Status: Input would be lovely, thanks. Active.

Twin Sized Mattress


January 5th, 2005,

An overturned tree with mushrooms growing out of it seemed fitting for the moment after Clara received the news; "We are moving!" Three simple words shook her to the core. Moving? Her family couldn't move, their lives were planted in Australia for as long as she could remember. She couldn't even remember her childhood in America, and now she was to return to make up the lost time with her grand-mother. The girls mind rushed back and fourth debating the news, it couldn't possibly be a good thing to move?

As her feet picked up her up once again and dragged her out of the woods, she found herself walking towards the small town she lived in, up to a small store and purchasing a pack of cigarettes and a lighter. As she made her way outside, she tore the wrapping off and placed the second one in, in the middle row upside down for luck. Grabbing a different cancer stick from the pack,
she places the pack and wrapper in her pocket and lights the fag. As she inhales she sighs, walks the long street towards her home. Thankful for the comfort in the pack of Newports, she puts her ear-buds in and listens to The Beatles.

When she reaches home, she doesn't bother to care about smelling of smoke and cheap perfume, she walks into her soon-to-be old home and disregards her mother packing the picture frames of their life into a box labeled "photographs, fragile"

"Bunny you need to pack only what you need in your room, right now. Your father and I explained earlier how we need to be out by tomorrow night."

Nodding, and almost unwillingly I picked up a large box from the floor and a roll of packing tape. Leaving that in the hallway, I enter my room opening the closet and picking up a suitcase, my kitten Sebastian meowed at my feet. I pushed the suitcase onto my bed and picked him up, stroking his fur a few times before setting him down. He eyed me curiously as I pulled out all of my favorite clothing, and makeup to neatly pack in the case. Once that one was full, I pushed it in the hallway and took the other out of the closet. Filling this one up with every other necessity that I couldn't wait to be shipped out, I zipped it and slid it out of the room.

Ignoring the box I got comfortable on my bed, Baz sitting beside me and my laptop on my stomach I decided to make one more post on my blog.

"Do you ever lash out in anger over the most simplistic things? I do, and I very well did today. My parents gave me the news of us moving to a different country this morning, and we are expected to be gone tomorrow night, and on a flight the following morning. After receiving the news, I picked up my iPod, wallet and walked out the door making sure to slam it on the way out.
I have not a single clue on what to do here, because I really have no close friends I am not bothering to say goodbye.

January 6th, 2005 Perth Australia."
Waking up the next morning, it became apparent that I had a few hours left in my home. Walking downstairs in pajamas was a mistake, because there were many people moving our belongings out of the house. My father greeted me in the kitchen, a variety of doughnuts were on the counter. Next to the doughnuts was the remains of a six pack of beer. "You know Bun, we aren't moving because we feel like ruining your life. You understand that, don't you?" My fathers words came from heart, and I nodded with a small smile to reassure him. I grab a beer and wink at him, returning to my room.
Sitting on my bed, my cat purrs while softly circling my feet. I open the beer; slowly taking sips of it's musky, bitter taste I swallow the whole can in the matter of minutes. Setting it on my dresser, I make sure all of my belongings were neatly packed away in boxes.

Seeing the room completely bare left a bitter-sweet taste in my mouth, or maybe it was just the cheap beer I had just drank. There were no posters on the wall, and the curtains were gone. The blankets on my bed replaced with a now sleeping kitty. As I decided there was no reason to stay in this room any longer, I put Baz in the kitty-carrier and brought him down-stairs. My parents nodded, grabbed their belongings and we made our way to the car. Looking back at our home, through my bedroom windows you could see men lifting up my mattress and carrying it downstairs.

Once my father put the car in drive, I refused to look back. The dogs in the very back in whimpered in a large carrier, and with Baz on my lap cuddling against the door of the carrier seeking my warmth, our family of three and our plus ones were ready to leave Australia forever.
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Hi, this is just a prologue. This entire story will be written in Clara's point of view.