Riley got out of the car and headed over to the playground, “Cris?” Cristiano turned around and Riley watched as a smile formed on his face as he saw her standing there, “I was beginning to think that you wouldn’t show.” “I almost didn’t.” “I’m glad you did.” “So, you said you wanted to talk?” “Yeah. Why don’t we got sit on the bench? Junior. We’ll be right over here. Don’t run off.” Riley saw the little boy nod before running back to the jungle gym as they walked over to the bench. As soon as they sat down, Cristiano started talking, “That wasn’t a date. That woman was just a friend of mine. Her name is Adelina. I’ve known her practically my whole life. I haven’t seen her in a while since she moved to Brazil. She was in town for a few days, so that’s why I didn’t call you after I said I would.” “Just a friend?” “Yes. She’s actually married with 2 kids.” Riley groaned, “God I feel like an idiot!” Cristiano shook his head as he grabbed Riley’s hand, “Don’t. If I was in your position, I’d have probably reacted the same way. But you have to know Riley, that I’m crazy about you. I’ve only known you for a month, but you’ve found a way in to my heart faster than any other girl has before. I’m not going to throw that away so quickly.” “I guess I just figured that a guy like you wouldn’t be interested in me.” “A guy like me? What do you mean?” “A good looking guy. You’re hot Cris, and I’m the ugly step-sister!” Cristiano used his hand to turn Riley’s face towards his, “I don’t see any ugly step-sister here. All I see is Cinderella.” Riley shook her head, “You’re crazy.” “About you.” Riley blushed as she looked down. “Papa!” Cristiano looked up to see Junior running towards him. Picking him up and placing him in his lap, he looked at Riley. “Riley, this is my son Junior. Junior, this Riley; my girlfriend.” Riley stared at him in shock. She hadn’t been expecting that. “Hi.” Junior waved at her shyly before hiding his face in his dad’s chest. To Riley, he was the cutest thing ever. “Hi.” “He’s a little shy apparently.” Cristiano said with a roll of his eyes. “It’s OK.” They sat on the bench for a little while longer before Cristiano looked at her, “Are you hungry?” “A little. Why?” “How would you feel about dinner at my place?” “That depends.” “On what?” “Are you cooking or is it take out?” “I’m cooking.” “Then my answer is yes.” “Great! Let me just get our stuff together and then you can follow me. Alright?” “Sounds like a plan. Do you need help?” “No, it’s not too much. Go ahead to your car.” Riley did as he said and waited for him to be done. When he was, she followed him to his house, suddenly looking forward to dinner.