Status: Hope you guys like it, this is the first time I've ever written about Cristiano Ronaldo

Life, Love, and the Kardashians

Chapter 8

"So, what are we making?" Riley asked as they walked in to the kitchen after dropping Junior off in the play room. It was supposed to just be Cristiano cooking, but he’d somehow roped Riley in to helping. "We’re making Portuguese roasted potatoes with smoked sausage and tomato." "Sounds good and simple. So what exactly did you need my help with?" "I don’t. I just couldn’t do this if you weren’t in here." He told her before pulling her in to him and kissing her sweetly. Riley reluctantly pulled away, "As nice as that is, if we don’t stop now, we’re never gonna have dinner done." So with that, they separated and got to work. They moved around together like they’d been doing it all their lives. Like they were meant to be doing this together. When they finally had the food in the oven, Riley set a timer on her phone and she and Cristiano went to play with Junior in the playroom.

Dinner was a fun affair, Riley laughed and smiled the whole time as she listened to Cristiano tell stories of his son. She could see just by the way he looked at him that Cristiano really loved his son. When they were done with dinner, it was close to 8 o’clock and Junior was starting to fall asleep at the table. “You stay here, I’m just going to put him to bed quick. I’ll be right back.” As Cristiano took Junior upstairs, Riley decided to help out by doing the dishes. She was elbow deep in soapy dishwater when she felt a pair of arms wrap around her waist and a pair of lips kiss the right side of her neck, “I thought I told you to stay put? I could have done the dishes.” Not stopping or turning around, Riley replied “I know, but it’s the least I could do.” Not another word was spoken as Riley continued to do the dishes and Cristiano stayed wrapped around her. When the dishes were finally done, Cristiano pulled away from Riley, “How do you feel about some wine and a movie?” “Grease?” Riley said with a giggle. Cristiano rolled his eyes, “I should not have told you that. But no, no Grease. You go pick, I’ll get the wine.” Parting ways, Riley went in the direction Cristiano told her. Walking over to his extensive movie collection, Riley looked it over before laughing at one movie in particular. She couldn’t believe he had it, it was her all time favorite movie! “So what did you pick?” Cristiano asked as he walked in with a bottle of wine and 2 glasses. Turning around with a smile, Riley showed him her pick, “The Rocky Horror Picture Show. My all time favorite movie. Which honestly I can’t believe you have.” “Blame my brother in law. Alright, let’s put it on.” Once the movie was on, they sat on the couch, cuddled up with a glass of wine each, both content in each others arms.

After the first movie, they started a second one and another bottle of wine. By the time both were done, it was well past 2 in the morning. “Oh god it’s late! I should probably be heading home.” “I can’t let you drive home this late. You look dead on your feet, plus we’ve been drinking. I would be an idiot to let you drive. I have plenty of room, you can sleep in one of the guest rooms.” Riley was about to argue, when a big yawn interrupted her. Looking at him embarrassed, she nodded her head “I guess you’re right.” “I usually am. Come on.” Taking her hand, he led her upstairs to one of the guest rooms. After kissing goodnight, Riley went to bed fast; dreaming about her evening with Cristiano and Junior.

Riley was awoken the next morning by music and laughter coming from the kitchen. Curious as to what was going on, she got out of bed and headed downstairs. Walking in to the kitchen, she saw Cristiano and 3 women dancing and singing as they cooked. Riley had to stifle her laughter, Cristiano was a horrible singer. But he was a pretty good dancer. They hadn’t noticed her yet, so Riley used that to her advantage and went to the bathroom. When she looked in the mirror, she was thankful they hadn’t noticed her; she looked horrible! Her clothes were wrinkled, her make up was smudged and she had a serious case of bed head! Running her fingers through her hair, she brushed it the best she could. She couldn’t fix her make up, so she decided to just wash it off completely. Smoothing her clothes out the best she could, Riley rechecked herself in the mirror before deciding that this was the best she was going to get. Walking out of the bathroom, she was greeted in the hallway by Junior, “You stayed.” He smiled at her before gesturing for her to pick him up. Placing him on her hip, she walked with him towards the kitchen, “Yep I did. Hope that’s OK with you.” Junior nodded his head as they walked in to the kitchen, completely unaware that everyone was now staring at them, “I like you, so it’s OK.” “Glad to see you two are getting along.” Cristiano smiled as he made his way over to the two of them. He kissed Junior on the head before taking him from Riley and putting him on the ground so he could go to his grandmother. The Cristiano pulled Riley in to a kiss, “Good morning, you sleep OK?” “Yeah, your guest bed is very comfortable. I just wish you would have told me you were having people over this morning, I wouldn’t have stayed over.” “Don’t worry, it’s just my mãe e irmãs.” Riley might not have understood what he said, but she could tell instantly what he meant; the 3 women were his mother and sisters. Oh shit.

But it turned out that Riley had nothing to worry about. His family as amazing! They told Riley embarrassing stories; much to Cristiano’s annoyance. At around noon, Riley decided that it was finally time for her to go home and check on her dogs. Cristiano was walking Riley to her car when she brought up something she’d been wondering about since yesterday afternoon, “Why did you call me your girlfriend?” “I’m surprised you’re just now bringing that up.” “Well there was never really a time to. So?” “Because I want you to be.” “But why? We hardly know each other. What makes you think we could even work?” “Because I feel it in my heart. I told you yesterday that you made an impression on me. Unlike any other girl I’ve ever been with. This could be something great. And I’m willing to take a chance on it. The question is, are you?”

When Riley got home later that afternoon, she had the biggest smile on her face. She was so consumed with thoughts of Cristiano, that she jumped a mile in the air when Laney spoke from where she was sitting on her couch, “Where the hell have you been? I’ve been waiting here since last night!” “Jesus Christ Laney! Give me a heart attack why don’t you? I gave you that key for emergencies, not to scare the hell out of me.” “Oh don’t be so dramatic, an this was an emergency. I haven’t talked to you since yesterday afternoon. Did you meet with Cristiano?” “Yeah, I did.” “And? How did it go?” “Really well. We worked everything out. And I got to meet his son. He’s definitely the most adorable little boy I’ve ever seen.” “That’s great. But where were you last night?” “I stayed at Cristiano’s.” Laney squealed, “You little minx! With his son there!” “No! God Laney! He invited me over for dinner and I slept in the guest room while he slept in his room. Then this morning, I met his mom and sisters.” “Meeting the family already? That’s kind of big for people who aren’t even really dating.” Riley looked down at that, trying to hide her smile. “What?” Laney asked. Looking back up, Riley couldn’t wipe the smile off of her face, “Actually we are. I’m Cristiano’s girlfriend.” Laney jumped up and pulled Riley in to a hug, “Oh sweetie, I’m so happy for you! If anyone deserves to find their Prince Charming, it’s definitely you.” Riley couldn’t help but smile at that. Cristiano was definitely her Prince Charming; she just hoped that she was his Cinderella.