Status: On-going <3

I'm Siriusly in Love?

Chapter Five

Friday came very quickly. As soon as I woke up, James was asking me all about my plan for how he was to ask Lily out and succeed. So, after classes, I met him outside and we talked about the plan.

“So, do you get it, Prongs?” I asked, hoping this would be the last time I’d have to explain it. I already had to explain it three times.

“I think so, yeah. I give her a note with a clue on it and then she’ll get more notes and she’ll follow those all the way up to the room of requirement, which will be set up for our dinner date, and I ask her once we finish dinner. Is that right?” He asked.

“Yes! Good job, Prongs! Now, Sirius and I will take care of the dinner, Peter will get the notes ready, and Remus will help you clean up, OK? Now, let’s go! Operation Doe is on! Go meet Remus in your dorm.”

“Thank you, Athena. Really, you’re a lifesaver.” James grinned at me.

“I know, Prongs. Now, get going!” James ran off and back into the castle. I met Sirius on the seventh floor.

“Onyx! Thank Merlin you’re here! I forgot how to open the room of requirement.” Sirius blushed lightly. I chuckled, but walked past the room of requirement three times, each time thinking of a perfect place for Lily and James. A door appeared in the grey brick and I walked through, with Sirius following me.

“Did you bring all the food?” I asked Sirius.

“What kind of mate would I be if I didn't?”

I shook my head at his response and began to set the food out with Sirius’s help. I lit the candles and spread flower pedals around them. I put the finishing touches on the room and stepped back to view my masterpiece.

“Wow, you really know how to plan a date.” Sirius gasped as he stepped back. I blushed slightly.

“Thanks, now let’s skedaddle before any of them see us.” I grabbed Sirius’s hand and dragged him out of there. We passed James on his way up, running since he was almost late. He looked very handsome.

“Good luck, James!” I called as he ran past. He gave me thumbs up and continued running. Sirius and I continued on our way back to the common room. No one spoke. It was nice and peaceful.

“Hippogriff.” The portrait swung open and Sirius and I stepped through to the common room. Only a few of the Gryffindors were still in the common room. I sat down next to the fire. The flickering flames were beautiful in the darkening room.

“How do you think he’ll do?” Sirius sat down next to me.

“Hm?” I asked, a little confused as to whom we were talking about.

“James, how do you think he’ll do carrying out your plan?” Sirius elaborated.

“He’ll do wonderfully. I coached him for hours after classes. Besides, I already know Lily likes him, she just doesn't want to admit it, because you’re bullies.”

“You think we’re bullies?” He exclaimed dramatically.

“Sometimes, yes. You go too far with your pranks. I appreciate a good prank, but hurting people isn't pranking. It’s bullying, Pads.” I admitted. Yes, I pranked with them, but I never, ever participated in their bullying. Setting off a dung-bomb in Filch’s office? That was fine, but holding someone upside down and pulling their pants down? That’s just mean and uncalled for.

“Really? I never actually realized what we were doing.” A look of regret flashed through his eyes. It was only fleeting, though.

“Well, yeah. That’s why Lily doesn't want to go out with Prongs. I can understand it, though. I wouldn't want my boyfriend to be a prick.” Sirius chuckled at my statement halfheartedly. With the realization of what I just said, I turned a shade of light pink.

“Moony! That was a nice outfit you picked out for James.” I yelled out as I saw him walk into the common room. He jumped back, surprised by my loud voice.

“Oh, er, thanks. Hopefully he doesn't blow it tonight.” Remus replied after he got over the fright. For a werewolf, he was pretty jumpy. I thought about the calendar and the moon phases. The full moon was in around a week, maybe that’s why he was jumpy.

“Yeah, let’s cross our fingers.” The two purebloods looked at me in confusion. I, too, was a pureblood, but didn’t they know what that meant?

“You know, we don’t understand your muggle language, Onyx.” Sirius whined. Remus nodded in agreement.

“Let’s hope for the best. That’s what it means, guys. Seriously, pick up a muggle book sometime, or hell, talk to one!” I suggested a little loudly.

“I don’t like to read, Onyx.” Sirius explained.

“I don’t like to talk.” Remus tried to reason.

“Whatever, I’m tired. I’m gonna go up to bed. Night, Remus. Night, Sirius, see you tomorrow morning.” Remus looked confused at the last part of my statement, but I was already up the stairs before he could say anything. I heard a faint ‘goodnight’ from both of them before I shut my door and collapsed on my bed.