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The Sea

The Sea

Somewhere in the deep of the sea there is a world that no one has ever seen before. A world completely different from ours. Everything is full of color and beauty. The water is clearer and the fish are happier. The turtles, oh the turtles, they swim with joy and the sea horses swam around their reefs. You see schools of fish swimming all around racing to where they need to be. Everything and everyone is happily swimming and getting along. At least thats what it seems like on the outside.
Theres always more to what meets the eye.
Soon you see the sharks eating the once smiling fish. Terrified, they hide but its no use. They cant get away. And what's all of the black stuff in the once clear water? The turtles are dying.
Now theres no one to play in the reefs and the water is so dark that you can barely see what's in front of you. What happened? What went wrong? What happened to the joy and happiness of all the sea creatures? Why did all of the sudden the sea.....just die?


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Hope you liked it and thanks for reading