Anxious Hearts and Anxious Minds

Take a breath and let the rest come easy

-Alex's POV-

'Mum, do I really have to go?' I ask shakily, pulling my sleeves over my hands, 'yes Alex, honey, this will be good for you I promise, you don't want to live your entire life like this, do you?' she sighs, hugging me, 'well, no, but I really don't think I can do it.' I whisper, 'you can sweetie, the kids at this place all have the same or similar problem to you, it'll be so good for you, I promise you baby, you're going to be okay.' she whispers, 'I'm scared.' I sigh, 'I know honey, I know.' she breathes.


'Right Alex, time to say goodbye and then I'll take you to your room.' Kathryn, one of the counsellors smiles and I sigh and nod, 'bye mum, i love you.' i whisper as I hug my mum tightly, 'I love you too baby, you're gonna be okay.' she whispers back.
'Come on Alex, I'll take you to your room, pass me one of your bags.' Kathryn smiles and I sigh and hand her one of them, 'you really don't need to be scared dear, the boy your sharing with is lovely.' she beams and I gasp, 'I'm sharing with someone!?' i ask shakily, 'yes honey, it'll be fine, I promise.' she smiles softly.

(later on)

My hands start shaking when the bedroom door opens and a guy around my age walks in, 'oh, um, shit, you're Alex, right?' he stutters, 'yeah...' i whispers, 'I'm Jack.' he says softly, sitting down on his bed and running a hand through this black and blond hair, I tug my sleeves down over my hands and take a shaky breath, 'hey, calm down, I won't hurt you.' Jack smiles softly, 'I know, I'm just not used to this. I hate meeting new people.' i sigh, 'I understand, but I won't ever hurt you.' he smiles and I smile slightly.

(a few days later)

'Hey, why didn't you get breakfast?' Jack asks as he sits down on his bed, 'don't feel up to being around people.' I mumble, 'I get it. Do you want some chocolate?' he asks and I look at him with an eyebrow raised, 'chocolate helps me, I have loads.' he chuckles and leans over, grabbing a chocolate bar out of his bedside table drawer and throwing it to me, 'here.' he smiles, 'thank you.' I whisper.


'Can I ask a question?' Jack says quietly, 'yeah.' I whisper, 'how long have you had anxiety?' he asks softly, 'since I was young. It got worse when my brother died when I was 14.' I sigh, 'oh, I'm so sorry to hear that Alex, shit.' he gasps, 'it's fine Jack, don't worry. How long have you had it?' I ask, 'since I was about twelve. I got bullied a lot and that caused it.' he shrugs, 'sorry.' I mumble, 'don't be.' he smiles softly.