Take It Out on Me.

part five.

Today should have been a great day for them, celebrating Jack’s birthday and then the party with all their friends.

Jack really didn’t want to do any of it now, but who could blame him. He really didn’t want to answer question on where Bella was either. He had no idea how he was going to handle that, especially when the media gets ahold of it.

He sent her a text.
We need to talk. Come home.

Bella was getting ready to check out when she received the message. She prepared herself to get yelled at. She knew it was she deserved. She hurt him.

Bella got into her car and headed back to their house, well once their house. She knocked on the door and Jack answered.

You could tell Bella had been crying, her eyes were red and her face was puffy. Jack had a puffy face as well.

“Hi.” Bella said.
“You didn’t have to knock.” Jack said, as she walked in the door.
“I just don’t know what to do anymore.” She said.

They sat down at the kitchen table.

“I’m still hurt and still can’t even put together why you did all this.” Jack began. “But I don’t want to deal with questions about where you are tonight, I want to try and enjoy this as much as I can, so with that. Still come to the party tonight?”

“If that is what you want, I will.” Bella said.
“You did plan the whole thing.” He said. “I don’t want to deal with everyone knowing right away.”
“I understand.” she said. “I’ll grab my stuff for tonight and take off.”
“I have that player appearance and out with the guys to be surprised.” Jack said. “You can just stay here.”
“You sure?” She asked.
“I’m still upset, but I want tonight to be some what normal.” He said.
“Thank you.” She said.

Jack left and Bella got her stuff from the car. She didn’t know if she should just pack everything up. She felt like a stranger in their house.

She did get the decorations from the spare room and start setting them up. She tried to just act like she was still living there but it was too weird.

She had no idea where she was going to go after tonight. She still was mad at herself for messing up the best thing that ever happened to her.

The place was starting to come together. She was impressed with how it looked. She headed to the store to pick up the cake and the food for tonight.
Sidney sent another round of “Sorry” texts. Bella just ignored them. She didn’t need that right now.

Bella finally had everything set up and ready to go. With just a few hours to spare to get ready. She made sure to do her hair and makeup like Jack liked it.

She also fixed his birthday gift. She took out the stuff that had Sidney in it. It still looked pretty good, a few pictures from St. Marys and an old jersey from his hockey days their. It also had a picture of them from draft day. She didn’t know if she should have left it but Jack could do whatever he wanted with it.

Everyone started to arrive and she acted normal as possible. Finally the birthday boy arrived and the night was going well. Everyone was mingling and having fun. Thankfully no one picked up on how Jack and Bella were acting. Too everyone there, they were just that young couple in love with no worries.

The night ended and everyone headed home. Jack had a great time, well he acted like he did. It was a good distracting for what was lying ahead of him.

Bella was cleaning things up.
“You don’t have to clean all this up tonight.” Jack said.
“I was just going to do a little and then leave.” Bella said.
“Where are you going.” He asked.
“Another hotel.” She said.

She handed him her gift. He opened it and smiled. He really did like it.
“How did these two people go from that to this.” He said.
“One of them was an idiot.” She said. “Jack, you have no idea how sorry I actually am.”
“I get your sorry but cheating. I can’t get over that right away, or I don’t even know if I can.” Jack said.

Bella tried so hard to keep the tears back, she knew she shouldn’t be the one crying. A few tears fell from her eyes.

“I know. I don’t deserve you being so nice to me right now” Bella said.
“I still love you, and I don’t know if that will ever go away but right now I am so angry.” Jack said. “Of all things to do to a person and then with their best friend. It was just wrong.”
“I know how wrong what I did is. I shouldn’t have done it. When I was that mad, I should have talked to you or just let us cool off in different rooms.” Bella said.
“You should have done that then, not think about it now.” Jack said.
“I know. I have no idea how I can ever make this up to you.” Bella said.
“I don’t know if there is a way. I think for now, we need space.” Jack said.
“I’m going to go back home. I’m going to ask for a transfer.” Bella said.
“That’s a good idea. You can stay in the guest house till that goes through.” Jack said.
“Thank you.” Bella said.

Bella just went to the guest room. It was hard not sleeping beside Jack, but in a way she was used to it. But he wasn’t on the road, so that was weird. But yet again, she knew it was her own fault.
The next morning, Bella packed as much as she could. She went into the hospital she worked at, she placed her transfer, they said it would be a few days but it would be fine since she was only going back to Michigan where she was originally from.

A few days later, she was packed up and ready to head home. She really didn’t want too but she knew it was for the best. It was what Jack wanted and thats all that matters right now.

She had to figure out to gain his trust back. She didn’t know if that was even possible now.
She still loved him. But that wasn’t enough right now.

“Safe travels Bella.” Jack said.
“Thanks. You can call or text me anytime.” Bella said.
“I know. Don’t expect anything for a while. This is going to take a lot to get through.” Jack said. “I still love you, but I can’t be with someone who cheats.”
“I know. You deserve better. Good luck with everything.” Bella said.

Bella walked out of their once shared house. She got into her car and began driving off.
She couldn’t believe she was heading home without Jack.
She messed up big time. How was she ever going to get through this.

What is meant to be, will happen when it’s ready?

That’s all she could hope for, for now.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thank you for the comments and reading this story :)
enjoy :) xoxo