It Was A Lie When They Smiled And Said You Won't Feel A Thing

Chapter 42: My Wounds Are Not Healing

We all stared at the doctor. Speechless, and shocked. A silence shaked our spines and sent chills throughout our whole entire bodies.
The doctor took one last, miserable look, and walked back to the OR.
I sniffed a few times and finally got it out, "Pre-pre-prepare ourselves?"
No one answered my stupid question.
I just felt like jumping into Frank's arms and crying my eyes out, as I had done the past week.
Just leaning onto his chest and feeling his gentle squeeze made me feel so secure.
The only problem was, there was no Frank to do that with right at the moment.
Miserable and no one to go to, I ran into Gerard's arms. He didn't move for a short second but finally he just hugged me tightly, exactly like Frank did to me.
I sobbed into his shirt and silently prayed to God for forgiveness and guidance. For him to make Bob live, and so Frank would be fine and out of the hospital as soon as possible.
I started to hypervenalate (sp?) and got so dizzy.
There was a faint voice in the back round. "Kristen calm down. Just relax."
The voice led me to a chair and I gratefully dropped onto the seat, and relaxed.
I opened my eyes about two minutes later. I was sitting on Gerard's lap. Interesting. It felt exactly like Frank's lap.
I tried to get up, but failed and fell back down onto his lap.
I was still hypervenalating, but not as bad. Slowly my breathing got back to normal.
I didn't want to get up from Gerard's lap. It felt just like Frank's. It was so comforting, and it filled that deep void, that was practically killing me. I cried into Gerard's shirt and squeezed him.
I closed my eyes and listened to the sounds in the outside hall. "Get him on (insert name of machine that keeps people alive for a short amount of time here XP)!"
Said one voice.
A doctor walked into the waiting room. "Excuse me. Bob Bryar's friends."
"We're more than friends! We are his family!!!" I yelled at the doctor as I slowly stood up.
"Ah, yes. Ok, then Bob Bryar's family, you may come to say goodbye now."
The doctor sounded slightly pleased in saying that.
Luckily I wasn't the only one to notice this.
"Why are you so happy about that?!" said Cathleen.
"I-I-I wasn-"
"Yes you were! Just stop and bring us to Bob!" she shrieked.

We walked slowly to the room where they had Bob. Cathleen gasped when she saw him. She ran to the bed and cried by his side.
She hugged his arm and kissed his cheek. "Cathleen its ok! Don't worry he's going to be fine." Kate lied.
"I know…" whispered Kate.
We all walked slowly up to the mass lying on the hospital bed.
He looked so, peaceful. He was quiet and comfortable. He was almost out of all his pain.
Shortly Frank was wheeled in on a wheelchair. His eyes were red and his face was drenched.
"Frank!" I ran over to him and hugged him gently, trying not to hurt him. His hand entwined in mine as he cried more.
"Are we ready now?"
"Bob!" cried Cathleen.
"Are we ready here?" said a different doctor.
Everyone looked at me.
"Frank doesn't get to say goodbye?"
"I'm sorry but-"
"No! Frank needs to say goodbye. We cant just not let him say goodbye to him!"
"Fine. Nurse go get…Frank?"
"Right Iero."
"IERO! Eye-year-oh!! Pronounce his fucking name right doc!"
He nodded at me, and then at the nurse.
Shortly Frank was wheeled in on a wheelchair. His eyes were red and his face was drenched.
"Frank!" I ran over to him and hugged him gently, trying not to hurt him. His hand entwined in mine as he cried more.
"Are we ready now?"
"Bob!" cried Cathleen.